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Captain Paco

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Posts posted by Captain Paco

  1. Part 6 of Spider-Bat Series

    More heroes and side-kicks


    Doctor Zartan (Zantanna/Doctor Strange)



    Grifbit (Gambit/Grifter)



    Captain Steel (Captain Britain/Steel)



    Red Vision (Red Tornado/Vision)



    Orchid Storm (Black Orchid/Storm)



    Kryptospeed (Super Boy/Quicksilver)



    Kryptowitch (Supergirl/Scarlet Witch)



    Wild Panther (Wildcat/Black Panther)


    I don't have any more in the works but wiling to try to make more, especially villains if I have the right parts.

  2. Part 5 of the Spider-Bat Series

    More heroes and sidekicks


    Aegir (Aquaman/Thor)(Arthur Odinson)



    Lady Mera (Lady Sif/Mera - creative licensing on blonde hair, did not want to paint the hair.)



    Hulk-zam (Shazam/Hulk)(Bruce Batson)



    She-hulk Marvel (She-Hulk/Mary Marvel)



    Metal-Hawk & Magic-Dove (Hawk & Dove/Colossus & Magik)



    Angel-Hawk (Hawkman/Angel)(Carter Worthington, III)



    Fire-Fist (Firestorm/Iron Fist)(Ronnie Rand)



    Cyberman (Cyborg/Iron Man)(Victor Stark)



    Black Siryn (Black Canary/Siryn)(Dinah Cassidy)



    Black Lightning Bolt (Black Lightning/Black Bolt)(Jefferson Boltagon)



    Flash Cannon (Flash/Cannonball)(Barry Guthrie)



    Captain Fate (Captain Marvel/Doctor Fate)(Carol Nelson)



    Green Wolf (Green Lantern/Wolverine)(Logan Jordon)

  3. Part 4 of Spider-Bat Series

    The sidekicks of Spider-Bat

    Spider-Batgirl (Batgirl/Spider-girl)(Ashley Gordon)



    Spider-Batwoman (Spider-Woman/Batwoman)(Jessica Kane)



    Red Rebel (Dare Devil/Robin)(Matthew Drake)



    Night-Clops (Nightwing/Cyclops)(Scott Grayson)



    Black Huntress (Huntress/Black Widow)(Helena Romanov)



    Red Punishment (Red Hood/Punisher)(Jason Castle)



    Bat-Wing (Falcon/Bat-Wing)(Sam Fox)



    Moon Question (Question/Moon Knight)(Vic Spector)


  4. Part 3 of the Spider-Bat Series

    Spider-Bat Heroes (My super Trinity)

    Wonder Angel (Angela Prince is a goddess and the daughter of the High-Father and the Queen of the Amazons) She is hell-fire in battle but always protects the innocents that depend upon her protection.



    Captain Krypton ( the last son of Krypton and a resident of Earth but sworn to protect all innocent life on his physical home while honoring his birthright.)



    Spider-Bat (Peter Wayne lost his parents and was on his family's estate when he found a curious looking arachnid. As he tried to touch it, it bit him and made him lose his balance and he crashed through a well cap and landed in a cave full of bats.  The spider was somehow radioactive; and thus gave Peter a mutagenic affect that gave him abilities like a spider.  Since he knew martial arts and loved solving issues, he become Spider-Bat and took on the criminals and psychopaths of New Gotham City.)


  5. Part 2 of my Spider-Bat series


    Brainitron (Was the last computer of Krypton who merged with an available AI in and android body when it arrived on Earth. The merging created a being who would be the most unimaginable evil to fast any lifeform in the universe and beyond.)


    Ti-Chee (Barbara Nelson is a feline researcher who had an accident and was attacked by a tigress and a female cheetah at the same time. In the attack, an enchanted amulet she was wearing use the genetics of both felines and transfused this material to Barbara and made her a hybrid of both felines within a humanoid form and making her an apex predator.)


    Lorm the Mischief Master (Prince of Atlantis and God of Mischief, Lorm Marius goes to battle against his brother who is the King of Atlantis the realm of Gods and Oceans.)


    Psi-cat (Selena Braddock is a cat burglar with psionic abilities)


    Red Luthor (Johann Luthor was trying to re-create the Super Soldier formula for Hydra. He had a mishap in his lab and broke several vials two of which made an odd vapor that he inhaled. The two vials contained the dust of death and his version of the Super Soldier formula. His skin tightened and his face become red and looked more like his skull. Also, during the accident, he was exposed to a nearly lethal dose of Kryptonite. So he used the technology Hydra had at his disposal, to create a suit to help him survive.)




