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  1. It looks to me like the colors are the same, they may have just updated the logo patch to the Ghostbusters II logo. I kinda like that though, the dark grey uniforms are cool but they were in the movie for collectively what, less than five minutes?
  2. I was bummed about Happy's handcuffs not attaching to the suitcase but with a little input from my significant other I was able to cut them with a nail clipper in such a way that they can attach and stay pretty secure to the suitcase and Happy's wrist.
  3. In the comics the Modular Iron Man armor was underneath that version of the Hulkbuster suit. It would be sweet if a slightly reworked Modular Iron Man from the Iron Man box set was underneath all those pieces.
  4. Yes the Borders near me got 13 2 packs in, with at least 10 of them being the Borders Exclusive pack. This was at least the second time they've come in, after the first shipment sold through.
  5. Has anybody else bought any of the Iron Man II Megabloks sets? The Hall of Armor set, and the two add-ons they sell, look great with the Minimates. The tools it comes with, the robotic arms and the work benches are all super neat. If I can find my usb cable I'll upload pictures.
  6. I had been debating getting the entire bridge crew but was going back and forth, partially because I didn't have a bridge to have them all on. Now though, it's definitely decided, I need to pick up one of each of the original bridge crew. Although I might put Captain Pike in the Captain's Chair just because I can.
  7. So in another thread I mentioned this one hadn't been updated in a while. Clearly I'm incapable of advancing to the next page of replies. Crap. Sorry about that guys. I deleted the other post. Anyways, my current holy grails are Frosted Ice-Man, Kobol Variant Number Six, and the Sentinel Minimate Max. It used to be the Galactus Minimate Max but I found that at the last con I went to. I also used to be interested in the 1st appearance grey Iron Man but now that the Classic Avengers have been announced, I'd rather have the gold version.
  8. Hi there, I'm new to this board and relatively new to minimates (although my collection is quickly growing). I picked up the Astonishing Cyclops/Emma Frost two pack the other day and I can't get Cyclops' mask off. It seems like his head is really loose on the neck piece and the mask is really tight on his head. I've heard this can be fixed by putting him in hot water. Can anyone vouch for that? Apologies is this has been brought up before.
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