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Posts posted by Mnemosis

  1. There are three Mojos that I'm aware of. There's this guy, Mojo II, and Ultimate Mojo. If you're talking about a short fat man in a suit, that's Ultimate Mojo. If you're talking about a tall thin yellowskinned dude, that's Mojo II, who usurped Mojo for a while as ruler of the Mojoverse. However, if you want the leader of the spineless ones, the original entrepreneur of reality TV, the master of Spiral and creator of Longshot, and the one true undisputed king of creepy, then THIS is the mate for you.

    The Mojo I was referring to was the white guy in the blue and yellow costume. Evidently Marvel recropped the image later in the day to reveal a Mojo with whom I'm more familiar. He'll be getting one of my votes. That's a 'mate I'd like to see DST tackle.

    Now I just need to decide on another...

    I have no idea who that is... What did he do? Good guy? Bad guy? Powers?

  2. even though i voted for Onslaught and Mojo, i am also surprised at how many people are NOT voting for Wrecker. this attitude of 'i want them all so i'm not voting for just Wrecker' is ridiculous. i'd buy a box set of the Wrecking Crew, but i'm not a huge Wrecking Crew fan. considering all the fuss that's been made about them, if you want the WC, you should vote for Wrecker now, not for Apocalypse because he 'kind of needs an update.' i agree ol Poccy Lips could stand to be beefed up, but i could wait onit. i grew up only reading X-Men and have only followed Avengers since Disassembled (and have pretty much dropped them over the last few months) so i'm not familiar with any of the other bad guys, that's why i voted for who i WANTED.

    Huh... This is basicallly my reading history, too. Crazy.

    I started the X-Family with the Jim Lee relaunch, reading all four main books. I've read nearly every X-book since. Avengers I started with Lionhearted of Avalon (just prior to Disassembled) and have read since, though lately I'm losing steam with them.

    Most pubs I go in stock beer,cider,whisky,lager,soda-pop,water,vodka & wine......I like them all but I prefer beer or lager.

    If I went into a pub & the 'tender asked what I'd like & which would I'd prefer I wouldn't be thinking "They'll have beer & lager tomorrow so I'll have a 'whisky & water' thanks " .

    I want Zemo & Strucker ,they're offered, I'll take them please.....sod this tactical schmactical voting nonsense let's get them on the table whilst the chance is there .

    Your analogy is terrible, because they'd have whiskey and water tomorrow, as well.

    I used to go this one restaurant with Daily Specials. Friday, they always offered Prime Rib. They also had a great fish and chips. If I went any other day of the week, I'd get Fish and Chips, but if I went on a Friday, I'd get Prime Rib. Why? Because the next time I went it might not be Friday so Prime Rib might not be an option.

    The argument people are making is that of a handful of characters they like, they can only choose two, so they're choosing the two they feel they're least likely to get else wise.

    I'm just gonna point out... say what you will or won't about whether you do or don't care about Mojo as a character...

    But you have to admit he'd make for a hell of an interesting looking minimate. I'm just curious to see how that would be realized, lol.

    I presume like MODOK he would have standard minimate arms... but as for the rest of him, I'm really not sure...

    Would he even have a head? lol...

    I'm imagining a standard head, arms and upper torso on a sculpted base, like the Halo Prophets. Torso has a "fat" chest cap like W:O Blob, hairpiece is heavily sculpted to add some mass on the sides and back (maybe dreadlock-like wires similar to Atlantean Guard's hair), and gangly claw hands like GB Theater Ghost.

    Awesome. I seriously hope he makes the cut.

    1) sculpted base, yes, but I'm wondering.... Moveable spider legs that clip on like arms maybe?

    2) I'd guess he'd have a Kinpin-esque upper body and a Juggernaut-like headpiece with the wires hanging down like hair

    3) would he even have the tail? Hope so!

  3. The greatest American hero team ever assembled!

    Before there were Thunderbolts...there was:


    Hmmm... Nice drawing of Avalanche LOL

    Although this could be the answer... One boxset of Sauron, Phantasia, Blob, and Toad as the Brotherhood and one of Mystique, Avalanche, Pyro, and Destiny as Freedom Force

    I was gonna say Doom Patrol xD

    but if its gotta be marvel, im gonna have to go with the teams that got me into comic books



    Both excellent choices. I fear, though, that their popularity has peaked, and DST missed their window to make them. :(

    I don't know. I feel like Runaways could make a great boxset, ESPECIALLY if a movie ever happens. Molly, Chase, Nico, and Old Lace mayhaps?

    I could also see two-packs of Young Avengers every so often, or even as a wave down the line.... Patriot/Hawkeye, Vision/Stature, Hulkling/Wiccan, Hulkling/Speed.

    Okay, you're right.... Totally unlikely.

  4. Since I have newfound hope for Team X, the Brotherhood, and F-Factor, it's GOTTA BE...


    The Acolytes! Let's go with two box sets:

    Fabian Cortez, Amelia Voght, Two Kleinstocks with some sort of conjoined upper body

    Exodus, Melancamp, Senyaka, Scanner


    Here, all this time, I thought that my X-Men minimates WERE representing the X-babies!

    Haha - for a while, I had my superhero squad X-Men with Marvel Legends Mojo & Spiral :)

    This... this is brilliant! Now I wanna track down some SHS figs for my Mojo and Spiral!

