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Shup Dude

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Posts posted by Shup Dude

  1. I think I'll pass on the heroes set, looks like a bit too much of what we've already seen.

    Great updates on three old villains, and one new bad guy. Sounds perfect if you ask me. I'm really into the Doom and Goblin, I think they're the best in the set. Redskull would look a lot better if his mouth was closed and he had a cosmic cube, but what the hell. At least we're seeing Redskull in his green costume. Certainly pre-ordering.

    But is it just me, or does Magneto look like the one from Marvel Zombies?

    He does look like a zombie, or just a hobo. Both are the same, I guess.

    Where are you pre-ordering it?

  2. I'm probably not gonna get the Hero set, although the Wolverine is awesome.

    The Wolverine in that set seems like the only changed character, the Hulk, Spidey, and Cap. America all look the same as the other versions but Hulk and Cap. have worse facial expressions.

    I love the Dr. Doom and Magneto (Magnus) and I really love the new look of Green Goblin.

    Red Skull is the only one I really don't care about in that pack, but I'm still gonna try getting it!

    Where can you pre-order these besides BBTS?

    EDIT: Just went to the BBTS site and looked up Minimates, and found nothing.

  3. I like some songs by Bon Jovi, like Livin' on a Prayer.

    My favorite bands are Disturbed, Metallica, Slipknot, Korn, Three Days Grace, Three Doors Down, Breaking Benjamin, System of a Down, Iron Maiden, the older Linkin Park (there are a couple of Linkin Park's newer songs that I like), etc.

    Basically I like hard core/alternative/metal.

    Oh, and I can't stand rap or country. Rock all the way! :D

  4. I'd have to add Mario Party 8.....really fun game with friends!

    Never got a chance to play the game solo though, so I don't know how much fun that way is.

    Too bad we can't get the original Mario Party games... in my opinion, I hate the new Mario Party games although they have some good minigames.

    The first two Mario Party games were my favorites.

  5. Went today. Had 4 Kravens, 3 Shockers, 1 Venom, 1 Hulk and 2 IM. Didn't have the money to get any. :(

    That's why you bring money when going to a toy store. ;D

    Anyways, by the time you get money and go back, the Venom, Hulk (maybe), and the Iron Man packs will be gone. It was like that when I went yesterday. They had one Venom, two Hulks, and three Iron Men, but I came back the next day and they were gone. ):

  6. I'd have three versions of me.

    One is the summer version, I'd have long brown hair (shoulder length) andblack shorts, white T-shirt. Accessory would be a squirt gun. I'd be shoeless.

    One is the winter version, I'd have the same long brown hair and a jacket that's removable. Black pants, black shoes. Black gloves, too. Accessories would be an extra pair of hands (normal skin colored) and a snowball hand. (A hand with a small white ball sculpted on it.)

    The last version is fall/spring version, I'd have blue jeans, a hoody (removable hood, comes with a hairpiece) and black shoes. Accessory would be a bottle of water.

  7. 4) if all that fails try hitting it with a girl, that will take your mind of minimates really fast

    Actually, I have a girlfriend. She's out of town on a vacation for Christmas at the moment (going to somewhere in Japan for Christmas, I think) for a couple weeks. She'll be back after Christmas break... so, yeah.

    Lucky... you have a girlfriend...

    Go see a movie or something. OR you can do what I do: LOTRthon. yeah, all three LOTR films in one day with a stop only for bathroom or refills. It was epic... and once you're out of LOTR, do the same with Star Wars (maybe take 2 days for that), Superman, Indiana Jones, Godzilla (that should take more than 2 days.) and Star Trek. That should tide you over until Christmas. Maybe. If you finish those, make it up frm there. Maybe Spider-Man, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man 2, and Batman Begins (and TDK if yu have it before Christmas) in one day of Epicness. So yeah, coming from the resident Movie Buff of Forsyth County, all I can come up with is a movie marathon.

    Of course.

    One bad thing about that; I have none of those movies. I have school tomorrow and exams are next week, so hopefully studying will take my mind off it.

  8. 4) if all that fails try hitting it with a girl, that will take your mind of minimates really fast

    Actually, I have a girlfriend. She's out of town on a vacation for Christmas at the moment (going to somewhere in Japan for Christmas, I think) for a couple weeks. She'll be back after Christmas break... so, yeah.

  9. Why did she show you?

    Because this is the first year that you know there is no Santa?

    No, she usually never shows me. I never believed in Santa since I was probably six or seven.

    @luke314pi; that is true. I guess I'll love them even more after a month wait. (probably more than a month, she showed me the presents on Thanksgiving.

    Dude, just be glad you're getting the stuff at all. I have a pretty big collection of mates, and I've paid for most myself. My parents focus on other stuff to get me, and my mom thinks that I'm too old for such things. Besides 40 mates! Dude, I would go 6 months without buying mates if I knew my parents were covering that much. Just be grateful for what you have.

    Yeah... I guess you're right.

    You guys have made me realize how much I hate waiting, but how much it'll pay off in the end.

    ...and I guess I should be luckier, because my mom said she found all these (except for a few two packs) on eBay for a low price. I hope they're not used, and if they are, I hope they're in good condition. *sits patiently and studies for the next week of exams at school*

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