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Mighty Mugged

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Posts posted by Mighty Mugged

  1. Update: Found this pic of some new Star Wars muggs coming. New Versions of Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Han Solo, with new characters like Plo Koon, Tarkin, and what looks to be another Sith (don't know the character lol)

    that other sith character is Darth Revan from the Star Wars "Knights Of The Old Republic" video game.

  2. I was collecting SHS, GH, & RH, but decided to stop due to so many being released every few months. I was going broke. Now I suppose I'll sale them on ebay or something. Would have loved to been able to keep collecting the SHS and started the CH. oh well.

  3. The Indy Muggs just don't interest me much. I have all the Marvel Muggs through wave 2, wave 3 pre-ordered, and all the exclusives pre-ordered. I'm nuts for the Marvel Muggs. Trying to keep from starting a Star Wars Mugg collection, Would just cost way to much to catch up to the current wave. Plus the SDCC exclusive is going for crazy prices. Depending on what generation they use for the Transformer Muggs I might have to collect them *Hopes for G1 or Beast Wars*, and I heard there are plans for G.I. Joe Muggs. If they look good I'll have to have them too. *Man I'm gonna be broke*

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