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dr baghead

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Everything posted by dr baghead

  1. That's just ridiculous. Although, maybe you have a good point, let's run with it! Anyone with a child can no longer: -Drive a car -Cook hot food -use a knife -bath in more then 2 inches of water -sleep on their stomaches -go anywhere without a parents permission -ride a subway/bus alone -stay up past 8pm (if they're good though they can stay up until 9 on Saturday) -watch anything but Phineas and Ferb (actually, that's not so bad an idea) -talk to strangers -take aspirin without dying -eat a hamburger that DOES NOT come with a free toy (sorry, the other ones are too big, you won't finish them) -vote I have no personal problem with any of those things, but my niece and nephew (don't have kids of my own) are too young to do any of those... so I guess implicitly I DO have a problem with it?
  2. what I liked: -Comic Iron Man Minimates -Pirates -Universal Monsters -Tarot (they look interesting in my opinion) -Ghostbusters boxset 4 (I'll take 2!) -bet the JLU Kandor would work with minimate Superman... what I'm 'meh' about: -unlicensed rescue minimates (if they really are $7.99 they're cool, if they're $17.99 they're a pass) -those mech-suits (they look silly, I like them, but I don't know if I want them) -the licensed vehicles (still not sold on the look) what I don't like: -That I still don't know if Mark 4 or 5 Iron-Man has a "sunglasses Tony" under the hood like the pictures from the donut shop. -NEXT YEAR FRANKENSTEIN?!?! NOOOOO -TWO YEARS UNTIL DRACULA?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOO (however, my future mother-in-law is a geek like me and I've been giving her Star Trek/Movie Wolverine minimates for Christmas since she's into those franchises.... so since she's into Universal Monsters at least them being spread out means I've got the next 3 Christmases covered.) ....question! Why is this: in the DST folder? Are they making luchadore figures?! If so, I demand El Santo and Blue Demon minimates to fight the Wolfman and Frankenstein please.
  3. I had a similar debate that Jekyll and Hyde weren't horror during Charity Mates 3.... though I consider Jekyll and Hyde to be a morality tale about the duality of man and the choices one makes in life because of the musical, apparently since Universal touched him first he's a monster and thereby horror. Anything Universal has touched is a Universal Monster above all else. ... tangently related: Does Mezco have a blanket Hellboy license? Does the Mez-It license still cover block figures or just "Mighty Muggs"? Because isn't Hellboy sorta-kinda now technically a Universal Monster now? (there was even talk at one point that Hellboy 3 would be 'Van Hellsing but with Hellboy' but that seems to have fallen apart in favor of finishing up the existing Hellboy storyline and revamping all the monsters on their own)... at the very least it'd be an excellent companion line. also it's a completely separate licenses but we need El Santo and Blue Demon, can't have classic movie monsters without a Luchadore to punch them in the face...
  4. So how is "Gershon" pronounced then? ... also, what'd ya eat?
  5. Time for more customs?! It sure is!... sorry about that. GET OVER HERE! Venom with Scorpion's tail! Mattalica did this MUCH better but... mine's tail is removable! so that's gotta count for something, right? (wrong) VarAIN'T Back-in-Black Spidey+Painted Ultimate Spider-man head= Non-slip cover head symbiote Spidey! Transformation Venom + tongue head is for fun. He's no Superman Movie Sandman's head + Hannibal Lektor's body + Invader Cap's belt + penny lodged by medical intern in door EQUALS: The Janitor From Scrubs! (I like Scrubs -__-) He's given serious thought to eating your wife... One of the Hannibal heads (the one from the body Janitor stole?) with a dry brushing of grey in the hair to show age + a repainted Tony Stark in a suit Equals: Hannibal from Hannibal! A Look I far prefer to his Silence of the Lamb outfits. I was 'Bound' the let you go... It's Selina Kyle as if played by Gina Gershon! (I like to mispronounce it as "Gur-shin" though I'm pretty sure it's pronounced "Grr-shawn") I thought the Nina from 24 minimate looked like Gina Gershon and as such she would make a good head for a Catwoman minimate (as Gina was the voice of Catwoman in 'the Batman') it didn't look good at all on a Catwoman body so it became civilian clothes Selina. That's all.
