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Posts posted by Smashmaster12

  1. Excuse the thread necro, but I just wanted to pass along that I just received the missing Rocky hairpiece from DST, so they are still providing those to people that need them!

    With the Rocky sets showing up only occasionally on eBay now, this seemed worth an updated post for others that may have missed this over the years.


    Oh! That's neat, I better go ahead and get one.

  2. Best 5 in order:

    1. Comic Deadpool

    2. mark 2 war machine

    3. Assault armor Punisher (seriously, how did they give him that many guns? :P)

    4. GB1 Peter Venkman

    5. General John Connor (If i only had to pick one T2 minimate)

    Runner ups:

    Norman Osborn

    Comic Gambit

    Black panter

    BD starbuck/Hot Dog (something about them just seemed a bit better than the rest of the BSG line)

    Worst 5 in order:

    1.Battle Damaged Wolverine (it's just so bland)

    2.Tory (again, it's so bland)

    3.Final Battle Deadpool (it's not too bad of a figure, but it isn't nothing fun either)

    4.Mac Gargan venom (too boring of a figure)

    5.Half human Terminator (they tried too hard to make something new, but just failed)

    It was hard making a top 5 worst, because i honestly think that almost every minimate this year had something lovable about it.

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