    Okay, I'm officially out of my depth when it comes to Marvel characters. I'm a DC lad and it's definitely showing when I only recognize two of the villains on the ballot. Random thoughts:

    • While I THOUGHT I was familiar with a Marvel character named "Mojo," this ain't it.

    • Onslaught would be a cool looking 'mate and the thought of a Xavier/Magneto spawn is threatening enough. Problem is I've never been a huge fan of the X-Men.

    There are three Mojos that I'm aware of. There's this guy, Mojo II, and Ultimate Mojo. If you're talking about a short fat man in a suit, that's Ultimate Mojo. If you're talking about a tall thin yellowskinned dude, that's Mojo II, who usurped Mojo for a while as ruler of the Mojoverse. However, if you want the leader of the spineless ones, the original entrepreneur of reality TV, the master of Spiral and creator of Longshot, and the one true undisputed king of creepy, then THIS is the mate for you.

    As for Onslaught, it's just too cool and dynamic of a look for me to not want.

  6. I'm going to make a prediction:

    Team X Wolvie/Mojo


    Banshee/Troop Builder

    Blue and Yellow Banshee/Troop Builder

    We all assume 2 a-listers, but maybe that WON't be the case. And while it's not reflected here, I'd bet is still getting more votes for a Wolverine figure than anyone else in poll one. All depending upon who the troop builder is, this breakdown would allow for some 2packs that actually make a shred of sense

    I'm pretty sure Zach said two from the A-list poll. He seemed pretty confident they wouldn't do three A-listers and only one of the support and villians, but I don't think we'll get two from each of those groups.

    I recall that being said. I merely remain hopeful that it maybe doesn't play out that way. I imagine if the votes were extremely one-sided in the A-listers poll, they MIGHT give some consideration to only doin one of the A-Listers

    Luke! Youbastards! Mnemosis! Mojonslaught friends, unite!

  7. As cool as Onslaught could end up, there's no way it would look as cool as the 3'' one antacost made a few years back.
    I have one of his of 2 customs I have ever bought. It is pure awesome. Having said that I'm torn because I would wonder how a real release would turn out. I was talking the other day with my brother on how maybe a bulked up Apoc might be a possibility...though I'm not sure he needs to be bulked up.

    I love the existing Apocalypse. One of my first mates when I started collecting earnest. COULD they make a better Apocalypse? Maybe. But is it even close to necessary? Not at all, in my book.

  8. I'm going to make a prediction:

    Team X Wolvie/Mojo


    Banshee/Troop Builder

    Blue and Yellow Banshee/Troop Builder

    We all assume 2 a-listers, but maybe that WON't be the case. And while it's not reflected here, I'd bet is still getting more votes for a Wolverine figure than anyone else in poll one. All depending upon who the troop builder is, this breakdown would allow for some 2packs that actually make a shred of sense

  9. I disagree entirely. Between bulked up bodies and new tooling, I'm betting Onslaught would be AMAZING, I'm also hoping - perhaps foolishly 1 he'd come with interchangeable parts to make Monster Onslaught from the end of the event

    Which isn't to say that's not an amazing custom. I just DO believe it could be unseated.

    I made a great Ghost custom that looks good alongside my T-Bolts. Could DST make a better figure? Absolutely.

  10. Mojo/Onslaught

    1) Onslaught's days as a viable character are numbered

    2) Mojo will tie in nicely with Longshot and get us some great new pieces

    3) BOTH will display nicely alongside my 90s X-Villains

    4) I don't need a new Apocalypse, I don't want Abomination or Vengeance, the Barons have a good shot at getting made anyhow, and Wrecker? Not without the rest of the Crew.

  11. 'Suspenders' in the UK means something other than 'suspenders' in the US.

    I dream of Emma in them :wub:

    (looks up ‘suspenders’ to see what you’re talking about)

    ah, okay...

    yeah, well it’s like those Suspenders too I guess (with the cape being the stocking) but it looks like you guys call what we call ‘suspenders’ (the two straps worn over the shoulders that hold up a gentleman’s pants) you call ‘braces’ in the UK... so in that case “Emma’s cape has little clasp on the shoulders that work like braces”

    (braces is the term we use for orthodontic corrective devices in the states... I can only assume you call those ‘garter belts’ in the UK by transitive property)

    <3 <3 <3

  12. While we're at it, my vote for an AvX Avengers set would be:

    Bleeding Edge Iron Man




    ...or, as MM just suggested, sub in Scarlet Witch. Personally, I'd put her in place of Protector, as he's barely done anything his entire stint.

    3) I doubt they'll do that on the show. 4) If you're watching that terrible show, spoilers are the least of your worries.

    #3 I think you're wrong

    #4 you like to push your opinions on others. The show is great but not a clone of the books. We get it, you don't like it.

    Kirkman has flat out said in an interview that he regrets takin Rick's hand in the books as it is somewhat limiting at times, and therefore - coupled with the difficulty of recreating the look in a satisfactory way - is against it happening on the show.

  13. Hmm hints. Ok 80's and Banana's.

    Its a Bananarama pack (80's UK pop group) We all know it was female peer pressure that got the Seeking Susan pack made maybe they are Bananarama fans as well.

    I hope everyone realises I'm not being serious about this at all :teehee:

    It truly shall be a cruel, cruel summer.

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