  6. I think a better He-Man multi-pack would have been that scene in GB2 where the kids wanted to see He-Man not Ray and Winston. And since Mattel LOVES absurd packaging it's perfect too! Ray and Winston would be posed mid-dance (never mind they can't really pose that way, they'll be forced into those poses, you don't mind warped figures if it means they look awkward in the box right?) with He-Man standing to their right in some uninspired pose. Pushing a button on the base causes a horrifyingly loud sample of Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson sining the Ghostbusters theme, only to have the kids interrupt and start chanting "HE-MAN! HE-MAN! HE-MAN!" when they get to the "who you gonna call?" section. (this sound chip will add $10 to the overall cost, and licensing the audio will add $7.50 per unit on top of that... but hey your only other option is to use your imagination or watch the DVD to get the audio so you're cool with adding $17.50 onto the cost right!) ... that said, snarky comments aside when Mattel decides they want to do a fancy ass package no matter what has to be destroyed to get it done they do it right and the He-Man Vs Superman pack is no exception if the pick in ToyFare is to be believed, nice background and dynamic posing on the two of them... it would be a must buy for me IF the stupid "DC Classics/MotU Classics" headers and "He-Man/Superman bio tags" at the bottom didn't block all the action. I get it, someone had the idea "Superman's side of the Box will be themed like a DCUC card and He-Man's side will be themed like a MotUC card!" which is well and good if they had just been place side by side in the case. But if you want to pose them mid fight, put the headers behind them at least so I can display this in box and get a nice widow around the figures so I can enjoy it like a $30 statue in tombed in crummy plastic rather then being reminded "these are two toys that will loose all coolness* if you take them out of the box, you must look at them THROUGH the box and be hampered by the box to see them." *this is assuming you either have/don't want Supes/He-Man, if you don't have/do want well then they're cool out of the box... but otherwise this is just an excuse to sell two figures we already have AGAIN.... Hey! Maybe that means there's hope for my GB2 3-pack idea yet! Also, if the rumors are true about Mattel trying to get Thundercats look for this exact same Superman again in "Superman Vs Lion-O" next year! Complete with reprint of the insane crossover comic in which Superman beats up a bunch of cat aliens because he no-speaky-their-crazy-moon-language and they use the lamest cop-out in the Superman universe to explain WHY this happens.
  7. I know nothing of Tarot (except for #53), but I'll probably be buying these for parts, Skeleton Man and Crypt Chick (are those really their names?! please tell me the Haunted Vagina article made those up.) have some really cool looking new sculpted pieces (The only one I won't be tearing apart for fodder is white spikey-crown lady, my fiancee already laid claim to her for her pile of minimates she likes I can't part out, joining the ranks of Gamora and Black Panther) I don't think these are any risk to children... if they are, great! that would mean kids are actually going into comic book shops, hopefully they'll buy a copy of "Batman: the Brave and the Bold" (comic or cartoon based, either or) or one of those brightly colored Spider-man digest and get into comics to save the dying industry, As I doubt these are headed to Toys R Us (how many of the Marvel mates even end up there? Heck several key Ghostbuster characters weren't even released at TRU, just because it's a minimate doesn't mean it ends up on a TRU shelf)... aside from which, these would hardly be the worse thing TRU has sold even if they did carry them. McFarlane had a crapton of racy/occult figures (back when they made toys instead of bad discussions) I don't know if TRU carried Bondage Dorthy (I know I saw her at Kay-Bee) but 99% of the Angela/generic spawn lady character/Conan female figures were as sparsely clothed as the Tarot Minimates are implied to be and they carried 'Tortured Souls' and several of the "McFarlane Monsters" series (I was always surprised TRU wouldn't carry "Hellboy" movie figures because of the world 'Hell' but a figure loosely based on the man Hellboy's main villain is loosely based on hanging from a pole half nude on hooks is fine.) Also I hope the comparisons to Nazi Red Skull are strictly on a "Nazi=Witchcraft" level, because if "Nude Comic Art=Nazi", then Christ, my DeviantArt page qualifies me as a war criminal. (Also makes me wonder if in some alternate universe were he did go to Art School if "As Bad As Hitler" is an apt comment to make about Comics... "Rob Liefeld is worse then Hitler! At least ol' Dolfy drew FEET during his run on Teen Titans")
  8. it's actually not a straight reissue... the arc reactor is the correct blue this time not yellow like the original. (also his arms look to be black rather then flesh/muddy. ...Also, is that a second head to the figure's upper's left? If so maybe there's a spoilerific reason to reissue the mark one, maybe it's not Tony in the armor?