    Phoenix Sapphire (Jean Danvers was attacked by the Phoenix Love Force and now she goes around causing trouble as her lost love will not return her affections.)


    Diamond Quinn (Harleen Frost can change parts of her body into diamond and is a powerful psychotic telepath.)


    Mystriddler  or Mystery (Quinten Nigma is a man of mystery and loves to torment all with riddles.)


    Sabrenesto (Victor Sinestro was a test subject in a top secret experiment that granted him abilities of regeneration. This his wounds would heal themselves which made him a great secret missionary. Then he was chosen by a power ring of the Yellow Lanterns Corps. The ring allowed him to control Fear in others and use it to his benefit.)


    The Fowl (Adrian Cobblepot is a genius electrical engineer who gets in trouble and runs a foul with the law. He also becomes the head of his father's company of organized crime in New Gotham City. He uses his skills to make a suit that allows him to fly with mechanical wings that still looks stylish when he has to drop in on his goons as well.)

    The next post will be starting to show my heroes. (I am out of ideas for villains from what parts I have.)

  6. Part 1 of my Spider-Bat series

    Going to start with my Villain.

    The villains of my Amalgam series I call the Spider-Bat universe. Peter Wayne becomes Spider-Bat after finding a cave of bats under his family's mansion and get bitten by a lost radioactive spider at the same time.  This is to start off with my villains for this universe.


    Green Joke (In this universe the Criminal Comedian Norman Napier became the Green Joke)


    Electric Poison (Maxine Isley is a botanist who is struck by lightning as she is working on a plant fertilizer that makes her an electrified plant/human hybrid.) (Soon to be retired as I made a Poison Ivy and Scorpion hybrid that I am calling Toxicity.)


    Deadshot the Hunter (Sergei Lawton is a bounty hunter and sniper who is also a trained assassin.)



    Mystiwire (Raven Willis is a shock jock who can change her appearance then she got electrified and is no basically humanoid electricity who can appear in any form she sees fit.)



    Doc Octo-Freeze (Otto Fries, a man searching to cool off Earth's Global Warming and also a developer of robotic appendages. He then got into an accident and became fused to his robotic appendages as well as becoming a living freezer of sorts.)


    More to come...


  7. Just toying around with DC and Marvel custom Amalgams.


    Thundra (Thor and Wonder Woman)



    Iron-Bat (WIP need to work on helmet to give it Bat-ears.)



    Aqua-Mariner (Sub-Mariner and Aquaman)



    Doctor Strangefate (Doctor Strange & Doctor Fate)



    Super Soldier (Captain America & Superman)



    Green Skull (Red Skull & Lex Luthor)


    Just some fun while I was away.  More to come with the Spider-Bat Series.

  8. It has been a little while since I was the forum, so I am back and here are a few of my recent custom mates.

    Inspired by Marvel's What if...? on Disney+


    Captain Britain, Peggy Carter



    Starlord T'Challa



    Evil Doctor Strange (my take on him without using modified parts.



    Peter Parker, Zombie Hunter

    I will share more as I created my own Amalgam Series based upon Batman and Spider-man being mashed up. Also have started my series of Marvel's Earth 666 for Halloween.

  9. I have been tinkering a lot lately with making more GI Joe characters from what parts I have in my possession.

    I have made a Duke, Flint, Hawk, Lady Jaye, Quick Kick, Gung Ho and Roadblock.  I also made Destro, Baroness, Major Bludd and working on Tomax and Xamot.  Lots of Creative Licensing happening but trying to make them appear legit.

    Once I get The Twins ironed out, I will try to post photos.  Also, will try to make at least one Cobra Trooper from what I have for parts.  

  10. 12 hours ago, thereasonsy said:

    I can safely say I never want another Kirk mate again. TNG and up only!

    I would take Kirk only if it is him from a specific episode where he was not wearing the standard uniform or variation of the uniform.  Kirk from "A Piece of the Action" or Kirk from "Plato's Stepchildren" or Kirk as a Romulan or Kirk in the environmental suit or such.  Same goes for Spock and Uhura and so forth and so on.

