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Posts posted by MST3KFan

  1. One version of Cannonball for example has black legs with white paint while the newer one I got has white legs with black paint on them.

    So is the one on Ivan's database the "black legs with white paint"?

    Or are there 3 different versions of Cannonball. Sorry, I'm still trying to understand the difference.

    My bad. I meant to say Shatterstar and not Cannonball. Shatterstar has two leg variants. One using black legs with white paint, the other white legs with black paint. Cannonball has the same legs on both minimates.

  2. Well, according to Chuck on Twitter, wave 9 has just left the warehouse. I'm hoping that he meant 10, but if he really meant 9 that'd explain a lot.

    I wonder... My local TRU just restocked with full compliments of wave 9 actually. Picked up a second set of both the exclusives actually at first to make a Douglock seperate from Warlock...but decided against it just recently so I have second sets of Magik, Warlock, Shatterstar, and Cannonball loose here...

    I also noticed interestingly enough, there were some changes from the first wave 9 sets I have and the ones I picked up. One version of Cannonball for example has black legs with white paint while the newer one I got has white legs with black paint on them. The new Warlock's details are much brighter yellow then the older one. Otherwise, I see no changes with Magik and Shatterstar.

    *Ahem* Er..back on wave 10... I recall on ebay someone had the 2-pack with Holo--Nemesis for sale for the low, low price of $30.

  3. Walking into TRU stores as of recent is like walking into a ghetto. Or most Wal-Marts. >_> I think department store toy aisles carry more selection lately.

    Hopefully I can find this wave as all I ever found of wave 9 was the Wolverine/Magento and Spidey/Lizard sets.

    I definitely want the AoA sets, but Omega Red as well since I'm a 90s X-Men fan (mostly due to the cartoon).

    Dude, I just noticed you're a fellow Minnesotan. Which TRU do you go to, if you don't mind my asking?

    Basically hang around the dying area that is Northtown myself. Not a big fan of trying to drive all over the state to find stuff.

  4. Walking into TRU stores as of recent is like walking into a ghetto. Or most Wal-Marts. >_> I think department store toy aisles carry more selection lately.

    Hopefully I can find this wave as all I ever found of wave 9 was the Wolverine/Magento and Spidey/Lizard sets.

    I definitely want the AoA sets, but Omega Red as well since I'm a 90s X-Men fan (mostly due to the cartoon).

  5. A couple of folks have mentioned the Outback X-Men. A damn fine suggestion if i do say so myself, but i'm surprised no-one has asked for a Rogue from that era (She was a part of the team then, right? someone please correct me if i'm wrong).

    I think if i were asking for an outback set, i'd be wanting Rogue, Colossus, Dazzler & Longshot, since we already have a classic havok, brown wolverine, mo-hawk storm & armoured psylocke.

    Hey, as long as we get an updated Colossus, I'm all for it. :)

    An updated Outback AND 90s Colossus (maybe in another 4-pack or 2-pack) I just want a 90s Colossus to complete the 90s X-Men teams. Well, him and a Forge, and Banshee...

  6. Would anyone else love to see more Age of Apocalypse characters as the variant? Imagine a bulked up Colossus with an AoA Colossus as the variant...

    Yes, a thousand times, yes.

    Make the Colossus regular minimate be from the 90s to complete the Blue/Gold teams there and one of my favorite team looks will finally be completed in minimate form. AoA as the variant would just be extra icing on that cake. ^_^

  7. Loving the Capcom stuff as well as the Dormammu, X-23 with her toe claws at last, and new Super-Skrull. Add a MODOK and Wesker, Jill, and Chris and I'll be satisfied.

    I HATE that with this artwork, it proves the webbing not being all over Spidey is not a factory thing, but DST themselves. Is it really that much more costly now to do the webbing all the way around?

  8. Hasbro is ending Galactic Heroes, and moving to a pre-school line of figures. Is the door open for Star Wars Minimates?

    That would be awesome, but it might also be the Lego line that's keeping Lucas from agreeing to license mates.

    Still surprises me that Minimates of Halo were made when Mega Bloks has been making Halo sets for a few years now, so anything is possible. Though STar Wars is a much bigger franchise then Halo obviously.

  9. If this gets us a Dormammu, MODOK, and maybe an a proper Astonishing X-Men Wolverine, updated She-Hulk, and Super-Skrull...I will be happy.

    If it also gets us Resident Evil and Devil May Cry related minimates, I will be overjoyed. Though updated Street Fighter and Darkstalkers minimates are wecome as well.

    However, I'm concerned as to how this will go like others on here. I don't really want a bunch of retreads, especially on the Marvel side, because a good chunk of them already have good minimates as it is.

    Now if this opened up the possibility of a ton of Capcom minimates like a Resident Evil or Mega Man line, or even a return of Street Fighter, I'm totally down for it.

  10. Wow. I mean...just WOW...

    Johnny dies and yet the Fantastic Three look so...happy and sterile outfitted.

    And Spidey has become like Wolverine, joining every team out there and yet is still treated like crap. ^_^

    Apparently Dragon Man, Franklin and Valeria Richards, a dn a bunch of others I have no idea whom they are also are part of the team... I'm guessing maybe the other blonde male in the art is maybe Zero-G from the Power Pack since Franlin used to hang with them, but I'm not sure.

  11. Seeing the first bits of RGB minimates is so AWESOME. This was what I was waiting for. The movie based ones are good, but there is so much more to explore in RGB in terms of ghosts and character looks. This is a buy ASAP item for me. I wonder if maybe the next box set is going to be Peter, Winston, Louis, and Boogeyman.