  9. while Nightcrawler needs to be re-released because he's so very popular and so very rare... I don't think he needs any improvement. All the sculpted parts are pretty spot on (you *could* switch his chest piece for shoulder sharks, but it would be purely for aesthetic reasons and could only equal, never top, the original) and his decals are just about perfect too (you could add those weird "dark grey" muscles like Nightwing has, but it wouldn't add all that much since it's pretty hard to see, and "Light blue" muscles like Back in Black Spidey might just look like he has torn pants.) Assuming there's no rule about it (he's not a variant right?) he could be just slapped as in into TRU wave 7 and it'd be all good! if that's too rambly I'll summarize, Nightcrawler: Needs to be reissued so everyone can enjoy him, but doesn't need a thing changed about him.
  10. Clear would be a little more jarring to me since then she'd be invisible from the sides. I try to match the side colors to either hair or capes, or in the case of someone like masked Harley who's hair doesn't go behind her back and doesn't have a cape I try to use a color associated with them. That Ivy with the orange sides used to have the "New X-Men Phoenix hair piece" so her hair used to go behind her, but you're right that now the orange is jarring now that she has shorter hair. Maybe I'll repaint it green to go with the vines now. If you're gonna try to make Mr.Freeze maybe you'll like this (or maybe you won't): Mr.Freeze face Decal!!!! Also, Classic Joker, and both unmasked Harley and Harley's Mask (I would have included Raven and Beastboy too, but I'm reworking them). Click "Download" to get scaled for printing.
  11. WOW, this set turned out better then I had hoped (so much better I have to order an extra single of which ever two of the Drones are just 2 per case so I can 3 of each of those beautiful bastards!)
  12. oh no, I know about TRU wave 3 that little ramble at the end was a hypothetical comment like "What if Viggo, GB2 Egon, and Janine were saved for a 4th Box set" but then Box set 3 (which we'll pretend in this case has slightly gooey Peter in place of Janine) doesn't sell at all so box set 4 gets canceled. well maybe those 3 could end up in TRU wave 4? But without Viggo and Egon anchoring wave 3 it might not sell! (there'd be no uniformed Ghostbuster or Headliner Ghost, Psychic Peter and Titanic Captain aren't exactly huge draws and could warm pegs once the Scollari sets are gone) So now TRU isn't going to pick up another wave well maybe one of them could come with the TRU Ecto-1 and the other with the PX Ecto-1a?! ah, but no one wants pope-mobile time machine so there's not gonna be a second wave of Mini-Flyers... so in summation: I took the comment in Q&A to mean "if the line ends after Wave/Boxset 3 we've essentially finsihed the line" explaining why so many sets are 'wrapped up' not "we're ending the line after wave/boxset 3" meaning there's no chance we'll ever see a 4th wave/boxset.