    I would take any TNG and beyond and any ENT or DISCO sets and the more spare parts the more sets I would purchase as I could then make custom mates of those that are not produced.  But I want STAR TREK ALIENS: Klingons, Vulcans, Romulans, Ferengi, Denobulans, Kelpens and more.  There are ways to make Klingons with a few extra heads and chest blocks to make us collectors and Star Trek Fans be happy with building up the Alien Races we want for our Mates.

    Klingons would need a Lursa and B'Etor from the House of Duras, Gowron and Martok and then all the TOS versions of the Klingons.  Romulans could even include Troi, Data and Picard as Romulans along with Tomalak and a few others. The Ferengi would have to have Quark, Rom, Nog and the Grand Nagus as well as Quark's Mother.  Dr. Phlox and Saru would be needed as well as other notable aliens from DISCO and of course a Bolian and a Benzite would be nice to have.

    But also to complete a crew from the series after TOS would be great as well.

  11. Really like this new GI Joe set.  I do hope we get lots more of GI Joe minimates.  I would like to see Duke, Breaker, Wild Bill, Snow Job and the whole gang.  Also all the Cobra ranks as well, Destro, Baroness, Major Bludd, Zartan and his groupies and so forth.

    I already want to make a Amalgam of DC and GI Joe as I think Snake Eyes and Batman would be a cool blending. Wonder Woman and Scarlet, Superman and Duke, and so forth.  I can't wait.

  12. I like your ideas, for these, GREAT JOB.  I would have a hard time making these with the parts I have, but you did a great job.

    If I were to make them I would try to find Balder for his white cape for the White Vision and I would have attempted to but the gem on the forehead.

    I like Wanda, looks good as I don't think we have any female chest blocks in that color configuration, so good choice you make. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, MisterPL said:

    I've never been a fan either* but the more colorful franchises seem to do well for Minimates. The costumes could be printed from the neck down leaving the only sculpted bits to be helmets, hair, and accessories. I'd only be concerned about getting complete teams.

    (*I did like that last Power Rangers movie though.)

    I feel the same way.

    I would want to get the full team as soon as possible.

    Jason (Red T-Rex), Zach (Black Mastadon), Billy (Blue Triceratops), Trini (Yellow Sabretooth Tiger) and Kimberly (Pink Pterodactyl) would be a nice 5 mate boxed set.

    Could then do Tommy (Green Dragon) with Rita Repulsa and two Putties and a special two pack could be Tommy (White Tiger) with Goldar.

    Or they could to is in two sets like Big Bang was handled.

    Jason, Kimberly Green Tommy and Rita Repulsa in one, and then Billy, Trini, Zach & White Tommy in the second one.

    Then they could branch out and do the variations of the Rangers with the various villians. 

  14. I loved Transformers as a kid. I would love to see the classics made and even the Dinobots in Minimate form.

    I will get at least three of the Transformers sets but really want to see Soundwave made.  He was my favorite Transformer.

    I also liked Jazz and Tracks and Astrotrain.  I will buy as many as I can afford to get.  Same with GI Joe.

  15. For GI Joe Minimates, I would love to see Duke, Scarlet, Lady Jaye, Flint, Breaker, Snow Job, Gunner, Grunt, Cobra Commander, Destro, Baroness, Serpentor, Tomax and Xamot, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Dr. Mindbender, Zartan and his goons, Cover Girl, Shipwreck/Polly, Mutt/Junkyard, Wild Bill, Spirit/Freedom Major Bludd, Gung Ho, Quick Kick, Jinx, Ripcord, Blowtorch, Firefly, Deep Six, Torpedo, Iceberg, Frostbite, Sargent Slaughter, Ace, and many more.

    For starters it could be one box set with Duke, Scarlet, Cobra Commander and Cobra Trooper.

    A second could be with Destro, Baroness, Flint and Lady Jaye.

    A third could be with Tomax and Xamot with two Crimson Guard mates.

    A fourth could be with Serpentor, two Cobra-La Royal Guards and a Crimson Asp mate.

    They could do a box set with a Cobra Trooper, a Cobra Viper, a Cobra Solider and a B.A.T.  This box set could include a few parts to swap heads and helmets or such to make an army of various Vipers, Troopers, Soldiers and B.A.T.s and thus would lend this set to sell out fast for the potential for army building. This is not to say you can't include a Viper or Trooper with a various named character in a two-pack but it would limit the collectors to a large number of duplicates of named characters.

    Then could do other boxed sets or two-packs with the various other characters.


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