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Posts posted by neolego

  1. I agree, "Cars" was the best Pixar movie yet and that's staying something from the company that brought us Toy Story.

    I knew about the cereal toys, but a Battery Pack? Can you be a little more specific JL. Was it like Energizer or something like that? neo

  2. Ok, since skids kind of tip-toed around it, here is another idea:

    Title: Marvel Minimates Vs.

    Genre: Fighting

    Players: 1-4

    Platforms: PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, GameCube, DS, and PSP (for antacost)

    Release Date: Winter 2006

    Story: Doesn't really need one. However, you could take the Single player through a "Civil War" type of mode where a story does play out.

    Presentation: Over-the-Top Fighting action. Quick, Jazzy beats. Stages set in smaller, blocky places.

    Graphics: 2D/3D fighter. Large, open environments to fight in with branching hidden areas. Colorful and Vivid backgrounds and Characters Models with just the right "lack" of detail.

    Gameplay: Think Super Smash Bros. Controls are very simple but can be very deep.

    Online: There would be an online lobby, kind of like DOA on the 360. You choose your Minimate figher to chill out with. Once a fight is complete the loser is kicked to the lobby and the next fighter gets transported to the battle field.

    Playable Characters: 30+ Playable Characters all with different uniforms.

    Unlockable Content: There would be several hidden characters and stages to be found as well as additional uniforms for each fighter.

    Personally, I'm not a big fighting game fan, but a game like this would never leave my console, especially when friends were over :). neo

  3. Heck yes, and I LOVE the Symbiote crawling on Pete while he's on the bed. Much like a old cartoon I used to watch ;).

    Very cool. I cannot wait until Apple gets this bad boy up so I can see it in quality.

    Also, you can notice someone (*cough**harry**cough*) flying around on a goblin glider. Does anyone else think Gwen's gonna take a fall in Spidey 3? neo

  4. So, is anyone here interested in the new "Cars" movie merchandise.

    I've actually started a small collection. I loved the movie so I wanted to collect all the "Hot Wheels" style cars. However, I didn't know how hard this was going to be. So far I've got Lightning and Mater and Luigi and Guido and a Tractor. But I've had some problems finding any new ones. I went about a week before the movie and I had Doc, Sally, and Filmore in my hand but I said to myself. "Self, you'll have plenty of time to get those cars, don't worry about it today." So I didn't, and I haven't either of them since. It actually kind stinks.

    Also, I've started going to McDonalds. They have 8 "Cars" happy meal toys. I have 6 of them. I'm only Missing Luigi and Lightning. Seriously, I've been looking for two weeks and have found Lightning yet. That kind of suprised me.

    So, am I the only "Cars" fan in here or are some of you out there looking for'em too? neo

  5. Ok, so I was sitting down playing LEGO Star Wars on my 360 last night and it got me thinking. LEGO Star Wars is by FAR my favorite Star Wars game that I've ever played. It takes what I love about Star Wars: The Story, the Characters, The Action and joins it with what I love about LEGO: The Building, the fun, the simplicity. So, it got me thinking how SWEET it would be if they developed a Minimates: The Game. Will it ever happen? Probably not. Minimates are Mass Market enough to sustain or even warrant a Video Game release, but who knows what the future holds. There are a lot of LEGO games and Micro Machine Games and Hot Wheels Games so there is always a chance. What I thought we could do, for any of those that are intrested (and are pretty much bored and wanna play along), imagine that you are making a pitch to a Game company about Minimates: The Game. Everything from design to production to marketing, whatever you feel like making up. Here's one to start:

    Title: Marvel Minimates: The Game

    Genre: Action/Adventure

    Players: 1-2 (Co-Op)

    Platforms: PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, GameCube, DS

    Release Date: Winter 2006

    Story: Magneto has joined forces with Dr. Doom to take over the world. With newly designed Doombots and Brand New Sentinels, our Marvel heroes have their "mini-hands" full.

    Presentation: Everything is minaturized. From the look of the skyscrapers to the people walking down the street.

    Graphics: Colorful, Vivid, and imaginative. Fully 3D with weather and time of day effects

    Gameplay: There is a list of characters to choose from. Each one with special moves and abilities. There is a free-roam essence to the game play. Players will use their Hero to play through the 50+ missions and unlock a number of special features. The whole game can also be played Co-Op with a friend at home or online (depending on console).

