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Posts posted by Modefan

  1. I got hit with the Kreo bug lately too... Been tracking down older release hasnt been too bad - bought some full sets which were priced resonably

    that 1984 set is awesome but I wasnt able to get one on HTS

  2. I'm going to agree here but lean more towards turtles - Especially with the movie coming out retailers are going to be gobbling up turtle merchandise and you can have alot of variants of foot soldiers and or turtles

    i have a feeling it will either be TMNT or plants vs zombies

    If I can buy a sealed case from an online retailer and obtain a full set I would definitely be on board - I do it already with the dump cases anyway

  3. Why does everyone have the idea for blind bags?

    IMO I think they would sell, But the problem I see is retailers actually getting them to the customer...... They are small, retail employee tend to stick them in whatever hole they can find and there is a higher chance of theft.

    Did you guys get some inside info at the last con is that why there is so much blind bag talk?

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