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Posts posted by Alpheon

  1. Those are great! Bullseye looks...well, psychotic, but I guess he is anyway. The Symbiote Spider-Man looks good with the blue highlights, but I'd say remove the muscular detailing on the chest. And Alan Scott is also good--I would trim (or sand) the fluff on the Emma Frost cape, though. Nice work on all of them! :)

    EDIT: *double take* Holy hen's teeth, I just remembered you're my age! That makes these all the more amazing...and intimidating. :(:P

  2. Destro looks great! Colossus' head works perfectly for him. And I'm really digging the accessories - where are they from?
    Here are some of the places I get stuff from. They are all made to be held by lego hands, so sometimes I have to trim down the handles.
    I'm loving those sites, and as soon as my next paycheck is in my lap I'm going to town. I was wondering, though--how DO you trim down the handles? Sand it evenly on all sides...or what? :)

    That Captain America Memorial is great--what the hey, they're all great! But you knew that. ;) Ever thought of doing a Superman one, or Green Lantern (memorial)? ... :woot:

  3. Yeah, I only knew of Incredible Crash Dummies as the 2004-2006 toy series from Hot Wheels...and Kinnikuman I know as Ultimate Muscle when it aired on the "FoxBox". Nonetheless, very good work, Lee. I especially like the Dummy. As Dragon said, "very inspiring". :)

    EDIT: Holy snap I LOVED Ultimate Muscle! Any chances of seeing a minimate of the main character? :woot:

  4. That would be good for me seeing as I have parental codes and other stuff on my computer
    I'm glad I'm not the only one. However, I think it'd be totally wickedawesomecool to have Minimate gore! I mean, come on, blowing off Bullseye's head? And I'm talking in the same fashion as when the head popped off the Sentinel in Darktide. You'd see the ball joints and stuff. That would be amazing. Any chance, Luke?

    And how the hell ( :tongue: ) can you have Punisher without swearing and gore? That makes no sense. :confused:

  5. Dang it, you guys are lucky. There's no way for me to reserve any in advance; and my LCS manager expects these to all be gone fifteen minutes after they arrive. To top it off, the delivery truck gets there anywhere from 1 to 4 in the afternoon, and I can't rely on them to call me when they get there! :( So, I plan to call every ten minutes, and hope I get lucky.

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