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Posts posted by Randymarsh

  1. 01) BEST MINIMATE (top 3 choices) Captain America, Iron Monger, Mark II war machine

    02) WORST MINIMATE (top 3 choices) Dress uniform kirk, Susan, Ambush bug

    03) BEST PACKAGING (one choice) Marvel window boxes

    04) BEST BOX SET/WAVE (one choice) Invaders

    05) WORST BOX SET/WAVE (one choice)Mirror, mirror

    06) SEXIEST MINIMATE (top 3 choices)Pegasus six, Ms. Marvel, pepper potts

    - male or female

    07) BIGGEST SLEEPER (top 3 choices) Nova, Vision, hawkeye

    08) IF ONLY... (one choice) Onslaught

    09) FAVORITE CUSTOM (top 3 choices) N.A

    10) BEST ACCESSORY (top 3 choices) Fire blast accessory (imtta, invaders), camera (cosmic spiderman), shoulder weapons (war machine)

    11) WORST ACCESSORY (top 3 choices) N.A

    12) BEST VARIANT (one choice) Mark II war machine

    13) WORST VARIANT (one choice) Remote control spock

    14) BEST IRON MAN OF '08 (top 3 choices)

    Iron Man Mark III, Iron Man Mark II, Stealth iron man

  2. Yeah, I'm quite underwhelmed with this wave. I knew something wasn't right when I pulled the pics up and thought "Is that deadpool?" And then to toss random logans into the mix, when there was potential for new characters, really confuses me. But oh well, they can't all be A+ I suppose...

  3. Just as a little sidenote, I'm a relatively new member and I have NEVER had any problem with anybody here on the board. That said, I didn't post 80 times my first day, nor did I trash one of the most active members, nor did I waste anybodies time with pointless questions. But remember everyone, forums are serious bizness, where flexing your epeen is much more important than discussing what we all seem to be here for....MINIMATES!

    /rant off :)

  4. man its just makes me mad to see jim rhoads war machine as the variant,he was the only one the i was intrested in... but no oh no some dude said lets make tony stark the non chase one you know cause we dont have enough starks,and DST probably said give that guy a raise!!.....yeah thanks (rant over)...That spymaster looks boss though!

    This is exactly what I was thinking! As cool as both War Machines are, if the Rhodey was the standard and not the variant I would only have to buy one pack, instead of the whole wave >.<. But eh, I suppose that's the point, to sell more mates (Crafty folks at DST :P). Spymaster looks pretty pimp too, and I'm sure I'll be able to put those extra silver pistols to use :).

  5. So, I just recently ordered and recieved my first DC Minimates. I have over 60+ marvel mates and most of the street fighter/darkstalker line, so I have opened and handled my fair share, though it probably pales in comparison to some of you :P. At any rate, I got all of Wave 3 and a Cyborg Superman/Steel 2 pack from stuckakid, since I'm not huge on DC but I do like certain heroes. Here's a list of all the stuff that was wrong with the figures

    Battle damaged Batman : Left leg knee wobble, possibly broken. The left leg socket for the hip also has a chunk taken out of it, so it falls off whenever moved. I pulled his waist peg out, and the one of the socket pieces had a crack in it.

    Killer Croc: OK

    Green Arrow: Left arm falls off when moved, hole is too large

    Deathstroke: Left leg knee wobble, possibly broken

    Wonder Woman: OK

    Aries: OK

    Superman (Cyborg) His right arm is a left arm

    Steel: OK

    So, that makes 4/8 of the DC mates I bought wonky in some manner. Some were minor, but batman in particular really made me upset, he was pretty much the main reason I bought the wave. In all of my minimate purchases prior to this, I got one wobbly knee, and one tony stark with two left arms. So I ask, has anybody else found that the DC mates had more defects than other lines? Or did I just have bad luck (or, good luck with all my marvel heroes :P).

    Wow you're not exactly up to date ;)

    Yes some early DC mates had QC issues, pretty well documented here in past threads. If you ask me the plastic was softer and the paint sometimes glooped when it was wet so cause stuck joints.

    They got better as time went by but obviously the line got cancelled.

    IMO a lot of modern minimates suffer from loose knee syndrome as once again the plastics DST are using are getting softer.


    lol thanks. I thought I had read something about it before, but I wasn't entirely sure. I only started collecting around june, so really this is the first time I've had any interest in DC Minimates, even though it may not be totally relevant :P. It's all good though, I'm still enjoying them, I was just curious if what I got was par for the course, so to speak.

    So, I just recently ordered and recieved my first DC Minimates. I have over 60+ marvel mates and most of the street fighter/darkstalker line, so I have opened and handled my fair share, though it probably pales in comparison to some of you :P. At any rate, I got all of Wave 3 and a Cyborg Superman/Steel 2 pack from stuckakid, since I'm not huge on DC but I do like certain heroes. Here's a list of all the stuff that was wrong with the figures

    Battle damaged Batman : Left leg knee wobble, possibly broken. The left leg socket for the hip also has a chunk taken out of it, so it falls off whenever moved. I pulled his waist peg out, and the one of the socket pieces had a crack in it.

