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Posts posted by Mattallica

  1. Completists should already have both anyway, since they have different torso pegs and holes in the head as well.

    the target one also has the hair made from translucent red plastic painted red whereas my original phoenix has white plastic painted red. makes you think a complete translucent phoenix may be in the works. how sweet would that be!? -M

  2. actually i wasn't comparing it directly to macfarlanes dragons(those were just the first dragon figs to pop into mind) but more to any classic style of dragon think D&D, or the movies "reign of fire" and "Eregon" compared to those he(fin fang foom) is quite odd looking(to me anyway). Quote: Danny&Sam4EVER "...Just because he's not MacFarlane doesn't make him goofy." and i didn't say it was because he wasn't MacFarlane that he was goofy, i said his look and name made him goofy. -M

  3. i ordered some cylons from STUCKAKID and the service and communication was fantastic. i have since ordered DC wave1 and BSG wave 1 from them(i missed out on the variant as well) and plan on continuing to pre order from them in the future, as i have no local place to buy MM and STUCKAKID has been topnotch. my $.02 -Matt

  4. so my 5 year old son is nuts about futurama(cool huh) and i have been looking for some figs for him, i have heard some about these i-men futurama figs but not much and cant seem to find any for sale. anyone have any info on them? where to get them? or have some to sell or trade? i feel you have to encourage good taste in kids, i'd rather have him interested in this than power rangers :D -Matt

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