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Posts posted by Mnemosis

  1. 7 hours ago, elhonez said:

    I just got back from San Diego, and was personally psyched to see how Squirrel Girl came out. Given the variance of styles that mates have adopted over the years (from the simplistic early years, to arguably specific artist-inspired cross hatching like the Gambit / Psylocke 2-pack), I don't see these animated mates as significant deviations from the "norm." But YMMV.

    The whole foundation of minimates is basically cute-ized versions of Marvel characters, with the beautiful irony of being fairly hardcore toys with tons of accessories and articulation. If a design style tilts slightly more toward cell animation than a particular artistic style, I don't find it to be significantly distracting. I respect the varying opinions on this issue, but unmade characters will always top my wish list over re-dos of animated figs that are basically 616-accurate.

    Also: Hyperion!

    Couldn't. Agree. More.

  2. I want to thank you guys. Every time I come to the Multiverse, I'm reminded of how lucky I am that 1) I'm not a completionist and 2) I don't mind the animated style asking with regular mates. It makes my collecting experience FAR more enjoyable to just buy what I want and be happy with what we have. I understand that for some people, that's not enough. I'm not being snarky. I'm saying you all truly make me feel better about MY collecting habits.

    My GotG display is a mish mash of animated, movie, and comic (Angela) figures. My Avengers only include the characters and figures I like, so I'm never upset that I HAD to buy a figure I didn't like the design of, just because. And I get the play pattern of Minimates, so when a new head looks better on an old body (Jubilee) I really don't mind upgrading at the loss of the two distinct figures. ::shrugs::

    I'm sorry for those of you who feel the line doesn't serve you well, in one way or another. I think it's pretty fantastic.

    Did Marvel Legends have a bigger year than Minimates? Sure. But I'd argue they're STILL playing catch up after all those years where DST OWNED the Marvel landscape. Not to mention the pre-SDCC mates that were announced. Can't wait for GSXM, Tigra, Enchantress, Black Knight, and the Mandroid!

  3. 2 female

    5 male

    3 villain

    4 hero

    1 character has been done before, twice

    2 slots to an army builder

    The army builder pack-in is one character with two looks


    Black Knight (classic w/90s parts)/Abomination


    Mockingbird (Classic)/Mandroid

    Mockingbird (Modern)/Mandroid

    Two female characters COULD still net us three female figures, right?

    Wasp (black and gold)/Ghost

    Ms Marvel/Hood

    Black Knight (90s)/Mandroid

    Black Knight (ANAD)/Mandroid

    The biggest problem here is that I don't know if ANAD BK could carry a spot.

    Dr. Strange (ANAD or astral)/Baron Mordo


    Brother Voodoo/Mindless One

    Dr. Voodoo/Mindless One

    Tigra and Mockingbird would be an admittedly weird fit in the wave, but hence the mishmashery.

    I feel confident that the entirety of the wave exists within my three guesses, it's just a question of how they all come together. I really think our returning character is Wasp. Zach said two with a question mark. Classic Wasp is one. Hope Van Dyne or Zombie Wasp's head are both "sort ofs." Do you count either? Both? So "two?" feels like the best way to address the matter.

  4. Seriously...

    Madrox vs Purifiers

    Modern AIM vs Mandroids

    Hand vs HAMMER

    Mindless Ones vs Dire Wraiths

    I would likely order a case, then trade my Mindless Ones/Dire Wraiths for more Madrox/Purifier sets. I might also put up my HAMMER Agents If anyone wanted to unload some extra Jamies

  5. 1) Convention exclusive 4-packs can be a little more obscure

    2) ABSOLUTELY market it as X-Cutioner's song "Cable," who - as we all know - was really Stryfe. Remove Cable's bulked up trench coat (do we have one of those? Let's make one) and add on all the armor pieces. Alt head, too.

    3) Market it as Warpath "with parts to make Thunderbird." Swap bulked up chest block for powerhouse chest block, and change out the arms, legs, and head/hair

    4) Liefeld Feral really isn't "close enough" BUT... she left the team soon after. We COULD do without. If so, Zero, Gideon, red Nimrod, or Kane would all be pretty easy to do with existing parts.

    5) Sunspot gets four looks, easy. His costumed body with powered down hands/head/hair. Alt powered up shirtless torso block with all black "powered up" arms/hands/head/hair. Now you can swap pieces around to make costumed/powered up Sunspot, and by taking the head and hands and applying them to any business suit, you can make modern 'Berto

  6. Ten, are you talking about the BAF? At that scale, it's not a straight up Magneto helmet. Especially not any of the Magneto helmets we have. The closest fit would be the old Toy Biz AoA helmet. But I'm guessing that one is too small.

  7. I... TOO... have thoughts...

    Apocalypse - does not look right. Period. He looks like something out of a Beastmaster sequel or an episode of Stargate.

    Comic accurate costumes - paired against the presence of the black leather that will STILL be used, these look RIDICULOUS. Go all in or gtfo

    The franchise as a whole - Fox's X-Men movies feel like 90s cartoon versions of the X-Men, whereas Marvel's films feel like true adaptations of their characters. I would LOVE to see what Marvel could do with, say, a Second Coming storyline. Whenever they get the rights, treat it like the mutants WERE a burgeoning species but that it all suddenly halted and now your movie is the story of the first new mutant birth since the age of Marvels began. You could have a group of villainous mutants who want a messiah, a group of villainous humans who want a tribute, and the X-Men, who are acting as superheroes for the first time having trained at the Xavier School the entire time the MCU has existed. Just one take...

    And Nessex, for MY money, I'd MUCH rather a comic accurate Apocalypse-themed boxset than anything tied to THIS stinker:

    Cyclop-alypse (with interchangeable parts to make 90s Cyke for those who missed him)

    Wolverine as Death



  8. Supernatural:

    Ghost Rider/Doctor Strange/Blade/Mephisto


    Thanos/Adam Warlock/Silver Surfer/Living Tribunal


    Wolverine/Magneto/Cyclops/Professor X


    Iron Man/Captain America/Thor/Hawkeye

    Who are you, and what did you do with Kostis?

    Marvel Knights:

    Punisher/Daredevil/Moon Knight/Spider-Man

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