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Posts posted by Skids

  1. YES!! EXILES!! I'm so happy! I read some Exiles books not to long ago and really wanted some Exile mates! and here they are! My favorite character Morph even! That Blink looks great too! betewen these and the Cannonball with a proper "fight stand", TRU is the place to be for me! :spiderham:

  2. Saying that was a long time ago isn't really a valid argument.

    I agree with Turtle that the threat needs to change to stay relevant to the readers, although in the actual 616 "a long time" is hard to come by :P... Since the Stan Lee stuff in the sixties it's been what, maybe ten years, in Marvel time?

    and I've often wondered exactly what 90's superheroes kept in all those pouches,

    Well my guess is that it was pre Cell(mobile) phones and they needed somewhere to keep all that change for payphones... besides do you have any idea how many parking meters a blackbird jet takes up?


    That or Pogs.

    I used to have some badass slammers.

    It was Pogs for sure. You never know when a bad guy would show up and try to take away all of your sweet slammers. :P

  3. I must say, I am quite happy about this wave. Like so many others, these are the X-men I grew up with, so It's cool that we are getting so many of them. I can't wait to give my X-men a much needed update! That said, we do need some X-baddies, but there time will come. by this point, I don't ever get angry if a mate I want is not in one wave, becauseI know will get them sooner or later!

  4. My thoughts:

    Spider-girl: The face looks great! and the rest of the body looks different enough from Ben IMO. I like it!

    USW: looks good, but as she's the chase, I don't have too much of a desire to get her.

    HOM Spidey: ... doesn't he look somewhat familiar? Not different enough form any other red suit spidey to really excite me. and beside, I liked the slip-on masks! I like being able to take off his mask. but on one like this, the mask can be swapped out for any other red suited mask....

    Insulated Spidey: Now this is more like it! It's a unique look, as far as Spidey suits go. I like this one too!

    Electro: What can I say? Perfect! I don't really see whats so bad about the mask, but maybe I need to look again...

    Scorpion: Looks great, but why no slip-on Mask!? Mac as Venom has no unmasked face, Mac as Scorp has no unmasked face... I guess they are saving it for the Dark Avengers set, but I really have no interest in that set. bet They are using the unmasked Mac face as incentive to further boost the appeal of an (IMO) rather unappealing set, but.... Come on DST, don't play me like that ;P other then that rant, Scorpy looks superb!

    Vault Guard: Knowing nothing about this guy, I think he looks pretty good! I see some similarities to War Machine, but because those can be taken off if you want, it's not that be of a deal!

    Final Thought: Not a bad wave at all! the only real dud for me is HOM, but I wasn't expecting much outtta him anyway! :spiderham:

  5. Top Ten: (in no real order):

    Monica Rambeau

    Tabitha Smith

    Aaron Stack

    Elsa Bloodstone

    The Captain

    Dirk Anger



    Mass Master


    So really, just Nextwave and the Power Pack.

    Awww, screw it, GLA too!

    Mr. Immortal

    Big Bertha



    Squirrel Girl

    Dinah Soar

    I guess I need a :wolvie: and :spidey: too, huh?

    .....SPIDER HAM!!!! :spiderham:

    annnnnd.... feral wolvie, I guess....

  6. Yay! the FA set is great, so we can get non-zombie versions of Hank and Jan. Heros Mates has me very exitcted!, but endding the Zombie line does not. I want to the Con, but on Sat and Sun, so I had no idea about these. All I saw was stuff shown at Toyfair. (although I hadn't seen the Rocky 3 mates before... Mr. T :mrt: and Hulk Hogan!! YES!!) :spiderham:

  7. Lobo and Ambush Bug....?!?! OH MY GOD!!! IT'S JUST WHAT I WANTED!!! I even said that I wanted these guys way back when Ma Hunkel was posted! They look great, and I can't wait! :spiderham:

    Off Topic: I'm back! (I hope) Dsoe anyone even remember me?

  8. Hi, first time Asker here!

    Will the Zombie mates be a small relese because of the subject matter, or will they be a wider relese? Like target or TRU relses? I ask because it can hard for me to find mates at my LCS sometimes, and I don't want these Zombie mates to be too hard to get my hands on! Or is Zombie info still hush-hush?

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