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Everything posted by ckerus

  1. There was this really well done custom set of the Twins on ebay not so long ago. There was also a Cobra Soldier that was on ebay. That thing was sweet! I wanted to bid on int, came close too, but the starting bid was at around $80 or something. I just couldn'et bring myself to do it. Its a shame about them not making any of the female characters. I would definately buy a Baroness done in Sigma 6.
  2. yeah I thought that scene fro Illumaniti with Black Bolt was a bit confusing. I took it that he was with Tony, not against him though. Where can I find where Bendis said otherwise.
  3. I'm a huge fan of 3 3/4" toys. I have a huge cobra army still, but I just couldn't get into Sigma 6. I bought a few of the figures, but the only one that I really like is Cobra Commander. I thought the design on him was awesome. I just wish they would make one in the 3 3/4" scale. I remember seeing some amazing customs over on the TNI boards of some Sigma 6 figures. If the Hasbro would produce figures that were as great as those customs, I would definately become a collector.
  4. Man, it really is hard to pick just one. There are so many films out there that have moved and inspired me. If I had to pick just one though it would be Requiem for a Dream. That movie was just so emotionally powerful. Probably the most depressing movie I have ever seen, but it was just so well done.
  5. I thought Black Bolt was for Registration. When was it stated that he was against registration?
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