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Posts posted by Ivan

  1. I share your frustrations with this promo situation BHM. When I first read there would be four bagged promos at this show I was afraid I'd be dragged back to eBay. (I've been clean for years.) Mr. Mona's post calmed those concerns. I wanted to believe. Now even if the goblins are reissued with the same bag that leaves us* with two versions to track down. And it sounds like as popular as these were we'll have a new batch to hunt down next year.

    (*us completist nutjobs, that is)

  2. ===============================================================



    4.) This must be a new creation from the start of this post. This doesn't mean that everything in it must be new. For example you can take a picture of your figures or old customs, as long as it is a new picture. You can take a bunch of old pictures and create a new collage. You can create a brand new custom and call it a sculpture (or actually make a Minimate sculpture). If you have more questions about this please ask.

    Dammit. Guess I posted this about a week too early.

    (Not my official entry because it would be disqualified.)

    Guess I've got to start a new entry. With blackjack. And hookers.

    Edited to remove old image, still linked though.

  3. You may want to take a look at FreeCAD for the modeling. I haven't used it but I've heard good things and it may be easier to do the 8bit stuff with a parametric tool like this instead of a polygon based tool like Blender.

    As for shapeways, I really like them. I've printed maybe a dozen things and only had one problem. After contacting them, they sent a new print. (And that was a $60 print, IIRC.) Their Frosted Ultra Detail plastic is amazing. It showed details I never thought would be visible.

  4. necro post... didn't see if anyone asked for this, but in the future, Zach, if we ever get another Dr. Strange, could we maybe get an alternate leg piece where he is sitting in lotus position? with a hole in the bottom for a flight stand?

    Something like this?


    I decided to just make the hip piece and use the standard legs.


    It took a few iterations to find the right range of movement.


    The ugliest one on the far right is what ended up working.

  5. I love Minimates because they fill the dark void in my soul that exists because of my inability to make and maintain trusting, long-lasting personal relationships that don't somehow involve a computer. At least that's what my therapist says. But mainly I think it's because Minimates don't call the cops on me when I take pictures of them.

    ...and they told me what it sounds like when doves cry.

  6. Of my many character flaws, one of the most frustrating is my inability (unwillingness?) to finish a project. So...

    New Project Time!


    Since an Enterprise-D vehicle with removable captain's chair seemed unlikely to see release, I made my own captains chair. Then I thought, "Why not do the whole damn bridge?" Then, "Oh, I could do the observation lounge and the ready room too." "Engineering, gotta do engineering with a light up warp core." "Shuttlecraft!" "Runabouts!" "Oh hell, DS9 promenade!"

    Is AdderAll available OTC?

  7. No one here has the ability to hate something out of existence.

    Don't be so sure. There are many things in this world that can not yet be explained by science. Not every Twilight Zone episode was fiction.

    Ever hear of Betty Mae's Lyrics of Love? Small Wonder Version 2.0? Fascination Time with Uncle Edwin? The Twinkie Sunset Brigade of Northern Idaho? Brad and Carl Teach Cool Algebra? Mr. Robot Loves You? The Suite Life of Zach and Cody?


    You're welcome.

  8. Hey Ivan, I'm blown away at these images! Is there a modifier or something you use in blender to get the xray effect? or was this done in another program?

    edit.... I don't suppose you'd be willing to do a skull and crossbones image, would you? pretty please

    This is all Blender. But it uses the Cycles Render engine instead of the Blender engine. With that you've got a lot more control over the rendering settings. It's also a ton more complicated. Here's the material node I used for the x-ray bones. (click to enlarge)


    I didn't come up with that myself. I took the basics from a forum post and tweaked some of the values to get the look I wanted. It's like learning Blender materials all over again.

    I didn't realize it until BHM brought it up but the images do look more like MRIs than X-Rays. Thankfully I don't have much experience with either. Apart from the stealing medical records part...

    Lobsterman, I'm not sure what you're looking for. A scaled image to print at Minimate size? Or something more complicated? Maybe I'm just tired and confused. smile.png

    Nervous, I actually worked on a skull & crossbones image six years ago, but the output wasn't great.


    I like to think I've improved... smile.png


    Obviously there's a bit of bone stretching to get the proportions right. I just assume they came from a three incher. smile.png

  9. Thank you guys. I'm glad you like them as much as I do. This was another project I was smiling all the way through. A lot of fun all around.

    I've definitely got more plans for this skeleton. I should have new posts on the site Tuesday and Thursday next week. Probably not as cool as this initial stuff, but you've got to lead strong, right? :)

  10. ...

    And the LORD spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Proton Packs and give them to four, no more, no less. Four shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be four. Five shalt thou not count, neither count thou three, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Six is right out. Once the number four, being the fourth number, be reached, then shootest thou thy Proton Packs of Spengler towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

    I knew GB2 was in the Apocrypha. :)


  11. I'm of two minds about this so I thought I'd get some outside opinions. From the neck down, are these two different figures? (Left: MM51, Right: TRU17)

    (Please ignore the alternate head and helmet on TRU17, it does come with the exact same head and helmet as MM51, I just didn't shoot that photo.)

    The difference comes down to the different shoulder pieces.

    Currently I have them as the same entry on the Minimate Database. But that was set up before I had TRU17 in hand. I'm leaning toward separate entries now, but I don't know. Are they different enough?

    Pedants welcome.

  12. In TM2's defense, I do remember this being brought up before...

    ...And after a bit of research I found this thread: Possession of Rarities. (Tread lightly, some long lost friends in there.)

    can anyone who has any of the 2003 blanks tell me if they have any copyright info on them? they are the only ones I havent been able to get yet. thanks!

    Jeff of the Minis

    Some do, some don't. My loose blue one does, but both my loose red and green ones don't.


    After checking my packaged blanks, I've found red, green, and yellow (in addition to the blue above) that have the copyright text. These packaged ones all have the Wizard World sticker, so I'm not sure if the non-copyrighted versions came from San Diego or Toy Fair.

    I've picked up more blanks since 2007, but not many. All my SDCCs (RGBY), and Wizard Worlds (RGY) have the text. I currently don't have any sealed Toy Fair packs. But there are a couple opened TF baggies so I'm assuming that's where the naked ones came from. Not as much rigor in those days. sad.png

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