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Posts posted by Shanester

  1. The Medicom Cereal Kubricks were indeed released in the USA. In fact, the last time I saw them locally was at Tower Records who dumped the last of their stock several months ago for $1 each and still had trouble moving them out.

    As far as a third wave goes... Medicom tends to keep their release numbers on these small and there are plenty of Kubrick collectors who will buy some of them.

    I had 2 of these myself. Tony the Tiger is on my desk in the building I used to work in (being renovated after Katrina) and the other was the Gorilla that I dissected for parts.

    Now, on the other hand, if they make the Monster Cereal mates (Fruit Brute, Boo Berry, etc), I will buy those, but only because I am a freak. I still would not see them being good selling material.

  2. I know it's a bit churlish from someone who collect block figures, but I will never understand the "big head" bobbler/Superdeformed style of stuff like this.

    It's just wrong.

    I am right there with you Danny. I don't get it either... :huh:

  3. ^^^ That's part of Brandon's response - and my question is: first, why wasn't he completely open in the past? Isn't that his job?

    And secondly, why doesn't AA have someone with actual access to information overlooking the forum? What's the point of having an admin team that knows less than the members?!

    You should post this over there and see what they say...

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