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Posts posted by youbastards

  1. These look cool, but have to be one of the most unexpected line-ups ever. Is Betsy-in-pink associated with anything in particular, boxset-possibility-wise?

    80's "Australia" X-Men maybe?

    It could make sense after how well the 90's X-Men stuff has done lately(Deadpool wave in particular)



    80's Colossus?

    Magneto as team leader?

  2. And seriously, you could have given everyone 100 guesses on what the next TRU 2-pack would be and no one would have said classic Psylock and Lockjaw.

    I'm going to go ahead and predict that the next TRU series will have a Man-Thing/Swimsuit Mary Jane 2-pack!

  3. Just an FYI, these have been selling this cheap for a long, long time, but maybe we should start a thread for good deals on Minimates.

    As to the other set for cheap, I don't think they are cheap any where, but scifigenre stil has the set for a good price.

    I'd like to add that TRU is offering free shipping on these now (I emailed them to see if I could be credited). 6 bucks shipped for a box set is a deal that just cant be beat!

    I think their "free shipping" is only on purchases of $100 or more.

  4. I went to Border's yesterday to see what they had for sale. They had 4 Tony and sunglasses/Whiplash packs and nothing else. I asked if there were any more, but they said that was it. I only looked in the graphic novel section... I wonder if they had another IM2 kiosk somewhere else in the store... I want the Black Widow pack!

    The Black Widow 2-pack is exclusive to TRU, not Borders.

  5. Saw it friday, loved it. A great follow up to the first one. I also loved the scenery of the final battle. However I learned that I can not watch a film without hating most of the audience. In front of me: 2 girls, when I first get there they are talking about some boring crap, but about midway through the film they decide to eat some fancy cheese that smells horrible. They also start drinking wine. Why you would eat wine & cheese while watching iron man 2 baffles me to no end. After the credits they are confused by Thor's Hammer, until a nice young man tells them what it is, to which they respond with "Oh! Another villain!". I wanted to kill them after that. The people behind me: All of them knew each other and would constantly talk. It was incredibly annoying, this didn't interfere with the film that much, though.

    ^- This was my experience at the midnight IMAX show I went to. 2 girls were close to the screen and were wearing Iron Man chest toys that light up, they flipped them on 5 minutes into the movie and someone yelled "Turn those *&^%ing lights off."

    Then, the row behind me had this college age guy that kept yelling things at the screen, or reading text out loud that was on the screen. This happened every 10-15 minutes through the entire movie. Keep in mind that IMAX sound is LOUD, and he was actually talking OVER the movie...

    My wife and I have our first baby (a little girl we're naming Ripley) coming in August, so we knew this would probably be one of the last few movies we get to see in the theatre before then (we only go a few times a year at most), but after that experience and paying almost $50 for 2 Imax tickets and sharing popcorn and a drink, I think it may be one of the last movies we go to on opening night. :(

    A few weeks ago, a friend and I left work a little early on a Wednesday to catch a 4:20pm Clash of the Titans, the movie sucked but we were the only 2 people in the theatre! Now that is how to see a movie!!!


    Fighting out of the red corner...

    The Ole Canucklehead...

    The Best There is At What He Does...

    The Minimate Variant you hoped you'd never see...

    I am proud to introduce...




  7. So did my theater loose a reel or was

    the "Stark Expo" scene the 2-pack is based on not in the actual film

    Yeah I noticed that scene was missing too, along with

    Tony screaming "Youcompleteme!" to Pepper right after jumping from the plane.

    Fodder for a future "extended cut" of the film, I'll bet?

    Yeah that whole scene where Pepper kisses the helmet and throws it from the plane (i don't think we need to use spoiler tags since it was in the trailer) was missing. <_<

  8. Yep, the pix that NorthRaider posted color match my Mates exactly. The difference in blue doesn't bother me at all, in fact I kinda favor the Invaders mate more after looking at the compare pix.

    I come out to find that I accidentally illegally parked my car...$35 fine, so I just paid $42 for rogue and mystique...

    That sucks man, sorry for the bad luck after such a great find!

  9. The wife and I went to the midnight IMAX show last night...we loved it. I think it was able to match the formula that made the first one great, it was everything a good sequel should be.

    We definitely need an Agent Coulson mate, maybe with his

    artifact from the Land of Enchantment


    The sneak peek Uniform Rhodey would be welcome too, as well as

    Final Battle Whiplash

    and I'd even like a

    Justin Hammer's lackey Ivan mate

    Maybe an exclusive retailer 2-pack of

    Stan Lee as Heff from IM1/Stan Lee as Larry King from IM2!!!

    <- That would sell fast! :thumbsup:

    Rockwell stole the movie, he and RDJ were perfect together.

    The scene with the

    "Ex-Wife" in action

    was great!

    Does anyone know if there was any significance to the License Plate on Coulson's car after the credits? The camera seemed to stay on it intentionally long, maybe just to indicate where he was? For some reason I felt like there was a reference to the plate numbers/letters that I didn't pick up on...

  10. Bottom line is DST is a business looking to juggle making fans happy and selling their product to remain a profitable company.

    It wouldn't take much for a less reputable business to see that Deadpool is selling for $50 on eBay and profit off of that after the fact. They have the molds, they have the tampos, they could produce 1000 Deadpools next week and sell them directly from their website for $30.

    But they don't. Because they respect their customers.

    I'm not saying we won't see another Deadpool down the road, because everyone knows we will (the little &^%$er is in 4 monthly titles right now), but so far DST has not RE-RELEASED an exact version of a character, to my knowledge.

    TRU Spider-Woman had a different hair sculpt. Black Spidey had a slip-on mask.

    Cut them some slack. It's not their job or responsibility to keep the secondary market prices high and the only thing they "owe" us is the promise to continue making fun toys.

    I for one, would be ecstatic if they re-released Gold Spidey, as I want one for my collection and am not going to spend $300 on a piece of plastic.

  11. I bought the first 7 or 8 waves of Marvel Mates religiously, by the case in fact, when they first came out. It wasn't as easy to get them then, I couldn't pre-order complete sets with variants like today. Keep in mind that back then, AA only released maybe 2 sets a year, with a few exclusives.

    None of the local comic shops carried them, so I had to order the case online and pay shipping, then figure out what I was going to do with all of the extras. I think the Series 8 wave was the last I bought at a case price, I paid around $100 shipped for it. I think that may have been what led to me getting out of them all together.

    A few years went by where I admired the pix of them I saw online, but I actually thought of selling off my collection. I started looking into if they were still so hard to get and that's when I found that AFX was selling complete sets with the variant for about 25% of what I was paying for a case, I started back up with the Havok/Polaris wave and went back and slowly pieced together all the waves I missed.

    I've since moved on to another online retailer that takes better care of me, but that's my Minimate collecting story.

    Never doing THAT again! B)

  12. You know, the more I think about it, they could potentially pull off something really cool if they fashioned the case out of a chipboard tube (think oatmeal canister) and deco'ed it like a big Minimate head. The lid could even be designed like a slip-over mask or hairpiece.

    The minimates could sit in wheel-shaped trays with eight wedges each, and the trays could hang from a central spoke with a handle, so you could pull the whole "rack" of minimates out of the tube.

    Okay, I need to patent this idea myself...


    Something like... this.

    That looks great Lobsterman! I would also recommend that the handle be able to flip down and recess into the lid, and add some grooves that would fit into the bottom of another case if you wanted to stack them. Maybe even a groove/pin system that would allow you to lock them together.

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