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Action Ranger

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Posts posted by Action Ranger

  1. The Local (which means an hour away for me) Toys R Us only had Spider-man/Lizard packs so I picked one up. Got it home and found that the Lizard was missing a hand. I went back with hopes of returning it the next weekend and surprise, they had the entire wave out.

    The first time around they told me they had sold out of the others, which I hope means they're getting plenty of these for some reason.

  2. I seem to recall seeing either the X-Men or Spidey being put into a giant pin-ball machine once by Arcade, where they were inside the giant pin-balls.

    I almost want to say it was X-Men & Spidey in a tie-in comic to the Spider-Man/X-men Super Nintendo game where each level was either Spider-man or an X-men fighting through one of Arcade's scenarios.

    Man, I wish I remembered Arcade, would have made for a more appropriate pic.

  3. Yeah, So I went to a Taco Bell and noticed they had American Gladiator themed toys in the Kids Meal. I picked up a couple "Ultraspheres" which are just the Atlaspheres and was delighted to learn that they split apart.

    And that minimates fit inside them.



    So now I can re-enact one of the best parts of the 1990's with minimates.

  4. Got one for the widget. I probably could have tried to get others for the ones the library I work at ordered, but then they would have belonged to the library and been given away in a contest to kids who don't really care about minimates. I think in the end it's better to leave the limited supply for the people who are minimate fans.

    It's a cool minimate. Makes me glad the books get checked out a lot.

  5. There's no Toys R Us where I live, but I was visiting a town with one today and I was able to pick up the one Wonder Man/ Union Jack they had on the shelf. I was very happy until I got it home, opened it up, and realized they hadn't packed in Union Jack's knife. There wasn't even the scotch tape that usually holds smaller accessories in. So now I'm happy that I was able to get my hands on the figures but also feel a small bit of loss. Only a small bit. I'd probably lose the knife eventually. Or maybe that's just sour grapes.

  6. Not that i would buy it either, since i don't watch the show...but how would they represent people? It isn't something like 24 or Rocky for tv and movies since the characters don't change much. But with reality and game shows contestants change frequently. We would need packs with "Random Contestant A and B," or else the 'mateswould get really outdated really fast.

    They could make them, but they probably shouldn't. With AM toys its all about playsets and accessories, which the minimates line hasn't been to successful with.

    They made gladiator action figures back in the day. They had a few of the gladiators and a couple of generic looking dudes wearing the contestant uniforms. Gladiator is one of the few shows lucky to have a identifiable and semi-memorable costume for their constantly cycling series of contestants.

  7. I called back the next day and was informed that they had just gotten a new shipment in so my minimates would be sent out soon. And yes, I finally got them in on Saturday.

    Right in time for the Wave 3 launch.

    I dunno, this is my first experience with CSC, so I'll have to see how other vendors operate before I decide if its worth going back. They handled it well, except for the part where they keep me informed of what's going on. That was a worrying week, let me tell you.

  8. Okay, so here's an update.

    Last monday I called cornerstorecomics and talked to some people there. They were very nice and said they'd ship me a replacement Blue Beele/Booster Gold 2-pack and I could keep the extra Superman/B13.

    So a week's gone by and I've gotten no minimates, no e-mail confirmation, nothing. So I called back and talked to someone new who said that there didn't seem to be indication that anything got sent out, but it might be out on the shipping floor waiting to be shipped, but they weren't certain. I should really call back tomorrow.

    Frustration growing.

  9. Here's my horror story. I pre-ordered the whole wave online at and they arrived at the delivery location on Tuesday. Unfortunatley I haven't been able to pick them up until tonight and what do I find when I open the box? They've mixed up the order, so instead of getting a Booster Gold/Blue Beetle 2 pack I get two Superman/Brainiac 13 2 packs.

    Which kinda sucks since the BG/BB figures were the ones I wanted more than the others.

    So I e-mailed them and hope everything can be worked out. It's a mere annoyance right now, but how they handle this will determine if I ever order from them again.

