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Fo Shizzle

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Posts posted by Fo Shizzle

  1. PS. So should we take this as conformation that the Jewel & Wolverine that came off the ship are skrulls?

    I just got done reading New Avengers and they have pretty much made it clear that the heroes that came off the ship

    are Skrulls and all memories of their previous life has been erased

  2. I saw it on Sunday and was not as impressed as I was the first time. It wasn't horrible or anything it just didn't pack the same punch it did the first time around. Too much love story in my opinion and I didn't care for the actress that played the Princess, she layed the whole damsel in distress thing down way too thick and it got kind of annoying. The special effects of course were awesome but the fact that you didn't get to see the Golden Army until the last ten minutes of the movie was kind of a let down.

  3. I like your theory... but, does anyone remember if the Skrull that tried to replace Echo use multiple powers? For some reason I think it did but I may be wrong. (I'm at work and don't have my comics with me for cross reference :( But I agree Neo, the Spy-Skrulls maybe just go through the ceremony and not the super power enhancement programĀ© simply because they don't need to if that's the case.

  4. Don't know about Ms. Marvel -- after Fury took off it seemed like that was actually the real her he'd shot. I'd heard she was fighting a Skrull duplicate in her solo title, so I guess she won but Fury hadn't heard? Anyone reading her book want to fill in the details?

    I don't think the Skrulls can just replace superheroes if they haven't done that freaky ceremony ahead of time, can they? The whole point of Fury's team is that no one's ever heard of any of them, so the Skrulls wouldn't have duplicates standing by. Hopefully we'll see some more flashbacks about them in one of the Avengers titles.

    I also hope the main SI book gets past the first 5 minutes of the invasion soon, although it is a lot of fun :)

    I actually did pick up Ms. Marvel's tie-in issues and it seemed to start out right before the invasion when she discovers her doppelganger. One thing about that though was that it was originaly made to look like the Skrulls don't replace Heroes without taking them out of the picture first, weird. Then in issue 28 she seems to be in New York after Nick Fury and crew leave, because the first page shes alone surrounded by super-Skrulls and then proceeds to kick ass. So it appears she didn't even get a chance to tell Nick Fury it was the real her which I don't think he really would have cared.

    On another note regarding the ceremony they use to replace people, in one of the issues they show Shield agents taking Ms. Marvel & Ms. Marvel Skrull up to the helicarrier and a Skrull just walking up and morphing into an agent and just flying right with everyone else. So I'm not totally sure what exactly what the ceremony allows them to do. My only guess is that that's what makes them undetectable to magic, and things like Wolvie's senses, but we will see...

  5. I was kinda hoping they'd confirm whether or not Tony was a Skrull. One thing I din't understand was when the Skrulls were talking about how humans have spread distrust among themselves already and really didn't have to do a whole lot, and then Nick Fury shoots Ms. Marvel. I mean, how does he know 100% that any of his team got replaced during the fight?

  6. Once I found out about Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 coming out, I started MUA over and am pretty much just keeping sharp for when it's released. The main goal the first time around was to unlock Thor's sweet looking armor and Nick Fury.

  7. Aww man I'l be disappointed if he isn't taller but I pretty sure I'll be buying him regardless!! He's not going to be a SDCC exclusive though right, they were talking about unveiling him in the next wave? Are-Jay are you planning on on being there for that panel to get picks?

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