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Posts posted by dj87

  1. just voted from molecule man again, as i'm determined to keep him in the top 4. If he is not in the box set, I shall not be buying it.

    may well take of advantage of the numerous other PCs at my disposal tomorrow.

  2. this is a great idea for a thread, and great work to anyone who has decided to get healthy!

    the US/UK differences and fast food being cheaper have both been mentioned... take aways. etc. are certainly more expensive than healthier options over here, there is no question about it. when i was at school i'd play sports most days and eat whatever my ma had made for me... t'was only going to college when i stopped being active, ate rubbish sometimes twice a day, it all got completely out of had, and by 17 i'd had enough, hated the way i looked, the way i felt, and certainly wasn't happy struggling just to get up a flight of stairs.

    I am now 21, i box 3-4 times a week (boxing is the hardest sport i've ever done, i would recommend it to anyone... you do not have to fight or hit/get hit, clubs are more than happy to just let you train cardio) or go to the uni gym... play football (sorry... 'soccer'), tennis, running or rugby (a bit of variety never killed anyone!). I eat a lot of fruit, fish and avoid things that are fried, mainly as i just dont like stuff like that anymore.

    i still enjoy a few pints and a take away pizza or curry with friends... but its all about moderation. I honestly feel, anyone that doesn't at least get a little exercise here or there is really missing out.

    keep up the good work people!

  3. its amusing that this has been mentioned now, as I happened to change mine (for the first time) yesterday, hadn't noticed it was what all the cool kids at school were doing. This was 1) i fancied a change, and 2) was a bit fed up with all the new lantern ones all of a sudden.

    usually i'll just look at the name to see who has posted, the only avatars i can automatically attach a name to are North Raider and Are-Jay.

    ...i wouldn't worry about it, just enjoy looking at mine

  4. I think it was a nice movie and it had some really cool scenes and easter eggs for us nerds. Some aspects were really, really stupid and unnecessary and in some scenes I just couldn't figure whether those film-makers are really self-ironic or just review boring clichés. I don't know. I didn't expect something like Dark Knight or even Iron Man, but would have appreciated it. Anyway I'm fine with it.

    I really enjoyed the film - the Wade scene where he

    goes in the room and sweeps all the bullets away using his swords is one of my favourite scenes ever!


    "OK, they are dead now", was a great punchline! :yes:

    wasn't it 'ok, people are dead now'?

    ... i do apologise

  5. Really? I'm surprised by the overwhelming positive response. I don't like them. They're not block figures, they're sculpted 3" toys; strayed too far from the minimalist concept for me.

    that might be what does it for me, i'm not usually a kubrick fan... having a grand total of one. I'd love these, although they're probably out my price range.

  6. I...


    so these are real? If I had a child, and they'd made one of those at school for art class, i'd be ashamed of them.

    I, for one... will certainly not want to collect them all.

    (OK, Hal nearly looks cute)

    These should never exist

  7. i've never got into the notion of army-building, as... being a student, i can barely afford the mates i want in the first place. So having a figure packed with the variant like Marvel are now doing is lost on me.

    However, should they ever make they ever make 4/5 packs of cops or criminals/goons/bank robbers (sterotypical fellas in black and white would be wonderful!) i'd buy 2 or 3 of each, guaranteed.

    As for zombies... i'd get every pack I could get my hands on, literally.

    Plus... imagine how low the production costs for these sets would be

  8. One last thought... How would people feel if this 'reboot' was taken forward as a TV show instead of movies?

    JJ Abrahams involvement means that people with TV smarts are already behind it and they could tell spins on classic episodes or new tales without the big need to do the big movie story every time which could get old quickly?


    my friend heard a rumour about this and past the info onto me, my only thought was 'wow, just image!'. i couldn't see it moving to tv having been the film first, but it'd certainly be top of my 'to watch' list. I'd more than happily give up heroes to Zachary had time to do this!

  9. i'm not familiar with ult. spider-woman, is that a red costume heavily in shade? s'pose the mate will be mainly black, with lots of red detail if thats the case. also, who is she? someone mentioned 'gender bender' pete... is she the female clone? or someone else?

    i never got the black spider-woman variant, nor does it look likely she'll be in the secret war set, so... this works for me

    EDIT: just grabbed my clone saga off the shelf, it is her! (i've not really looked at it in ages). in that case..., i like

  10. i thought i'd posted in here... obviously not (until now)

    i've not enjoyed a film this much in a very, very long time... perfect. Loved it, from start to finish... loved it. The cast were great as far as i'm concerned, I enjoyed the use of Pike, Chekov made me laugh, Sulu fighting was brilliant, and that sword... where do i get one?

