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Posts posted by SlushyFrog

  1. Are most people buying that pack for the Sentinel or for Ryu? IMO, we got a better Sentinel already and we're getting a better Ryu in MvC3 wave 3.

    Ah I forgot that there's another Ryu in Wave 3. But I do prefer the Wave 2 Ryu... that just means I can pass on the Wave 3 one since I really don't need yet another Captain America.

  2. Okay, I counted Characters-by-Secret ID's, Ronin and Hawkeye were both Clint Barton, Bucky, Bucky Cap, and Winter Soldier all count as the same character. This is the same way I counted characters for Minimates, so the counts are equivalent.

    So by that count MU has 127 unique Earth-616 characters, and 8 alternate reality characters. The 616 count could technically be lower, since Wasp and H.E.R.B.I.E. have only appeared in that line as unmoving accessories.

    That's 91 more minimate characters just from the 616. 39 more alternate reality characters.

    So by raw count, it's not even close.

    But, I think the recent for the perceived inequity in their favor is that some of the characters who are unique to the MU line also just happen to have been on long time minimate collectors' lists of character's we'd like minimates for- Kang, Falcon, Winter Soldier, the Wrecking Crew, the Enchantress, Nighthawk, more Inhumans. So it's just pure jealousy on our part for a hand full of characters that they have that we really want. Overall, Minimates are still kicking their butts. Badly.

    Thanks for doing the count. I think it would also be interesting to see the ratio of new characters to rehashes. I'd imagine over time the ratio is going to get smaller. Might make more sense to break it down by year to see if MU is following a similar trend as Minimates. Anyway, I'm just wondering out loud here, I'm not actually going to take the time to do this, haha.

  3. SORRY NO POSTS TODAY, GUYS. wouldn't be fair to tthe press I have coming tomorrow. In the name of peace, no DC matges, no SW mates. Walkin Dead we have an entire assortment finished, plus Expendables, MAX, Pirates UM and more Tomorrow I have 18 press appts, so.. why are none of you here, as deputized writers for MMHQ?

    I'm loving the Expendables. Wonderful.

    Did Zach say, "no DC matges"? Is this a clever ruse to leave a back-door open for more DC Minimates? Ya, I didn't think so.

    I think we will see more Capcom v. Marvel tomorrow. Return of Ghostbusters, that is the line that is coming back (in my humble opinion).

    He didn't deny Star Trek mates.

  4. I would buy a bunch of each if they were in the $3-$4 range per figure. I haven't done any army building yet, because I haven't been able to justify getting many duplicates of a unique character.

    I would buy two boxes of each A.I.M. and Hydra goons. Even if they were just straight rereleases of the comic ones we already got, because I think those are such perfect representations of what they are. I love them.

  5. Both the triangle and circle can be spotted in the extended Superbowl spot:

    Changey trousers Hulk, and Iron Man definitely had the triangle (DIDN'T have the circle) reactor in the first trailer (haven't seen the superbowl slot)

    I do think, with the big need for secrecy surrounding films like this, that the reference stuff the toy companies are giving must end up being early concept stuff.

    that or everyone spends the whole film getting changed.

  6. Hmmm, I would like more Young Avengers minimates. Could the Avengers movie justify it? If memory serves, only Vision 2.0 has been done.

    Also, I was definitely annoyed about Kitty, but funnily enough Vision didn't bother me because back when he was released this was the only time I'd ever seen him in a comic:


  7. I totally agree that Game of Thrones would work great with Minimates. It has a huge cast of characters with a large variety of costumes and seems to be the right genre for collectors.

    My current favorite tv drama is Justified -- not sure how interesting the characters would be in Minimates form.

    Despite the possibility of Firefly Minimates having been shot down in a Q&A, I will reiterate that it's at the top of my Minimates wants.

  8. My set came today and I have to say, I'm happy with it overall.

    What I most find notable is just how incredibly sparkly Galactus is.

    I mean really really sparkly.

