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Posts posted by velvet

  1. and look: i now have an avatar thingie that looks EXACTLY like my siamese cat. she was a beautiful "applehead" siamese named velvet, and she's been gone for 8 years now. damn, i miss that cat...

    Tis a fine looking feline. I lost my mate Ebony about 10 years ago, and i still miss him heaps. You just can't replace a member of the family, can you?

    thanks, nessex. and sorry to hear about ebony, by the way (my very first kitty-cat was jet black, actually... )

  2. post-3073-1268882496_thumb.jpg

    my girlfriend recently helped me to figure out how to post pics... i'm not very tech-savvy. :)

    and look: i now have an avatar thingie that looks EXACTLY like my siamese cat. she was a beautiful "applehead" siamese named velvet, and she's been gone for 8 years now. damn, i miss that cat...

  3. A certain "crazy" member here helped me out with the newest TRU wave (thanks again! :) ), and like others, I was a bit saddened by Cap's mask. So I thought to myself--which figure has eyes placed ridiculously low on his head? Here's is one way to kill two birds with one stone, if one were so inclined:


    And while I'm at it, here are some of the Secret Wars crew:


    nice! i think i'm gonna use that first thor face for MY TRU series 6 cap, too.

    and those were some nifty custom 'mates mixed in there on that last pic, by the way. i especially liked your changeling--- ol' garfield looks really sharp.

  4. I usually go to the Great Escape too. I don't buy many comic books any more, but I have been following the Darkest Night. Besides minimates, I mostly collect DCD figures, and Marvel/DC statues. I also go to Comic Book World over on Sheopardsville Rd, but its more expensive for figures than Great Escape.

    As for thanks....I like my fish battered and fried. :thumbsup:

    With the exception of the TRU minimates I usually buy all of mine online from It is a whole lot easier than trying to find them at comic shops, and you are guaranteed the chase figure. The pile of loot shipping is pretty cool too. If you haven't checked them out you should give them a try.

    yeah, the great escape definitely has good prices on dc direct stuff. in fact, they are holdin' a booster gold (JLI) action figure for me until wednesday. :) i don't get very many comics these days, either (just 5 or 6 books... with hickman and eaglesham's fantastic four being my current favorite), but i usually pick my stuff up on wednesdays. maybe we'll run into one another sometime. just look for a chunky dude wearin' a greasy baseball cap and holdin' a cute lil' 5 month old in his arms--- THAT will be me. :lol:

    re:sushi: not a sushi fan, eh? oh, well! :P

    re: big bad toy store: hey, thanks for the advice. i didn't know that they guaranteed the variants along with the regular sets. i'll have to check 'em out!

    and to get back to what the rest of you guys were saying, yeah--- i'm kinda thinkin' that we might get some sort of "planet hulk" box set, too. i'd rather have some FF related stuff (a box set with the entire team in their current uniforms would be pretty sweet), but any new comic-accurate 'mates are cool by me.

    i wish ALL the marvel 'mates were comic versions, actually. i'm just not a fan of any of the marvel movie minimates. call me a total nerd (which i AM, of course :P ), but i get so irritated when the movies take creative liberties with the look of each character's costumes...

  5. Glad I could help!! Us addicts have to stick together right?? :woot::yes:

    damn tootin'! :P

    hey, speakin' of louisville, where do you go to get your comic books, pave? i usually get my stuff at the great escape on bardstown rd. and are you into sushi at all, by the way? 'cuz even though the TRU in st. matthews sucks for marvel minimates, it has an AWESOME sushi joint: sakura. i absolutely LOVE that place. best spicy tuna roll in town! :D

  6. i just want to give a HUGE shout-out AND mad props to fellow board member (and fellow louisville resident) pavehawk. thanks to the info he gave me via PM i was able to find the one and only TRU in the entire city that's currently carrying the series 6 'mates... and i now have all 4 two-packs. woo-hoo! thanks a million, bro!!!

    p.s. well, my girlfriend had to pick 'em up for me, actually, 'cuz i'm still stuck at work... but thanks to pavehawk i was able to tell her which store to go to. and what's so weird is that i almost NEVER check that particular TRU due to bad luck on the earlier waves. i've honestly had almost zero luck finding marvel minimates at ANY of the TRU locations here in the 'ville. in fact, up until THIS very wave i've had to get my marvel 'mates at the TRU in lexington, ky instead. there are usually plenty of BSG and ghostbuster minimates here in louisville, but not the marvel ones. weird, weird, weird.