    Killer Croc: OK

    Green Arrow: Left arm falls off when moved, hole is too large

    Deathstroke: Left leg knee wobble, possibly broken

    Wonder Woman: OK

    Aries: OK

    Superman (Cyborg) His right arm is a left arm

    Steel: OK

    So, that makes 4/8 of the DC mates I bought wonky in some manner. Some were minor, but batman in particular really made me upset, he was pretty much the main reason I bought the wave. In all of my minimate purchases prior to this, I got one wobbly knee, and one tony stark with two left arms. So I ask, has anybody else found that the DC mates had more defects than other lines? Or did I just have bad luck (or, good luck with all my marvel heroes :P).

    Wow you're not exactly up to date ;)

    Yes some early DC mates had QC issues, pretty well documented here in past threads. If you ask me the plastic was softer and the paint sometimes glooped when it was wet so cause stuck joints.

    They got better as time went by but obviously the line got cancelled.

    IMO a lot of modern minimates suffer from loose knee syndrome as once again the plastics DST are using are getting softer.


    lol thanks. I thought I had read something about it before, but I wasn't entirely sure. I only started collecting around june, so really this is the first time I've had any interest in DC Minimates, even though it may not be time relevant. It's all good though, I'm still enjoying them, I was just curious if what I got was par for the course, so to speak. Thanks in advance for the responses

  6. So, I just recently ordered and recieved my first DC Minimates. I have over 60+ marvel mates and most of the street fighter/darkstalker line, so I have opened and handled my fair share, though it probably pales in comparison to some of you :P. At any rate, I got all of Wave 3 and a Cyborg Superman/Steel 2 pack from stuckakid, since I'm not huge on DC but I do like certain heroes. Here's a list of all the stuff that was wrong with the figures

    Battle damaged Batman : Left leg knee wobble, possibly broken. The left leg socket for the hip also has a chunk taken out of it, so it falls off whenever moved. I pulled his waist peg out, and the one of the socket pieces had a crack in it.

    Killer Croc: OK

    Green Arrow: Left arm falls off when moved, hole is too large

    Deathstroke: Left leg knee wobble, possibly broken

    Wonder Woman: OK

    Aries: OK

    Superman (Cyborg) His right arm is a left arm

    Steel: OK

    So, that makes 4/8 of the DC mates I bought wonky in some manner. Some were minor, but batman in particular really made me upset, he was pretty much the main reason I bought the wave. In all of my minimate purchases prior to this, I got one wobbly knee, and one tony stark with two left arms. So I ask, has anybody else found that the DC mates had more defects than other lines? Or did I just have bad luck (or, good luck with all my marvel heroes :P).

  7. Has anybody ever ordered anything from these guys? They have a strange selection of Minimates, some particularly hard to find packs such as Cable/Bishop for $7.95. I ordered one so I'll update this page with my results, thanks for the feedback and happy hunting! :) I just searched minimate....

  8. I think something that seperates the punisher box set from the ghost rider line is that the punisher figures look awesome as minimates, regardless of the crappy movie. The Ghost rider Minimates were incredibly lame, with 6 civilian figures, and one OK looking superhero. The Punisher box set trims down the fat, adds some cool "goons", and adds some killer accessories. Hopefully everyone else feels the same way, so they don't get canceled :P.

  9. Got up to toysrus today and sure enough, success! I'm pretty happy with most of them, I'm only really dissapointed with the regular spider man. Messy paint apps, clashing reds in over 3 places, and his eyes were printed about halfway between the middle and bottom of the mask. Needless to say, I'll always display him as peter parker :P. At any rate, this is a pretty awesome lineup but not the premium spider man i expected.

  10. Oh man, these are epic. And correct me if I'm wrong, but does venom come with 2 different chest pieces as well as 2 sets of hands? Regardless, all these figures look top notch, and the stealth iron man in particular makes me happy that I live 5 minutes away from TRU. That place is hell on black friday, but if I pop in and they have these guys, I'll wait an hour in line, if I have to :P.

  11. The ultimate Horror minimate would have to come from a video game and it would be kinda Sci-Fi. I want a Headcrab Zombie with Gordon Freeman. I saw a custom of them a little while back and they kicked so much ass!

    Awww yeah, could be the box set of my dreams. Alyx, Gordon, Combine soldier, Headcrab zombie XD.

  12. Am I the only one who isn't the least bit excited about this set?

    If it makes you feel better, I won't be picking this up either :P

    Ant man/Wasp, don't really care for these two*

    Jack kirby hulk looks sort of ridiculous to me, especially with that forehead

    Gold iron man? I'll stick with my sweet iron man movie/through the ages versions for now :P

  13. The mysterious Kingpin variant with Reed Richards' face and "shocking" white hair is fairly common on eBay, but was never available, to my knowledge, at retail. . .

    I have one of the rare Martian Manhunters with backwards-jointed left arm.

    lol, my ceo tony stark from the box set came with a backwards jointed right arm, unintentional variant ftw :P.

  14. Well, my logic for aurora/northstar wasnt just that northstar is openly homosexual, but they are members of alpha flight, a canadian supergroup that is a minority when it comes to super hero nationalities. Also, i know i missed the villain, but since my former guesses included Mr. Sinister (ridiculous costume) and Cable, I'm pretty clueless on that guess :P.

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