    I can't decide if it's awesome or not.

    I actually like the sparklyness -- makes him seem more otherworldy.

    Unfortunately the helmet on mine either sits either too high on the head or the tampo is too low, but I can't get the mouth to peak through.

  9. Well I guess I'll throw my thoughts in here as well,sure some fans don't like retreads or don't care about them,but DST has to think of THE CASUAL BUYER;I doubt a 8 year old would go to toys r us,pick up a set with sandman and say"hey they released 4 sandmans 4 years ago that are perfectly fine!"so I do understand that most fans won't like it,but there's also another huge selection of people who buy mates just because' which is one of the reasons that minimates have had 41 waves before.

    Just out of curiosity, have any of you actually witnessed a noncollector pick up a minimate package and buy it?

  10. My TRU exclusive came in one envelope, both slightly squashed. I expected this, but it doesn't matter to me because I open my Minimates. I think my Betsy has the same problem as EvilAsh's.

  11. Hmmm... what other generic nonlicensed minimates would I want (other than zombies and pirates).

    Star Wars.

    Haha Star Wars would certainly rejuvenate my interest in Minimates.

    I guess cheap civilians would be nice... I've been using 24 and BSG minimates for such purposes. Like the blind packaged LEGO minifigs -- although they'd have to be cheaper than the single pack army builders for me to buy them. If the MAX line could go towards scientists/doctors and astronauts that would be lovely.

    But yeah not too much beyond ninjas (already mentioned) really scream out at me.

    Although I would love WUXIA type figures (think the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 'mates but generic Asian flying kung fu figures). My guess is they wouldn't be too popular but I would totally buy them and I think they could visually look very cool.

    I would be ecstatic if they got the Fables license but since DC Minimates are out of the question, I can't imagine Fables minimates ever being made. So... fairy tales in the public domain could be a good consolation.

    Okay, I think I got sidetracked far enough. I'd buy the NYCC packs if they were easy to obtain (retail price + shipping).

  12. I love these two sentences in the zombie 2-pack description:

    They are only the beginning, the first of many. Soon, they will be legion.

    I'm surprised it took DST this long to get into generic zombies. With the part swapping feature of minimates, there could be hundreds of different zombie combinations to be had. Can't wait to see what the future holds for this new line of undead minimates.

    I would probably get zombie minimates (although I never picked up any of the Marvel Zombies).

    Funny thing is I've never really liked zombies... but pop culture has been bombarded by zombies so much in the last decade that I've been braiiinswashed into thinking they're pretty neat.

    Hmmm... what other generic nonlicensed minimates would I want (other than zombies and pirates).

  13. I want a modern straight hair Rogue with a cloak, and this one looks “good enough for the time being” since I figure it will be awhile until we get one proper (and if she comes with an unhooded hair piece I might buy 2 or 3 of these sets)

    Agreed. I also want a more modern-looking Rogue. But I am on board with the set as a whole, as I kinda like what I had read of Age of X.

  14. 2. Why do people insist that there's this huge interest in Firefly? It was a fine show and all, but it didn't last a year, the movie wasn't a hit, and it's not even current. Hopefully, Chuck's made it clear that Firefly's never happening, so we can start badgering him for things that matter, like Mystery Science Theater 3000. :biggrin:

    I don't know what kind of interest there is, but I was bummed to hear Chuck definitely crush all hopes for it. They had some pretty random licenses before: Desperately Seeking Susan, Man with no Name Trilogy and I would've thought Firefly had some kind of shot. It's the appropriate genre, still has a fanbase at conventions, and most importantly, it's arguably my favorite TV show ever, heh. And when I say appropriate genre, I'd bet most toy collectors know what Firefly is and have enjoyed watching it. I guess they've had bad luck with licenses of "old" properties -- they certainly seem to be trying to release minimates that would hopefully appeal to the general minimate collector (pirates, MAX), than attract the (likely small) fanbase of an old license.

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