  13. Is the line really ending? I took that line to mean "we finished off the existing sets so if sales don't justify a wave 4/boxset 4 there's no hanging ends" to avoid the same problems Rocky, LotR, Street Fighter, DC, and BSG (?) had rather then "this is it! walk away! dust hands and we're done!" Like if sales were there they could throw together a wave 4/boxset 4/figure out a variant to go with the Ecto-1 but if there's a massive drop in sales because the videogame's not as hot now keeping the franchise in people's minds, and if Mattel has stolen away all the potential money to be had in GB sales with their less-awesome-but-larger figures so no one wants mates anymore and people just aren't into Pope-mobile-pick-up-truck Time Machines we're not staring at our collections saying "hey wait... we only have 3 of the guys in GB2 uniforms, I guess I can put Lab Egon with them. And None of the headliner ghost from Ghostbusters 2? but we got two very minor ghost from the movie, yay... And what's the deal with this random suited Peter?! But hey, I have 4 different Stay Pufts, 4 different Slimers, 3 different Terror Dogs, and TWO identical versions of each GB1 Ghostbuster, so at least they used every space in the line effectively"
  14. They're referring to the Angel situation and are saying "There are three 'variant' boxes per case" not "There are three different variants in the wave"
  15. They should make 'the most boringest 4-pack EVER" to fill out the cast: -unpossessed Dana -unpossessed/non-Ghostbuster Louis -Janosz NOT dressed like Marry Poppins -Winston in the clothes he wore when he applied for the job. (we've got 5 Egons/Peters, 4 Rays, and 3 Winstons, we need another Winston!) Slime pack Ray/Peter, Marry Poppins Janosz, random ghostes, (and I wouldn't mind both a GitD Terror Dog and a statue form Terror Dog either)... those can be sold in TRU 2-packs, but where else besides "THE MOST BORINGEST 4-PACK EVER" can 4 vanilla civilian-suits find a home and still maybe sell?
  16. I can't really add anything to this topic since everyone else already said how great the new mates look, I just like to post!
  17. I broke down and got 'food belly' Slimer today... I was surprised I could actually read "Spangler" on Luis' revised torso (as all my other Ghostbusters are dingy dark names) but did not buy him. Overall I consider Slimer a legit variant worth rebuying while new Luis is a novelty at best only worth getting if you missed out the first time. FUN FACT: If you need a top-hole-free clear head Food-belly Slimer has one under his "blob" Edit: Well I feel slow and like the last person to the party to know this, but when I was putting Food Belly Slimer with the rest of my Ghostbuster mates I noticed although Egon/Peter share a jacket piece Ray and Winston are different sculpts completely.... now I feel even more justified in my decision to just collect minimates instead of the Matty collector figures, since at least these didn't skimp on all identical bases. (and I know the cost differences between making a new minimate jacket and a new 6 in torso is so huge it's insane to fault Mattel for this, but still I give points for the effort)
  18. 'Feels like i'm wearing nothing at all . . . nothing at all. . . nothing at all.' D'oh... stupid sexy Ironman
  19. I'll give you half-credit, since when I took the picture I realized "this is going to look like an Ultimates 3 Captain America" but it's actually refrencing this: From "Wha....HUH?!" from 2005, the little short comic is about "what if Black Panther was actually white?" the oddest thing about this short story is it looks like it was edited after being finished (and seemingly the book in general might be like this as I heard the "What if DC let us do 'Batman/Daredevil'?" panel was original supposed to be "What if Kevin Smith finished his books on time?") as Iron Man is holding his hand like that in every panel, as if he's chugging from some invisible bottle of booze (the last panel shows him holding a can, so either that was "mistakenly left in" or "cans are okay because it might be soda, but we can't show him chugging from a bottle!") so anyway... (I still need to figure out how to make "Eco-Friendly Ghost Rider" and should we ever get an offical Werewolf-by-Night or Spider-Hulk I'm pretending they're "Werewolf-by-Day" and "What if Hulk became Spider-man?!" minimates I love "Wha...HUH?!" so much) new customs? maybe this will grab your attention then: Joker is Batcave Joker head and hair on DCD Joker Body, Fish I believe comes with Gollum (or Palz Enigma) Harley is DCD Harley with Powergirl's hair with sculpted pig-tails, new face decal is based on Dean Yeagle's artwork (Dean's never drawn Harley as far as I know, which is a damned shame, but his original character "Mandy" reminds me of her so I basically made a Mandy decal.) Ivy is Polaris' head with President Roslin's hair painted origin, body is all paint. (she's supposed to look like the lady who I don't think is Poison Ivy but reminds me of her on the cover of Frank Cho's "Women" art book, which I almost bought until I found out the inside was all B&W) Same thing but different: Here's where the rest of the Batcave