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The Avenger

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Posts posted by The Avenger

  1. I've always found Mockingbird to be a bit generic

    So, just to be clear, this:

    is more "generic" than this:

    ?? I don't actually think that I could come up with a more generic-looking "super-heroine" than this Jewel person.

    In my opinion at least Jewel has some origionality to her, Mockingbird is mostly a second rate Huntress, or at best a second rate Hawkeye. Her uniform clashes in colors aswell as in design. And Jewel is never on teams, so she doesn't end up taking roster spots that other heroes deserve more. Besides, with Mockingbird around, how is Hawkeye supposed to be a playboy?

    Jewel, like Sentry, is a character that has become very important in the Marvel U, retroactivley. Wheras Mockingbird has been dead for some time, and everyone but Hawkeye forgot about her a long time ago.

    The difference between the two charcters is much like the difference between Sentry and Hyperion. Different people have different opinions, neither is wrong, but my personal prefference is for Jewel and Sentry over Mockingbird and Hyperion, and DST seems to have the same point of view.

  2. I'm familiar enough with Mockingbird, but I much prefer to have a Jewel. I've always found Mockingbird to be a bit generic, and Jessica Jones is still alive; but if I could have had Mockingbird over the Beast in the set, I would have been happy to see her. I guess that makes me in the minority on two of the boxset choices.

  3. Not a huge sports fan, but I could see myself buying some of these sporadically, NBA, NFL, and college football would be what I'm most likely to buy. Besides, having sports equipment accessories would add a whole new dimension to mate collecting and customizing like the western and platoon mates have.

  4. I second it, to round out a 4-piece boxest, I nominate Tom.

    The animation style is one of few that would lend to decent minimates, and there are plenty of characters and variations to draw a series of mates from. The only issue might be size, there aren't many minimates out there made of kids, and having Riley and Huey the same size as Robert might be problematic, they could always go 2.5" and 2" like Lord of the Rings, but I'd be alot less likely to buy them if the whole line wasn't in scale with all my other 2" mates.

  5. I hate the full face masks on characters like Black Panther, Captain America, and Batman. The new Batmen are alot better than the C3 Versions, but I think it is the designs and expressions, more than the use of the full face mask that improves them.

    Spider-Man on the otherhand, actually has a fullface mask, so it makes perfect sense to give him one. Sure the new versions will look weird next to the old versions, but unless you have a clone saga setup going on, there really doesn't seem to be a reason to display all you're Spider-Men together.

  6. After seing Tropic Thunder, I think they could make atleast a couple great minimate boxests out of it, sticking witth the vietnam theme, I wouldn't mind some Full Metal Jacket mates, or a second series of Platoon to round out that movie's ranks.

    Supposing I haven't mentioned them before, Three Kings (1999 film) would work well as a boxset too, get some more current looking soldiers, and minimate versions of Clooney and Ice Cube.

  7. I'd buy this wave, but really the only ones that really excite me are Deadpool and Gambit.

    I like the Jim Lee Costumes, but not enough that I would want repeat figures (though I'm sure they are inevitable)

    My X-dreamwave as disjointed as it may be would probably consist of:

    -Classic Sunfire/90's Sabertooth

    -Classic Banshee/Modern Warpath


    Variant: AOA Sunfire

  8. The ones I really think were overlooked would have to be...

    Must Haves:

    Martian Manhunter, Alan Scott, Atom (Either Palmer or the new one), Black Lightning, Red Arrow, Beast Boy, and Donna Troy, One Year Later Robin, Black Manta.

    Should haves:

    Kyle Rainer, Vixen, Captain Atom, Jason Todd/Red Hood, Two Face, Scarecrow, Blue Devil, Superboy (90's or Teen Titans), Eradicator, Zatana, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Mirror Master, Mr. Miracle, Metamorpho.


    Sandman, Mr. Terrific (modern), Dr. Midnite, Kid Devil, Modern Wonder Girl, Big Barda, Speedy (Origional or Modern), Orion, Starman (preferably the newest one), Modern Blue Beetle, Ravager, Jericho, The Key, Darkseid (He would be a must have but they had an easy to find C3 version), Tomar Re, Katana, Geoforce, Terra, Commisioner Gordon.

  9. The Secret Invasion Set takes care of two of my list so I think its time to change it up.

    1. Black Panther

    2. Deadpool

    3. Union Jack

    4. Gambit

    5. Genis Vell

    6. Falcon

    7. Cannonball

    8. Echo

    9. Hurricane (Albert Potter)

    10. Ultimate Nick Fury

    Spider-Man: Spider-Ham

    Wolverine: Current X-Force (Black/Teal)

    Spillover List:

    11.Brother Voodoo

    12.Black Knight

    13. Mammomax

    14.White Tiger (Casper Cole)


    16.Triathalon or New 3D-Man

    17. Sleepwalker

    18. Slapstick

    19. Moon Knight

    20. Flag-Smasher

  10. DC Minimates Boxsets, slim chance or not, I want to fill out some teams. After that, I wasn't blown away witht the Secret Invasion Boxset, but it is well done, and will give me phoenix, jewel, and a wolverine mask, so I can't complain too much.

    Punisher Warzone: God no, not only am I sick of Marvel Moviemate waves, the new Punisher movie doesn't even look good. If I could get a Thomas Jane punisher mate from the first movie, I'd be stoked, but I doubt I'll even see War Zone in theaters much less buy minimates based on it.

    The Cake Thing: I have no idea what this is from, or where or how they'll sell it. It's not a definitie no-buy, but I don't care too much about accecories, and if it costs what a standard 2-pack does, my money will be better spent elsewhere.

    The Spirit Comic-line: Know nothing about the spirit, so I'm not too interested, but I'm sure it'll please alot of people, so I'm all for it.

    The Spirit Movie-line: The Spirit, as little as I know about him, at least I know he doesn't belong in Sin City, so I don't realize why the movie is being made into a cheap Sin City rip off. I doubt I'll buy a single Spirit movie-mate or see the movie they are based on.

  11. -Unmasked Daredevil (eBay)

    -Translucent White Queen (got instead of regular version when I bought the series from AFX).

    -Archangel (Full set from Cornerstore Comics)

    -Vision 2.0 (Full Set From Cornerstore Comics)

    I've been wanting the Spider-Woman II, J. Jonah Jameson, and Stealth Iron Man, but they just aren't worth the prices they go for if you can even find them.

  12. I have to agree, variants suck.

    I understand that the variant sets garner extra interest, and therefore sell really well, but when the company charges the same price for them, and stores sell them for twice or more retail price, that doesn't help the company, and because they are made in more limited numbers, the overall profit numbers can't be all that much different.

    DST's variants make me especially mad, because when you shell out for a variant set, you don't get your money's worth, because if you are a completionist, you end up with duplicates that most people don't have any use for.

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