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Posts posted by Modefan

  1. I found a shop in NJ selling these - Kinda pricey but hey at least I have one now

    They had a paperbag full of them :blink: It's interesting to note that the most recent white blanks I've seen have color issues - some have what seems to be specs of dirt and some different shades of white - one of them for example had pinkish white arms

    If your looking for one PM me and I will send you the link to the store - I'm not about to advertise for them at the price I paid

  2. & the only reference they made to street fighter was the fact that when they were designing the mates - they were asked to tone down some of the concepts because they were too " sexy " I heard no reference that they were planning on making more

    This was all from the panel - I'm not sure if someone cornered someone from DST and grilled them for info

  3. I was at the panel & the question about DC mates was asked about 4 times - the reply was always nothing is planned for DC and that if you want DC Mates ask DC Direct

    The mattel booth had smaller superhero squad type DC figures so perhaps they are going that route now

    I think DC is pretty much dead and buried

  4. So, just to clarify, there was no mention of any plan to get the remaining BSG characters out in some other form, e.g., exclusives, box sets, etc?

    No, From what I understood the preorders for the last BSG Waves were 10% of what they should be - they basically said they need to get more orders in to produce them & that they really haven't been doing too well

    It's strange that they mentioned vehicles considering the above so my expectations to see the last 2 waves or any vehicles are extremely low

  5. I assumed/read(?) that one side of the torso had AA & the reverse DST.

    Yeah, I read it the same way. But Modefan has supplied us with pictures of two seperate and unique blanks! All the more joy (and collector's anguish) for us blank lovers.

    Could some one confirm or deny whether they have specific convention markings on the label? I'm thinking these will be hand-outs at Toy Fair and SDCC also.

    Its a very general label so I'm sure they will pop up again - there is no mention of NYCC 2009 on the label

  6. No problem

    As I waited in line it was nice to see that people kept coming up to the register with 2-3 packs of minimates to buy

    Last year they had no minimates but this year they went armed with BTTF, Platton, Iron Man Mates, Hulk Mates, Wave 24 & 25 and from what I could tell they were flying off the pegs

  7. They also mentioned BSG Vehicles - so those may be coming I think that was missed

    I did feel bad for the guys though for some reason different variations of the same question were asked multiple times

    specifically the 2.5" marvel question & the dc minimate question... I don't think some of the folks were doing active listening

  8. They gave out a special minimate to people who attended the panel - there was no giveaway today but the giveaway will be a white blank with the Diamond logo on one & the other will have the Art Asylum logo

    If the mod's allow if I will post pics

    MODS I mention the blanks because it is listed in the program for everyone to see - so not exactly a secret

    The panel giveaway though that is another story!

  9. If anyone is going today the panel has been moved - from nycc blog

    Panel Tweak -- 2009: Years of The Minimate Move

    We've got one tiny tweak to today's panels. 2009: Year of the Minimate's currently scheduled for 1-2 PM in 1A17. We'll be moving it into 1A07. The time's the same, but the room will now be bigger. We're working to get this change reflected on the online guide shortly, and there'll be signs on both 1A17 and 1A07 directing attendees to the new room.

  10. I really thought TBT had them, and posted them sometime ago. it may have been a different forum like when we did not have our own address or still attached to minimate central. i hit up brickshelf Legions of Gotham and DC C3 Minimates Construction Sets - Featuring Dark Knight's extensive C3 gallery (from minimate central, which has been shut down)

    don't worry Modefan this has come up before and we found them somewhere. although last time is was a little closer to when c3 was around, like we were still morning the their passing (thanks for digging up old wounds). i have to go a cry alittle for the death of ALL DC minimates :(

    Thanks for the info & help TBT - and Maxcarnage - sorry to open old wounds

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