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Everything posted by BannersID

  1. wow Bob nice frakkin' job on that group of mates, just stunning!
  2. ahh luke that is so wrong, I shudder to think of what the theme of that contest must have been
  3. I was also happy with 2 sets of extensions, and I think the galactus hat thing is wicked cool I wish I had one of those to wear on poker night!
  4. this looks loads better than the last avengers series that was out there
  5. lol @ aapje yeah I was also wondering did we need more Zangief?
  6. wow, really nice build on the redo. things like this leave me really wanting to go out and buy a bunch of legos and get to work but that would take away from my minimate allowance
  7. parallax looks great nice parts use on bisons cape
  8. nice playset the arm is a sweet touch!
  9. I've gotten really hooked on this part swapping biz I picked up a 1st appearance marvel girl with the intention of working over mary jane with the head and hair piece and power man with the yellow boots as I've seen others do brilliantly and some how when I was done I had this gloves and boots courtesy marvel girl and a new face from heroes box set cap
  10. I believe MaBait already turned one of those into a Fin-fang-foom in the customs section
  11. heres an easy one. the lack of paint tampos on the limbs on the new Iron Man Silver Centurion armor was kind of bumming me out I had a loose Silver surfer in my parts box and so...
  12. Glad i could help! I am pretty sure there is a tab at the top of the page to change what state you want to search
  13. I work a split shift so it gives me a chance to check stores in the middle of the day a crappy way to make a living but it gives me a small edge in the collecting department, I also check these boards like its a cult when a new wave is going to hit and as soon as I see those posts come up I hit stores hard till I get what I am after, so it's not like that stuff just falls into my lap I do work hard to get it in the context of this being a hobby. I also rarely get duplicates for myself the one time I found extras they went to board members at cost. Gilbob i'll try and keep you in the loop when I see extras
  14. wow! that kind of reasoning makes me feel crazy lucky for finding any exclusives at retail let alone all of them to date
  15. Graham's a bloodsucker, IMHO, I avoid those shops like the plague over-valued and over priced especially in the back issue department he will often sell back issues for they're cgc price even though they havent been graded I've also seen him sell repackaged toys as "new" for a stiff premium
  16. I use this page quite a bit when I'm bored and looking to get out of the house for a bit The Master List
  17. tron article maybe this works, these items look really nice I hope the film is as entertaining as it looks
  18. keiths comics on roselle in Schaumburg sells mates
  19. as for 80s flicks I need me some Buckaroo Banzai mates, or Blade Runner mates would be sweet enough to make me cry!
  20. I scored on these tonight in IL at golf mill the other TRUs had nothing but earlier stuff one had almost exclusively reed hulk and storm klaw packs. if I see more I'll post that I can help. good luck all!
  21. I agree Spiral cant be far behind, heres to hoping she comes with a Mojo!
  22. hmm... I like most of this wave and I do like the bulked up thing yes he doesnt look very block like but to stay inside the 2 inch format I have to say I don't know what else we could have expected. I think if a boardie here at the 'verse had come up with that Thing we would be swooning over it. I'm looking forward to a hulk with the bulked up arms
  23. Psy I think puck looks great. the penguin mate had some modified feet maybe adding them to what you've done already would help make him even smaller . or from what I can see in your pics maybe trimming the foot pegs down so they fit in the leg a little more snuggly.
  24. WOW great job on Alpha Flight they all look top notch the hobbits were standard 2 inch mates
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