    Playable Characters:-Spiderman


    -Captain America

    -Ghost Rider

    -Iron Man


    -Human Torch


    -Emma Frost


    -Silver Surfer (Hidden)

    -Blade (Hidden)

    -Colossus (Hidden)

    -Iron Fist (Hidden)

    -Thor (Special Hidden)

    -Magneto (Unlockable)

    -Dr. Doom (Unlockable)

    -Vemon (Unlockable)

    -Jugernaut (Unlockable)

    -Absorbing Man (Unlockable)

    Unlockable/Hidden Content:

    -Find Hidden Characters thoughout the Game to Unlock them.

    -Defeat a Boss Battle and Unlock that Boss as a playable character.

    -Unlock Additional Costumes for each character as you play (Spiderman 2099, Patch Wolverine, etc)*

    *Each character will have at least 1 with a number of them having several costumes

    -Unlock "Danger Room" bonus missions to be played whenever

    Also the Game would be released in a "Collector's Edition" that would include a Full Poster, Check List for Minimates in the Game, A 2nd Disc with Featuretts, and a Limited Edition Thor Minimate.

    Dang, I'd buy that game in a heart beat. So, does anyone else have any ideas or what do you think? Would you buy a Minimate game? Let's discuss. neo

  6. Well, don't everyone start discussing at once now. Man, this was Lurch's idea and he didn't even both to post. I'm saddened :(.

    Anyway, since no one wants to play along, I'll answer my own question.

    There is one special feature that I'd like to see become a staple for all animated releases. DVDs have become known for their commentaries. Then a number of DVDs took it a step further with pop up factoids like Spiderman for instance. I would like to see a side-by-side comparison for animated features where you can see the voice actor and the movie playing at the same time. A lot of times you hear how animated use the actor's facial expressions to help give character and life to an animated figure. As an example, take Toy Story. In the scene at the gas station you would have 1 side of the screen be the movie, playing in real time. On the split side you would have a recording of the Sound Studio where Tom Hanks and Tim Allen are. Here, as Woody says "You Are A TOY!" You would, at the same time, see Tom Hanks as he is recording the lines.

    I've mentioned this to my friends, some thought it was a great idea and some thought I was a moron (not an uncommon thought). Maybe this would only be something diehard animation fans would really enjoy, but I really think it would be awesome and might even lead me to buy Animated movies that I wouldn't nessarily purchase alone **cough**BrotherBear**cough**. neo

  7. Crap, it's hard to pick just one.......Hmm.....

    If I had to pick I would say it's Ben Reilliy Spiderman. Bascially I loved Ben and I wish he would have stayed and since I don't have a Scarlet Spider I'll stick with that one.

    But, I love ALL :). neo

  8. Well, since Lurch called me out, I figured I'd start up the thread again. In my humble opinion DVDs are the greatest invention since the microwave. The idea that you can get a Movie at such high quality along with wonderful special features (given the company cares to add any) is just a win win situation. So, back at AA's official forum I started a thread to discuss all things DVD. What you like, what you don't like, what you'd like to see, etc. Pretty much anything relating to DVDs can be posted inside here. We will start from scratch and see where things go.

    To kick things off I have a Review:

    (Reviews on a :) out of 4)

    :) = 1

    :mellow: = 1/2

    Justice League: Season 1

    The Show: Honestly one of the best cartoons of our time, and possibly one of the best of ALL time. I have to be honest that I'm not a DC fan. I've followed Batman since I was young but that was related to the Movies and old animated series. I have no background in the universe outside of Bats. That being said, I actually enjoy this more than any other cartoon that I've watched. The show is character driven which is wonderful. Why does Diana live on an island with no men? Why does Martian Manhunter stay around? Can the Flash ever be serious? These are what the show is focused on. People might think that the "Justice League" shouldn't be limited to 7 members, but I think keeping the team small and focusing on these stapes is the reason this show is more than just pretty animation.


    The DVD: The DVD isn't widescreen. WB has taken care of that for Season 2. Outside of the loss of WS Presentation, the colors are vivid and the pictures are clear. It's a animated kids show so you shouldn't expect Pixar, but it's very well done.


    The Extras: This is where my disappointment comes in concerning cartoon show releases. They are targeted at kids, so you get what I like to call "Kid Extras". Sure, if I'm buying a season of Dora the Explorer I don't expect to have deep insightful commentaries or behind the scenes or anything like that. However, when you are tapping into a lore that has followers of all age I think it's important to include good special features. Not to say the set is lacking, because it has a couple of cool roundtable type of discussions and has a couple of really good commentary tracks (Namely "Legends pt2"). I would just to see more. Things like beating Superman up to show the threat levels and not using the traditional Green Lantern stunts to make him more adult are the things that I long to learn as a fan. I would love to have commentaries on, at least, every story and, at best, every episode. But, in the end you still get some pretty good stuff for "Kid Extras".