  7. My TRU had them today!! Picked them all up except Thor/Loki. I was shocked........I hadn't seen any at TRU since Wave 3. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come



    Louisville, KY

    which TRU in louisville, bro? i checked the TRU at st. mattews on wednesday, but no luck... :(

    He's like a Mr. Fantastic... soft-serve... poo. :blink:


  8. well, since i don't plan on getting the iron man movie 'mates (i just like the comicbook versions of 'mates... i never get the movie tie-in ones) it really would be a nice break on my poor wallet if series 33 and 34 didn't hit until april--- but i still want 'em NOW. sheesh, these things truly are addictive....

  9. Made a return trip to my local TRU. I found out the computer they look up stuff on isn't always accurate. the hand-helds are. the csm told me that while the count is 0, but they're still active in the system. so they're on their way, it's just a matter of when. hopefully the Chinese New Year didn't delay shipping.

    man, i'm really hoping these hit the shelves on march 1st... can't wait to see that WW hulk and mister fantastic up close.

  10. great thread!

    i definitely agree with everyone else about juggy and rhino needing to get an updated "bulky" look. and a new mystique would be nice, too. the first one was pretty dreadful...

    not sure if anyone else mentioned this already, but that astonishing x-men beast we got has gotta be one of the worst 'mates (in my humble opinion) of the whole bunch. a re-do on ol' hank would be very cool (and a minimate version of the beast from morrison's run would be awful nice, too--- AND a zorn).

  11. As you might assume, I am in fact a huge FF fan. Do I think a new FF are necessary? Hardly. But I'd certainly take a set. Especially Thing. I own all of the released Thing minimates and haven't found one completely satisfactory. I don't think that the flamed on Human Torch is really necessary, but a human Johnny Storm would be fantastic. Also, a re-do of Doom is one of my most wanted minimates. Perhaps with a Doombot army builder.

    count me in on some updated FF 'mates. and doom DEFINITELY needs to be re-done--- that particular minimate looks really stiff and dated.

    and speakin' of re-done 'mates, i wish dst would re-do juggernaut and the rhino. both of those guys look so puny! :(

  12. Maybe they were using this as a reference for the mask, and the more conventional Cap Britain look for the suit:


    BTW, I'm obviously not British, but I love this Minimate.

    hey, good call! the mask on the captain britain we got looks almost exactly like that pic you posted, karamazov. what was that from--- one of the ultimate books??

    the proto-type mask for cap looked much better, though. it really is a shame the final version didn't match up...

  13. the new Red She-Hulk

    I'm a bit rusty on my calculus skills, but I'm fairly certain that this second derivative solution (f''(Hulk)= Red She-Hulk) could be critical in discovering some formula to determine Marvel's next bad idea.

    my only real gripe is that it looks like storm is gonna have a drawn-on vest instead of a sculpted one. still, though: overall it's a great, great toysRus wave!

    I think a sculpted vest would make her look too bulky, so I actually prefer the drawn-on look.

    yeah, the vest-piece adds bulk, that's true... but that pic of the drawn-on vest from the mohawk storm proto-type just doesn't look right to me somehow....

    i'll definitely be happy to have that version of storm anyway, though.

  14. Nope.


    Looks like a waste of money and shelf space to me.


    miry: :lol: i hear ya, man. to each his own, my friend. :P

    wow, you guys REALLY loathe these blammoids... :blink:

    the price is WAY too high, i can't argue with any of ya on THAT point (thankfully, i got a bit of a deal on mine: $60 for a full set of 6). after finally seeing 'em up close today, i have to make a confession, though: i like these goofy things quite a bit more than i expected. :blush: seriously! maybe i'm sort of nutty, but firestorm, sinestro, and aquaman actually look really sharp up close... and displayed together they look better than most of the individual online pics i've seen.

  15. Looking at the Planet Hulk wikipedia entry, I see lots of potentially awesome Minimates. Long-time Hulk-related characters like Doc Samson and Rick Jones, characters who could use updates (IMO) like Iron Fist and Juggernaut, and as-yet-unreleased characters like Hulkbuster Armor Iron Man (though apparently not controlled by Stark) and Dum Dum Dugan.

    Hmmm, Hulkbuster Iron Man, the new Rick Jones Abomination, the new Red She-Hulk, a new Bruce Banner, Doc Samson, Fantastic Four She-Hulk (maybe with updated Invisible Woman)...

    There's a lot more characters you could use to make a Hulk-themed wave than I realized. Imagine if the army-builder was a special "Hulkbuster" SHIELD agent...

    man, i have my fingers crossed for a doc sampson 'mate sometime soon. sheesh, it would be a very easy re-paint, honestly... so i'm still a bit baffled that dst hasn't made one a long time ago.

    and hulkbuster iron man would be one hell of a good 'mate...

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