    Kirk and Spock's relationship was brilliant to watch, and I can't wait to see how it develops in any potential sequels (lots, please, thanks). Uhara got a chance to prove she deserves her place of the bridge... shes brilliant at what she does, and I couldn't help but notice she was rather sexy. Oh, and Simon Pegg is great is anything really.

    and... its an alternate reality, so no complaining about changes, etc. Klingons next? That'd be cool... s'pose, being a new continuity n' all, we could see the likes of the Borg, updating them could be... terrifying

    going to see it again next week. My dad hasn't seen it yet due to work... hes a big trek fan, so i'm actually excited for him!

  11. i'm the biggest Spidey-fan you'll find, but even i find those 2 new ones complete overkill. I have no interest in either of them. Scorpion and Electro... amazing! spectacular! But so far, those are the only mates that wouldn't go straight into my storage box.

    oh, and if it turns out Spider-Girl or someone better/more unique was the variant (Aunt May has been mentioned, i'd love that!) i'll be even more disappointed. I know some people are fans of the variant being a completely different character, but as a Brit, i rely on ebay to get hold of my mates these days, and quite frankly, as much as i'd like to, paying a ridiculous amount to get hold of those extra characters is just isn't happening.


    Off Topic Grumble - as brilliant as the mates that have been announced recently have been, having to pay a small fortune for one extra figure, as well as the Toys R Us only mates... it is all rather upsetting

    but, y'know... Scorpion and Electro!

  12. My least favorite voice in the show is Sabretooth. I don't think he is a foreign actor, but he is horrible! Same guy that did Anton Arcane in the Swamp Thing cartoon. A buddy and I used to laugh our asses off when he was talking--"SWAMP thing, you will NEVER escApe my UN-men!" :lol:

    i remember that! ... just

  13. i've been watching these recently, on series 4 as we speak. i'd agree that the animation and dialogue are rather poor, but its great to have so many characters and classic story lines packed into each series.

    on a seperate note, while americans are notoriously bad at british accents in films/television, a special mention must go out to Moira and Banshee's scottish accents... it can only be described as a subtle blend of Irish and Jamaican... terrible

  14. As pleased as I am about a proper Deadpool movie... that mention of an X-Men:First Class film is v.exciting. Although, mentioned in the same sentence as 'O.C. director' ... oh dear?

  15. *high five back*

    And yes, the bit with the professor. And according to this one source I heard about, the guy was Xavier's twin who was basically brain-deadified in the womb due to Xavier's massive power.

    I think it was in the novelization. Not sure though.

    So possbly he'll look the same.

    i see... fair enough, sorted

    my knowledge is v.sketchy... didnt he have a female twin in the comics?

  16. not if gambit develops a healing factor :thumbsup:

    give 'em all healing factors I say, they could kill people and have them turn up 5 minutes later without the blink of an eye... no one could complain it wasn't comic accurate!

    heres the part you missed about the deadpool ending that is vital to them getting it right with his character

    his mouth is torn open and he looks to the crowd(breaking the 4th wall as he does in comics) and says 'shhhhhh'

    ahhhhhhhhh... nice one! I only saw it on youtube as I wasn't aware of any after credit shenanigans at the cinema (should know by now really!). Thats marvelous, and that'll save a couple of seconds of a potential sequel.

    We probably shouldn't talk about that any more, I don't want to piss Deadpool off.

    Did you see the after the credits scene of X3?

    Watch it... It will make you feel a bit better after the movie.

    And X4 I so want to be Apocalypse. That could be done SO well. And they have Angel now so...

    The bit with the Professor? or is there another ending? Wouldn't he still look different? Thats a lot of questions... anyway, s'pose its better than nothing, although i'm still not sure what to make of it.

    Oh, and as long as they do it properly, Apocalypse would be amazing *high five*

  17. if this is the next two waves, theres still plenty of spaces to fill

    with a couple of X-Men in there, and filling out the brotherhood being top of my wish list at the moment, i'd certainly be happy with the aforementioned Toad... Pyro, Avalanche, comic Blob... even Mastermind.

    pleased about Black Panther, Black Bolt would be just lovely as well, ta *big kisses* x

  18. the Deadpool ending

    shows Weapon XI's arm, as he is crawling along, and grabs hold of his head... then Wade's eyes open, so hes clearly going to be able to reattach it and be around for another film.

    if thats the case

    they could simply have his body reject the other abilities, have the blades 'fall out' of his arms, as his healing factor sees them as an impurity or something.

    it could just be doing the opening credits (The Incredible Hulk style) or at least at the very beginning of the film... plus

    it wouldn't take long to cut that mouth open again!

    (i've not done spoilers before... that was fun)

    I saw the film on Thursday, thoroughly enjoyed it... very much willing to over-look any continuity issues and take it at face value. As has been mentioned, I was pleased to see

    Cyclops and Emma's moment

    and when

    Charlie gave Scott directions in the tunnels


    I just hope this is/does very well at the box office... last I heard Magneto was subject to this being 'successful'.

    Oh, and while we're here, X4 (y'know... if) Cyclops and Prof were pretending to be dead, for 'lolz', sort Rogue out... and get this Gambit back, CGI anti-facelift or something

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