Joker and Polaris ended up! Joker has a decal face with movie Tony Stark hair. Ivy has Champions Black Widow hair and face and Specter's booties. Harley has a new mask based on the one from Hush, I thought her existing mask was too small and her eyes not fun enough. (and yes, this actually a different Harley then the unmasked one not just the same one with her mask on... I have two Harleys) Hey! Showing Poison Ivy so naked in the first picture is offensive to women!!! LADIES! now this post has something for everyone!!! He has Jim Lee Wolverine's face and MORE hair sharpied on... pixelated to be safe. (and before anyone ask: HUMOR. Nothing is funnier then someone realizing one of the 18 Wolverines on my shelf is nude.... if this Wolverine was supposed to be "sexy" he'd have Hugh Jackman's face now, wouldn't he?) Have an ICE day! I'll see you TAMALE!!! Oh crap, it's the other part of that joke that's cold related... me have an extra Mk1 lying around?! First attempted Mr.Freeze, decal is based on Ah-nold Mate from the T2 line. Head is a random piece of clear piping glued shut. edit: I forgot! He has Chef Duff's "icing gun" with the canister it attaches to glued to his back (well Mark 1's front) since it was too appropriate not to use, it says "ICING GUN" on it for jummy's sake!! Banimated Series!!! Animated style Bane. Has a hole cut in his mask, has Chun-Li bracelets around his hand pegs and neck (works like the choker on Jigsaw and Wonderman) and a spacer in his belt so his longer arms don't look weird.... now I just need to figure out how to make "Luchadore old school animated Bane" and I'm golden. Honey, I shrunk myself into a 2 inch block style collectable figure... Labegon MINUS Egon face/hair/labcoat (basically everything that makes him 'Lab' and 'Egon') PLUS Ghostbuster Luis head EQUALS THIS! I pretend it represents Wayne Szalinski, but you can pretend it's a non-exploded civilian Luis if you want... also, let's say you're worse then Hitler and don't like Rick Moranis, well you can make this instead: "Hi I'm an updated Peter Parker!"
  20. Two things that I find really impressive about this custom: -I've never played Left 4 Dead but I instantly recognized this as "one of the guys in the Left 4 Dead commercial" -I have a battle damage movie Wolverine in the middle of my marvel shelf and it took me a good 5 minutes to realize this is made of his torso/arms. So yeah, really great job capturing the character so that it's recognizable to someone who's only vaguely familiar with the series and good use of parts that it seems so natural I didn't pick up on who it was made of.
  21. My method is basically the same as Luke's for casting Ironman and EXACTLY the same for the Jet bases (I use a different latex and a Clear Resin, both of which can be easily obtained at your local TAP Plastic but that's the only major difference.) If anyone wants me to go over the specifics on how I casted Ironman I can go over that, but that's pretty much it. also anyone who wants me to open shop, eh, you want to have a look at this: like I said, I only cast 2/3rds of the Ironman since you can't tell when they're on the back of my shelf, and the arc reactors all have HUGE bubbles in them I just can't get rid of (in the clears anyway, in the ones I painted I just sculpted over them) it's pathedic really... of course if that's not a deal breaker and you don't want to try molding yourself (you really should! it's fun, easy, and rewarding!) shot me a PM and maybe we can work something out. ANYWAY, how about some new content to go with casting talk? Yes, no? Oh well, here's some anyway: FIRE, THUNDER, LIGHTNING.... DAD! Hey looks! It's the Teen Titans likes on that TV show I don't remember the name of. Kori's stole Invader Torch's accessories, Dick's a frankenstein of his C3 (head, bootcovers) and DCD (everything else) self, Cyborg is I *think* the last of my Iron Monger repaints, Raven has Magdalena's (or whatever the character from the Indie Mates box set is named and I'm too lazy to look up how to spell it but not lazy enough to not type up how lazy I am) hair, Black Widow (or Champion Ghost Rider's) belt, and a heavily modded Mysterio cape. Beastboy has Hulk hair, an X-Men belt, and sculpting. Over CompenSLADED You know how some artist draw Deadpool overloaded with weapons like he's the Mask or something? yeah I like that, but like hell was I gonna ruin Deadpool gluing crap on him, so Deathstroke has every gun I didn't need at the time glued to his back. Let's keep the Titan Theme rolling... Look it's officially the laziest Oracle custom EVER. Wally gave up his shoes and mask for a "Dark Knight Strikes Again" Barry custom, so he stole Dr.Fate's feet, Invader Captain America's mask, and Marty McFly's face. Robin stole Ultimate Wolverine's hair and got a green hip piece to look more the one in the cartoon. Oh wait, this is TITAN not the Titans... "Batman:Arkham Asylum" boss form Poison Ivy... yeah, I know she should be inside a cage inside the mouth of one of those things (and have an ugly red shirt on) but I like this better... so there. ...and now for something completely different. If anyone gets this reference they win 5 points!