    Overall (not an average): :):):):mellow:

    Recommendation: Buy

    Alright, I'm in the middle of finishing Season 2 of Justice League. I'll have a review up in a week or so. For now, let's start the discussion. Here's a topic we can start with.

    What special features (new or old) would you like to see in DVDs and how would you like them to be used?


  9. Wow, there is no way that I can pick just one, but I can give you my top 5. In no certain order:

    1. Pirates of the Caribbean

    2. Lord of the Rings (Trilogy)

    3. Cars

    4. The Incredibles

    5. Gettysburg/Gods and Generals

    Of course, there are tons more out of my 300+ DVD collection that I love, but these are my top five. neo

  10. I found mine the week they came out, along with the Javelin and Batcycle and I bought all 3 of them. Even though it's not show acurate, it was still a sweet looking helicopter and I love having it. The ONLY thing I might consider trading it for would be the previously unreleased "The Batman" Batmobile. I know it was never released, but for all the sets that we never saw released that is the one I wanted more than anything. neo

  11. White it will be a big week, Justice League is the only Must-Have release. I was never a huge fan of the Animated Superman Series. Superman has just never been interesting to me. That of course was before Justice League and Smallville. Now I can tolerate Supes, as long as Flash or Batman or Green Lantern or Wonderwoman is there to make up for it.

  12. I also hope they do a Green Lantern Corps. Boxed Set (although they haven't said if Box Sets are possible). However a GL set with Hal, John, Kyle, Guy, and Parallx (sp?) would be SWEETNESS.

    However, If I had to choose just one figure, that would be easy. Since I already have Batman and Nightwing from C3 the only other character that I like is Kyle Rayner. Whether is a Sweet Green Lantern Kyle from his last uniform or the current Ion Kyle I wouldn't care. I just want a Kyle Rayner figure. neo

  13. It's good to see better pictures of the Mates. Here are my thoughts...

    -What the crap did they do to Luke Cage. They should have included a removable Skull Cap that you could take on and off. He literally looks like he has grey hair. Really, from the eyes down the figure looks great. Too bad

    -What the crap is up with Shadowcat. This was actually the ONE figure that I was looking forward to in the wave and they screwed her up. Shadowcat doesn't dissapear. That's Invisible Woman. Why in the crap are her arms and legs phasing. That doesn't even represent her powers in the slightest. If anything, you need to just pull off her legs at the torso and set her on the table and then it will look like she is walking through something. I've VERY disappointed in the figure. If they were going to do something stupid like this they should have made the magically disappearing figure a variant. ARGH!

    -Please God let Wolverine come with his mask. I love the ideas of Getting Hair and Mask. However, if they choose to release this Wolverine like the Comic Con Tan Wolverine with no mask I'm going to be pretty ticked. If anyone reads Astonishing X-Men, anytime Wolvie's in costume he has his mask on. Again, hopefully I'm wrong and he comes with both, but if he doesn't I'm gonna be pretty upset.

    -Is there good news? Yes. I love most of the figures. Beast looks great and I love Ronin. Again, even though they screwed up Shadowcat, I can't wait to get her. And I LOVE the new figures of Cyclops and Emma Frost both and Colossus getting some more love is wonderful.

    Even with all of my complaints, I will still buy the full series as soon as they both come out. It's just hard now to look at the quality of the DC mates and realize that Marvel is actually 2nd place now :blink: neo

  14. Man, there are a few given, but outside of those it's a tough bag.

    I'd say the ones that are a given are Thor and IronSpidey. If that's the case they there wouldn't be a 'Theme' per-say but more like the last few waves. However, if Thor would classify as Avengers, Spidey would classify as Spiderman, my money would be on an X-men 2 pack.

    Thor: 95% Chance


    Loki: 85% Chance

    Vision: 70% Chance

    She-Hulk: 65% Chance

    Ultron: 45% Chance

    Iron Spidey: 90% Chance


    Iron Man (Modern): 75% Chance

    Mary Jane: 70% Chance

    Aunt Man: 65% Chance

    Hobgoblin: 60% Chance

    Angel: 70% Chance


    Wolverine (of some kind): 85% Chance

    Apocalypse: 80% Chance

    Psylocke: 65% Chance

    Husk: 15% Chance


  15. First I'd like to say Hi to everyone. I didn't get an email you were all leaving so for the past 2 weeks I thought I was all alone in the world.....I missed you guys :)

    Anyway, the movie was Good and Bad. I'm a huge comic fan, but I try not to let that interfer with a good movie. Much like X1 and X2 I took what I knew about the characters and just let the movie play out. Here are a few of my thoughts:

    The Good:

    -Anything with Pheonix in it. Sure, the story wasn't what I had hoped for, but the Effects were awesome and truly made her look like something to fear.