  10. Dr. Fate, like Booster, is adorned in comic book colors but again it works here. His "golden" helmet is removeable and features the goateed portrait of... um, Kent Nelson?

    If there's a goatee then it's Hector Hall, Hawkman & Hawkwoman's son who became the new Doctor Fate at the start of the last JSA series. (It restarted recently.) That basically confirms that all the JSA minimates are going to be from the modern era of JSA characters, if the inclusion of Ma Hunkel & Star Spangled Girl hadn't done that already. So the liklihood of Golden Age characters not part of the current JSA getting minimates are slim. Although that looks like Golden Age Spectre, so I could be wrong.

  11. We've been told they're going to fill up teams they've already started, so...

    The JSA/GL 2-pack will be:

    Alan Scott/Solmon Grundy (meets the GL, new JSA & cartoon injustice league/legion of doom requirements)

    The JLA/Recent storylines 2-pack will be

    Black Canary/Zatanna (meets Classic JLA, JLI, new JSA & recent big events requirements)


    Atom/Jean Lorning Eclipso (meets the recent big events, classic JLA requirements)

    And for the Batman 2-pack I'm just gonna guess

    Batman Beyond/Mr. Freeze, since its the only classic batman villian Batman Beyond faced

    Seeing a 2-pack with Elastic Man w/JLI character, Black Adam w/ JSA character or Doctor Light w/GL character also wouldn't surprise me as they meet multiple criteria.

    The "my mind is blown" category is harder to predict. At this point I'll just pick Animal Man & Lobo due to their recent 52 appearances in the space arc. With Space dolphin accesory.

  12. Whos Sergeant Rock?

    He's a World War 2 comic book character. He was essentially the most manliest soldier ever. Imagine Batman in World War 2 without the mask, unwillingness to kill, gadgets or detective stuff, just hardcore violence.

    Or if it helps, imagine Nick Fury if Nick Fury were more macho.

    and give me my Fire n Ice 2 pack!

    Based on what they've said about the DC minimates, that they're going to complete teams they've already started, (So JSA, classic Justice League, Injustice League, GL Corps) a Fire and Ice 2 pack doesn't seem out of the question. I mean they've already got Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Guy Gardner and Power Girl from that era.

    I'm also expecting Captain Midnight, some version of Hourman and Alan Scott in future waves.

  13. As thrilled as I am about new Minimates, I'll probably sit this wave out. A line with a flaming skull, a demon and Satan based on a film that looks pretty dark just isn't very kid friendly. It always bothers me when dark, adult oriented movies have toys made for them. Kids don't need that. I'm not saying these will be geared to kids, just that I hope they're not released later at retail. This seems like a wave geared to collectors and I don't see that spreading the Minimate cause much. I'm also not happy it's another movie line so close to another one. I used to think that any Minimates is better than no Minimates, but I think I've changed my mind.

    I look at it as a chance to get Peter Fonda & Nicholas Cage minimates. It makes it more interesting.

  14. I suspect prices on this one will drop once we get a new Martian Manhunter and a new Flash from DCD. I doubt people are buying this set for the C3 bricks. :D Sure - some are buying it to round out their collections, but I think the minimates are the driving force behind this set's outrageous prices.

    That would certainly explain why every auctiion with a flash or manhunter minimate without the javelin or the other figure skyrockets.

  15. Okay, so what does Speed Racer do?

    When playing with -- er, setting up miniMate displays, the Marvel ones are easy: they fight. Street Fighter: ditto. LotR 'mates defend Frodo. Logo mates hang with their buddies.

    But Speed? All I remember the kid doing is driving. And since he doesn't really fit in the miniMach, I've consigned the car to storage. Which leaves Speed standing around in his socks. Hmmm. If only Trixie were around, she'd know what to do.

    THere was that scene in the episode where Speed realized Racer X was his brother so Racer X sucker punched him.

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