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Posts posted by Alpheon

  1. And besides, Bryce Dallas Howard is not the ugliest woman ever. That title goes to Michael Jackson.

    I for one think these will be great. Really great. While I think 4 box sets would've actually been a little cooler, looking at that Sandman sillouhette AND envisioning going to the theater to see SM3 with a SM3 minimate in my pocket...this'll be cool. And, the previous Gwen looked a tiny chunky and had a Barbie face. My guess for MJ and Gwen would be that they can't do any worse than they already have.

  2. Yeah, I'm like that too, but about everything. So, I'm not sure if I can relate...or not. I'm pretty obsessive, just, overall, but especially with my Minimates. Finally, when my sister asked for the LAST TIME if she could touch mine, I bought her a Phoenix/New Wolverine 2-Pack. But she never plays with them. Sigh. But otherwise, I'm pretty much with Energy-Man's situation.

  3. I would love Mirror Universe versions of any and all characters. However, as others have stated, we should get the regular bridge crew first. I'm extremely pleased we're getting Captain Pike right at the beginning--perhaps they're aiming at a chronological release of characters?

    We need a two-pack of a classic Klingon and a Redshirt. Maybe even Henry Mudd?

    (Hey...Captain Pike...availiabe Minimate wheelchair...add a dose of customized delta radiation...oooOOOOoooo...:) )

  4. Yuck. Really, I know I probably seem prissily effeminate, and I'm very much alone on this, but these are just plain nasty. Minimates are supposed to be cute (IMO). Does NO ONE think the entire concept of Marvel Zombies is disturbing and nasty? DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND ME. I AM NOT TRYING TO "EVANGELIZE" YOU PEOPLE AWAY FROM MZ. AND I DON'T THINK ANY LESSER OF THOSE OF YOU WHO DO READ IT. I just think it's a little HORRORfying, myself. And, my completist inside is yelling in protest because my mom will never let me get these. :P

    I'm sheltered. Does it show? :lol:

    And I wonder how the lucky blaggard is feeling that won that MINI_MYTE Ash custom! :D

  5. I will buy them all. Because they're minimates. It's what I do.

    But I'm not particularly excited about any of these, mainly from the personal point that I will not be experiencing any of these line's liscences. I don't watch 24. And I'm not allowed to, I don't think. I don't think I'll be able to see Ghost Rider (much to my chagrin, but "PG-13: Horror Action Violence" isn't my type of movie anyway). And I'm not allowed to see the new Battlestar Galactica (I think, but I've never asked). This was not meant as a tirade on how restrictive my parents are, I'm just saying these liscences seem to be a tiny bit narrow-scope. But that's just me.

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