    -Twists and Turns. Maybe I was the only one, but I didn't read anything about the movie going in on purpose. I like being suprise and this movie was full of them. Cyclops and Prof X. Iceman Icing Up. Shadowcat being Awesome. Mystique losing her power. Just to name of few........and oh yeah, don't forget about the ending...

    -WOLVERINE. Wait, let me say it again, WOLVERINE. Hugh Jackman is Wolverine. I am still awe struck by how he has brought the character to life. No matter how lackluster a scene may be, when he walks in frame he puts the film in drive. If they ever made a X-man movie without Hugh it will be the end of the series.

    The Bad:

    -Cyclops biting it. Sure, this was bound to happen, but come on. Like I said earlier I try not to bring comics into the theater, but this was Cyclops. This was like Xavier's child. He IS the leader of the X-men. Not flippin Hallie Berry. I was really hoping that he would play a huge role and that he would be the one that had to make the final call on Jean in the end. I was very disappointed in his story. However, like it's be mentioned he died off screen, so there is that chance....

    -Iceman vs. Pyro. If you would have told me that the climax battle would be between Iceman and Pyro I would have been first in line. They have built this relationship between the first two movies. Of all the cool things I was looking forward to in X3, this fight was on the top of my list. The movie even started out great, building even more tension. And then it happened.........Iceman Headbutted him. WHAT DID I JUST SAY !?!?!? That's right, Omega Level Iceman that can freeze and control any mosture in the air won a fight but a Headbutt K.O. That was capital Lame! What a letdown.

    -Wolverine vs. No One. Ok, given, there was a good scene in the woods where Wolverine whipped up on some people, but I was looking for a good ol' fight. In the first movie we got Wolverine vs. Mystique and Wolverine vs. Sabertooth. In X2 we got Wolverine vs. Lady D. And, in X3 we got Wolverine versus a Hot Redhead who didn't even put a fight. I would have like to have seen a Mid-Movie battle with a Magneto Owned Omega Red or even Wolverine vs that Spikey dork guy just for fun or Better Yet, I would have liked to see Wolverine take on Juggs again at the end of the movie, this time for Keeps. Like I said earlier, Hugh Jackman/Wolverine takes both X1 and X3 from a C+ to an A. I would have liked to see him do what he does best....a little more.

    The Ugly:

    -Lack of Character Development. Seriously, if there was one thing Singer did well is was develop these characters. This whole movie seemed like Storm's Circus. A love triangle between Iceman, Rogue, and Kitty? Yes Please. Frasier as the Furry Beast in the White House? I'll have two. Colossus? Sure, I'd like to know his back story. Leech? Not sure what tree he fell out of. There was just so much left unsaid. Am I forgetting someone? Read on......

    -The Avenging Angel? Or more like The Lackluster, Only Concernred for Himself, Boring, and Underused Angel. Seriously. Was I the only one who couldn't wait to see Angel Fly with the X-Men. Well, he flew, 3 times, and had nothing to do with the X-men. Honestly, there was NO REASON to put Angel in the movie. He served NO PURPOSE. The beging of the movie I was like "YES, I can't wait to see Angel in Action". Then, as the credits rolled I turned to my wife and said, "Did you see Angel in action, I must have missed it?" Talk about a complete waste of Talent, Character, Special Effects, and Story.

    -The Future. With a number of Solo projects there is no telling if and when we might see another X-Men movie. That is said. Especially because some of the actors are going to move on and might not be so interested 5 or 6 years down the road. Same

    Now, before you judge my comments. I really liked the movie. I would probably rate it 3 1/2 out of 5 stars or a B- if you will. It had it's moments and in some of the things that it did (Phoenix, Danger Room, etc) it did very well. In the same vien it also had some just disappointing turns (Angel anyone???). All in all, X2 still stands to be the gem of the trilogy. I just can't help but thinking how GREAT this movie would have been if Singer would have sticked around. Damn you Singer. Damn you Warner Bros. And Damn you Man of Steel. That is all. neo

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