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Posts posted by Halo11701

  1. Yeah I cant wait for the wave 1 of BSG. The only thing is, my cylon elf has no one to mingle with besides goldy. So maybe next month I'll try to get a 5 pack or 2 of moderns so my elf can lead a legion, along with six of course. :biggrin:


  2. Ok so I'm at this comic book/toy collectibles store. I ask if he has any cylons in stock he looks around and, I see he only has a classic battle damaged gold one (I was originally trying to find modern cylons) :biggrin: . I was surprised to see he had a classic one (thinking the line was dead) so I bought it along with a DC minimate pack and a lord of the rings pack. So I start asking him if he received the retail exclusives, and he brings out a cylon elf (15.99)! :woot: I was a while away from home so I thought I would never have a chance to buy this at that price again so I bought it. So what do you guys think was this a rare find, and was the price for the cylon elf a reasonable price?


  3. Heroes and 24 are in a power struggle at my house( both great,but both in the same time slot)

    24 wins becuase it has been around longer.(so we tape heroes and watch it afterwards)

    And that, my friend, is why I have DVR :thumbsup:.

  4. LOL I guess we will just have to wait and see who the clones really are.

    They're perfect! I hope to have these in my pocket when I go see the movie. :D

    Are they going to come out with real action figures or are they sticking with those Lego rejects with upside-down-wastebasket heads?

    Me too, I would definitely bring them to the movie with me! :tongue: How could some one say such a mean thing about those little guys? :sad:


  5. I saw it once, no offense but it didn't really interest me. By the way, did you guys know that they're going showing a sneak peak of Spider-Man 3 on Heroes.

    "Watch Heroes March 5th for an exclusive Spider-Man 3 clip. Then go to for an extended clip in High Definition"-The official Spider-Man 3 blog. :woot:


  6. OK, I Found my DS so now I can share my AC:WW Friend code. Here it is.

    Animal Crossing Friend code:


    PM me when you want to go on sometime :thumbsup:.

    EDIT: I found MPH here's my friend code.

    Metroid Prime Hunters Friend Code:




    I added you Neo.

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