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Posts posted by IndieMate

  1. They look like perfect "trip toys" to me. You know, something you can let the kids play with in the back seat without having to fish tiny accessories from between the seats? (minimates are really bad trip toys)

    Lol, I know what you're saying. I used to open up minimates in the car, then I lost Lobo's foot, Archangel's head, and Bullseye's batons. Then I spend like an hour trying to get them, and I never do. :P

  2. Haha, ya know, the one reason i won't go to see this is the Accelerator Suit. Dear God, that looks so effing childish, it isn't even close to being cool!! Seriously, it looks like something that was MADE to be an action figure; it should be the other way around.

    Baroness and Destro, however, are enough to get me in. :lol:

    So the only reason you're not going is cause of the suit? That's kind of dumb...

  3. I was watching ANH last night, and now I REALLY want Star Wars 'mates! Particularily, I want all the aliens from the cantina. There are so many classic aliens there, you could easily do two whole waves and a boxset just from that scene:

    Ponda Boba/Dr. Evazan

    Trint Duaba/Momaw Nadon


    Labria/Nabrum Leids

    Takeel/Hem Dazon

    Pons Limbic/Bom Vindim

    Lak Sivrak/Dice Ebegon

    Feltipern Trevagg/M'iiyoom Onith


    Elis Helrot/Ellors Madak

    Figrin D'an

    Nalan Cheel

    Tedn Dahai

    Doikk Na'ts

    Tech Mo'r

    Thank God for Wookiepedia! :P

  4. IMO, "21st Century Breakdown" and "American Idiot" totally suck. Green Day has gone WAY too mainstream and they're almost pop-punk. They've started doing friggin' power ballads (Boulevard of Broken Dreams and 21 Guns), they've lost all of their hardcore-ness(Is that a word?), and they dress like emo pussies:

    1994: gd1994.jpg


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