  22. I agree, it's one of those things I'm trying to work on (but at same time my laziness makes me just go "eh! it's tiny from across the room you can't tell!" so Aquaman's going to be chunky painted for awhile until I revisit him.) SO WHO LIKES IRON MAN VARIANTS?!?! .... I CAN'T HEAR YOU?!?! WHO LIKES IRON MAN VARIANTS?!?! ...oh, I guess I can't hear you because no ones responding, well tough... here's some Iron Man variants: here's a fun game, some of these are actual Mark 3's repainted, but some are castings of just the from 2/3rds of a Mark 3 (making them weird "inaction minimates" facades) try and guess which are which! The Missing Link I wanted a gold movie armor so I considered painting a Mk1 Gold, but then I realized: The Mark 3 is essentially the Gold Armor, Tony just had J.A.R.V.I.S. throw some red paint on for effect, so I painted up a "Mark 2.5" Other repaints in the picture: -the Mark 1 to have some "rustiness" but it's probably hard to tell in the photo (it's hard as hell to tell in real life) and the Mark 2's eyes and arc were repainted to match the other 3's -Mark 3 has Gold siding since I thought the all red torso was lacking (it's inaccurate yes, but it pops on the shelf better) Second String Armors Silver Centurion (really more like "Target Exclusive Repaint"), "Primer" (it's supposed to look like that hella slick "Gunmetal" repaint Hot Toys/Sideshow had as a Comic Con Exclusive last year), "Black Ops" (when I was painting some of these I thought they looked slick in just black so made one as such), and of course "Battle Ravaged" (I had a crap casting, so I painted it as such) Novelty Armors "What If..." Captain America Armor (who yes, could not be painted any crappier, thanks for noting) and "Iron Chef: Chef Tony" he comes with a pear to represent his Iron Chef side, no Miracle Blades though. The ULTIMATE in Luxury Classic Armors Mattalica's is waaaaaay better, go look at his if you want to see what a GOOD "Animated Movie Repaint Ultimate Ironman" should look like... but look! Bonus War Machine! mine have the lower torso armor and helmet of Movie Ironman because I had extras casted. Now you see 'em, Now you don't... Your Standard TRU Stealth Armor, A Dark Blue Transparent Casting, a Light Blue Transparent Casting, a Transparent Casting... I think that's every level of "Stealth" I need. However there's a problem with so much stealth: Sometimes Tony gets hammered, turns on the invisibility and then the next morning spends a couple hours (in comic armor apparently) stumbling around his lab trying to find it. "We're the Venture (has)BROS!" These 3 started my Mark 3 repaint binge. They're based on 3 Hasbro repaints I thought looked pretty cool but didn't want as 6 inch figures. I believe they're "Subterrian Armor", "Heavy Armor", and "Torpedo Armor" in the Hasbro line, but I don't know for sure, I only saw the Gold and Red in stores and can only find pictures of Torpedo on-line... I just call them "Yellow", "Red", and "Blue" To: Rhodey, From: Your Friend, Tony That's a "War Machine Mk1" I sculpted the Arc Reactor on since I wanted it to fit in with the movie armors/like the Variant's torso better but wasn't willing to pay variant pricing. Movie War Machine was done when the Iron Man minimates first came out, I *KNOW* it's inaccurate as of today (heck, it even has Terrance Howard's face under the helmet, THAT'S how out of date it is) Why should Tony be the Only one with an Armory... "Final Battle Iron Monger" (the Lightning is based on how the lightning is painted on NECA's "Rage of Olympus" Kratos), I don't know, Fate Monger? (I just thought it looked fun), and Comic Colored Iron Monger (I *love* Shiny Blue/Matte Black color schemes, I'm still trying to figure out how to make a "Batman:tB&tB" Blue Beatle to go along with Aquaman to have an excuse to make another minimate with that