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Donny B

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Posts posted by Donny B

  1. But it doesnt matter. Cuz I have no time to make any, let alone a fleet of new customs...

    Or a four-page gatefold recreation of Jim Lee's X-Men 1, or the continuing adventures in Minopolis...

    Face it, you're doing Barbarella. No wait... I don't mean 'doing'...

    Exactly. No time, no time... me and my stinking self-imposed MMA deadlines. I dont know what I was thinking... :P

  2. No, I'm totally just kidding. I don't hate people for not having intelligence or talent. Really.

    And I haven't figured out what character I'm doing yet. My first thought was to do the entire main cast of 4400 (I love that show... well, the few episodes I've actually managed to see of it so far). But I can only do one custom. And I wouldnt know who to pick.

    Then I thought I would do someone from the cast of Firefly/Serenity. But again... who?

    Ahhhhhhhhh! Such a hard choice! So many minis that I want to make!

    But it doesnt matter. Cuz I have no time to make any, let alone a fleet of new customs...

  3. DonnyB and I should probably discuss this before we both enter the same custom. Maybe I can throw him off the trail by mentioning how much I love Barbarella...

    Dude, I dont know what you're talking about. I'm making a Bret Ratner custom. It's totally Sci-Fi that hollywood never banned him from directing. Or breathing.

    Or maybe I'll make a Joel Schumacher custom... :P

  4. I would like to take a moment to officially announce the relaunch of Minimate Adventures!

    As of this moment, is open to the public (finally!)...

    Some of you may remember this site from a while ago. I started it two years ago this week, but took a break 6 months into it. The past year and a half have been crazy for me, and I wasn't able to commit as much time as I wanted into revamping the site. But little by little, I worked on it when I had the chance... and now, the redesign is complete and ready to be viewed by the public again :lol:

    So... take a wander over to and take a look around. There's plenty there for new and old fans alike! And while you're at it, drop me a comment or whatever and let me know what you think! I'd love to take any suggestions to make the site better!

    I just hope that y'all enjoy it. In reality, I produce these comics for myself... but I make them available for viewing so that other people can get some of the enjoyment out of them that I get :D

    Updates on Fridays B)

  5. Thanks to everyone who entered the contest and made some wonderful pieces of art - I'm surprised I won.

    Thanks to eveyone who voted for me.

    And big thanks to everyone involved in the contest.

    Everyone want to do it again next year?

    I'd say let's do this like once a month.

    Yeah, I know that's not exactly realistic, but hey, I really seriously enjoyed the contest as a whole. I would totally participate in the next one, and the next one, and the next one...

    We should definitely at least make it an annual thing :D

  6. I pre-ordered one via CornerStoreComics... a lot of people have not-so-great things to say about that site, but I've gotten the majority of my mates through them. But if I had known that the mini javelin was going to be so crazily in demand, I sure would have picked up several. I'd hate to think of what would happen if I somehow lost or damaged my Martian Manhunter or Flash...

  7. Beast looks a little odd, what with the minibeard thingie, and the paint apps on his face seem somewhat unusual. Im not so much complaining, I just think it was an odd direction that they went it *shrugs*

    Overall, I am really liking these! That's a pretty good likeness of Jean, esp. Storm looks a decent amount like Halle. I'm liking the overall look of Storm, too. Especially with the folds of the cape. Wolvie doesnt look too awful lot like Hugh, but it's passable. Colossus looks better than the AXM version, imo. And Juggs looks perfect!

    And yes, Ady - the claws do look different. They seem thicker...

  8. Yeah I had taken the last of the stock too from a couple stores, only to get the Wolvie Iceman packs. I visited 12 Targets and only found them at two locations <_<

    Wow. That stinks.

    But still, I would rather have Wolverine/Iceman 2 packs than Sue/Abomination ... I mean, Sue/HideousThing 2 packs. :P

  9. Susan and Ben mock me here in Los Angeles as well. I bought a couple just to make room for the new stuff. (I also took the box - yeah!)

    Yeah... i visited my local Target today and bought the last of the Sue/Thing 2 packs (there were 5 of them... I totally blew $30 on minimates that I dont want... heh. no, i gave two sets out as gifts to friends, and I'll be able to use the others for custom fodder. but I digress) just so they would get the newer assortments out. But man! I never thought to take the box! CRUD!


    *runs down the hall and finds a knife to gouge his eyeballs out with*

    Okay. Im all better now.

    Man, I wish I had thought to take the box!

  10. I wanted to give an open invitation to the first few people who are willing to help... I have a (minimate) website that I'm about ready to 'debut', but before I make it open to the public, I was hoping I could get a couple of people to give me maybe half an hour and help me by taking a look around the site. The thing I need is a couple of different types of computers looking at it (its a browser test, mainly) ... I currently have Internet Explorer and Firefox. Everything seems fine to me, but I dont know how it looks through various other browser (like Safari, for example... I dont have access to a Mac), or if certain settings on random computers make it look better or worse, etc.

    If there is anyone out there willing to give me a hand, I'd greatly appreciate it! Drop me a PM :D

  11. It says this winter, does this really mean they'll be out this winter?

    That could be as late as March...

    If they were smart, they'd have released these in conjunction with the X3 DVD release.

    Oh well. Maybe they're planning the release of these mates along with the X3 special edition that's coming out at the turn of the year? (I dont even know if there is a special edition... but with the marketing trend in DVDs, I wouldnt be in the least bit surprised if they did that. And that would be a good time to release these mates, from a marketing standpoint) :huh:


  12. Well, I have said this already on this thread... but since there are two others who are saying the same thing, I will jump on the wagon and add a third voice to this compliment (I mean... I don't know how many people Cloneme made a Scarlet Spider for, but it seems like we're all destined to echo this thought ;) ) ... yes, apparently I would jump off of a bridge if TC23 and JL were jumping too :P

    So, Ummm... "Ditto".

    Yeah. My Scarlet Spider custom rocks my face off and back on again. Very professional. *thumbs up*

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