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Posts posted by Lobsterman

  1. I think we may all be thinking about this the wrong way. Maybe it's not DC Comics Minimates, but Washington D.C. Minimates! Look for your Senate and House of Representatives box sets next November! I'm sure you international collectors will be thrilled.

    Aaannnd Minimates' approval rating suddenly drops to 20%.

  2. That would certainly crush my faith in DST and probably cause me to stop buying Minimates altogether! I'm not sure the brand could ever recover from having been offered at one time in a store that went out of business! DST would no doubt be caught in the store's death spiral, along with all of the other companies who have ever sold products there!

    If only someone had warned them!

  3. "Most new readers don't even know Emma Frost, Magneto, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Vision, Namor, Man-Thing, Ronan the Accuser, Silver Surfer, Kaine Parker, Beta Ray Bill, and other popular characters were once bad guys." What?!

    Yeah, crap like this is what's making me drop most Big 2 titles and focus solely on indies.

    It's okay for characters to evolve.

  4. I'm sad the X-men are going away. sad.png

    Wait - what? O_o

    SW is not even a reboot. It'll still be 616 but with some characters from other universes. Now there are only 22 left and when SW happens, there'll be just one. So no,I don't think the X-Men are going away. Maybe they'll get a couple of old/news faces back/to join, but other than that, if the 616 characters survive, they'll still be the same characters. It's not a case of altering their past or anything, 616 Kitty will have the same origin, but after SW Ultimate Kitty may be staying there as well, with her Ultimate origin.

    Granted, "x-men going away" is speculation, However:

    My impression of the "meta" of (slash "business case" for) SW was to streamline all of the messy continuity into something more closely aligned with the cinematic universe going forward. Like, what happens in the movies is what's happening in the books. Also, kind of a big eff you to Fox, who are apparently not planning to relinquish rights to those two legacy pieces of Marvel history, Fantastic Four and X-men. With Fox talking about doing an X-men tv series now, I would not be at all surprised to see Marvel decide to torch the X-men outright during Secret Wars, move forward with Inhumans as the new Mutants for the MU, and maybe even sell off the X-men IP to Fox entirely. It seems obvious from the direction in the comics that the X-men are increasingly irrelevant to events in the MU as a whole – they've almost become a niche universe anyway. It's either continue to spend money making books that don't align with the overall company business model, shelve the franchise out of pure spite, or recoup the significant value of it to reinvest in their core properties.

    This isn't about what makes sense in the stories, this is pure business. And Disney is nothing if not disciplined in business.

  5. It's kind of fun, kind of sad that all of the writers at Marvel seem to have the freedom to do whatever bat-shit crazy stuff they want to at the moment. Fun, because, I'm all for comics being an evolving medium and telling new stories; sad because it's most likely going to be marching in lockstep with the movies after the Secret Wars hard reboot.

    I'm sad the X-men are going away. :(

  6. TRU waves tend not to have hard release dates, at least not ones that are made public or shared with DST. The "official" date has historically been when the first person finds them in the wild. Forcing you to obsessively check your local store every few days, and possibly spend money on something else rather than leave empty-handed and disappointed, is a feature of this system, not a bug. :)

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