scheme).... I've considered making a more accurate "Final Battle" Monger by casting one in clear blue THEN painting on the lightning, but then I remember how much of a hassle Tony was to cast and curl up in a ball and cry. I like repainting the Monger, I even made a Hulkbuster but more on him later... but speaking of Obabiah... Why should Tony be the Only one with fancy pants... I think Obadiah wears the suit better then Tony, and Fury needed a fancier coat so he stole Sabretooth's, and why am I photographing these two unrelated characters together? ...because they watched each other's movies on FX last night!! (and yes, I know Walter, not the Dude says the "fight a stranger in the alps" line, but c'mon, it's the funniest line in the TV version, the Dude would understand) Evloution of Tony Stark: First two, no change. Flight Test has hips, gauntlet, and extra legs or Stealth Armor and a casted red/blue jet stand. "Final Battle" is a repaint of "Hostile Makeover" Mk3, I cut his guantlet and put a normal hand on him to recreate how he ripped off his glove after thinking Stane was dead.... and some of these guys have accessories: Playboy Tony needs someone to hang with so I made a Playboy Bruce Wayne. (Some C3 Bruce head, DCD Classic Batman Hair, Miniseries Baltar everything else) "HELLO LADIES! DO YOU WANT TO PARTY WITH THESE TWO... WILD AND CRAZY GUYS!" of course Flight Test Tony needs his robot arm buddies... I, I couldn't figure out how to make those as minimates so I made him some random robots to hang with... I need to find them a fire extinguisher and figure out how to make an in-scale "proof Tony Stark has a heart" plaque though. (Mk2 Torso is a spare, the rest was used on a Dr.Doom custom I haven't finished painting yet) The unforgiving stench of failure... Punisher Armor (I had a second bad casting like the Battle Damage on above, I thought "oh hey! Punisher would probably be bullet ridden, let's make him..." yeah, it turned out bad), "Glow in the Stark" (just a bad casting I haven't gotten around to making a new one yet), and "Chrome" (Chrome spray refused to smoothly coat the casting, I'll try again later) Who ya gonna call?! Hey! It's the Hulk Buster I mentioned earlier! I'm of the school of thought we don't have a big enough Hulk for a Monger-sized Buster to bust so I guess I should just throw this guy away and.... oh.... ("Titanium" Hulk, who's head was ripped off and replaced with Defender's Hulk, his neck and pecks resculpted to fit the head properly) yes, he's not truely "minimate styled" but he's about as detailed as the Monger so I figure he can be fudged in (and if you disagree, tough, it's on my shelf anyway) and speaking of Hulk, you can't have Hulk without... THE GREATEST SUPERHERO TEAM (WHO'S DEBATABLY NOT REALLY A 'TEAM') IN HISTORY!!! Strange: No change (with clear casting jet stand), Hulk we've met already, Surfer is classic surfer with a repaint face (I wanted a sillier more naive looking surfer) C3 feet painted silver and "Cosmic Surfers" board on a specially modified purple casted jet stand. Namor is Invader's Namor with 'the Cage' Spock's raised eyebrow face, Ocean Master's belt and gauntlet's, Aquaman's trident, and a blue offical jet stand. the Surfer's jet stand has a clear peg sank into it at an angle so I can pose him in various "surfing" poses like the dive in the group shot or a nice "half-pipe ride" slant the original flight peg or unmodded jet stand don't allow. and lastly it'd be a crime to show a Namor AFTER showing an Aquaman and not make a lame 'seaman' joke.
  23. I'm not what you'd call a "fan" of Austin Powers, but I would own the crap out of that minimate!
  24. If he's must have, by all means have your own: (click "download" and it should let you pull a 300dpi version sized for a 2 inch head and a Powerhouse chest)
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