    A boxset with PeopleBusters would be great too. XD

  12. Our store seemed to get like one shipment in, and of course the Magik/Warlock and Cannonball/Shatterstar sets were already gone when I got to them... Basically how they seem to get ALL the minimates. One to two shipments of minimates in and then nothing to refill them.

    Broke down and ebayed the sets from this exclusive wave since I have a feeling I'll not see a restocking.

    If I did, though I probaly would get another Magik/Warlock set for the Douglock possibilty.

  13. So yeah, I've been trying to go back through my NES and SNES games lately and recalled a number of them had game saves that were pretty far in, but upon started a few of them up, I noticed all my games were erased.

    Obviously the batteries in the game cartridges are the most likely suspects, but I'm wondering if anyone maybe knows of a place that could maybe replace the dead batteries in these for me.

    I see repair guides, but a lot of them involve breaking sodering on the battery and then taping the new battery in place...which sounds bad to me. I dunno...

  14. It's not uncommon. The same thing happened with the Wolverine Origins film. We got a 'Wolverine' comic wave (28).

    I wouldn't bet against seeing comic waves to compliment the film waves.

    Although, i am starting to worry that we wont see much coming out with the X-Men First Class film. It's due out in 6 Months, and there's not a trailer or a poster to be seen. I'm getting the impression that this is a much smaller budget film, which makes me worry that we might not get any minimates with it :(

    Ah, well. Given how much X-Men love we've gotten lately that wouldn't be too much of a hurt in my mind. Comic based waves devoted to Thor and Cap are probably going to be the only time we'll see a number of characters associated with them.

  15. I'm just recalling around the time Iron Man 2 came out in theaters we had a movie based wave as well as a comic based wave of Minimates devoted to the Ol' Shellhead.

    Has DST ever mentioned anywhere about doing this for the Thor and Captain America movies as well? I'd think it's possible and a good way to release more characters for their comic related stuff...

    Thor's comic wave could maybe come with a new Classic Thor similar to the Disney 4-pack one maybe, a new Loki, a new Absorbing Man, Enchantress, Grey Gargoyle, and of course, a troop builder of some kind with maybe a variant to Lorelei or Sif.

    Captain America's comic wave could have of course a Captain America in some form, Crossbones, Baron Von Strucker, a new Nick Fury, Madam Hydra, and of course another troop builder of some kind...


  16. My Daken Wolverine's eye tampos are WAY too high up on the mask to look good on either Daken or Wolvy. If I had any skills I'd try maybe painting the black or something since most of the time in the comics it was black around the parts where the eyes were.

    Also while Daken's legs are more accurate to the costume, the colors unfortnately are a bit off with the TRU Wolverine.

    Some brown paints on the upper parts of the legs would fix it easy. Again, though I suck at painting... XP

  17. You know, the one thing that has actually been bugging me about the brown costume Wolverine...aside from the mask's eyes...they didn't paint his pants/legs right. The Daken Dark Wolverine actually has it painted right, but the colors are off for switching the parts. No surprise though since they screwed up on that with 90s Jean Grey a while back though.

    Anyone know anyone whom could paint details on minimates well and maybe fix the mask design?

  18. If it was a wave focusing on either finishing teams up/re-doing older minimates or adding NEW never been made into minimates before characters, I'm all for it.

    Remake wants:

    Colossus (90s)



    Blob (comics)

    New mates wanted:

    Banshee (90s/GSX)

    Forge (90s)




  19. Hate to hear that about brown Wolvie. That's a figure that is long-overdue for a figure that does it justice given DST's current capabilities (in the design, not QC department). If done right, it would easily be one of the figures constantly on display in my collection.

    Yeah, I even saw the stress marks on the legs of other peoples' photos of him, so that's widespread too. You can really see it on the photos in page 5's pics if you look at the upper parts where the legs connect to the pegs there.

    The thing that has always bugs me with Wolverine minimates is the eyes on the masks. You find you have to really be looking at them to find one that at least doesn't look wonky as heck, but from all the brown Wolverines I'm seeing it looks like all are going to have high up eyes.

    I wish DST would get the QC issues really back on a positive track somehow. With so many issues lately like the Spidey 4-pack from a little while back, or the 4-pack Monsters sets (the ladies), and stuff like cutting corners like with the Spidey webbing and so on...

  20. Found what appeared to be the remains of this wave at my TRU today. The Spidey and Wolvy sets. Man is the QC bad on these guys. I think the only one I didn't have an issue with was the 6-armed Spidey. Well, outside of how much I hate them going cheap on us and not fully painting the webbing around his body lately on Spidey figures.

    Wolverine's mask had terrible paint jobs on all three sets I saw, with the eyes suffering from being too high or too off the mark much like Wolverines's in the past have. Picked out the best looking one. His mask (which is also new...not a reuse of the previous Wolverine masks) wouldn't even go all the way down in the back of his head..and when it did kinda, it got stuck until I managed to pry in off with the blade guard of my box cutter.

    Also, his upper legs show signs of they were pushing the legs into the pegs really hard and so stress marks are on the parts now.

    Magento's wrists parts from the AoA Magneto have the ends that would cover his hands broken off. I don't know if they did this to make it look less like AoA mags, but if so it looks terrible as you can tell they're busted off with white showing around the purple painted parts.

    Lizard's tail was glued on incorrectly so I ripped it off and then shaved down the peg parts and superglued it back on. Also suffers from the same leg stress issues Wolvy had.

    Spidey and Lizard don't bug me too much since I have the wave 37 versions as well, and MAgneto wasn't too interesting to me either since I had the Heroes and Villains one...

    Wolverine though does bug me since I want a brown costume Wolvy in updated form, but the mask is an issue as well as the leg stress marks... Does Daken have the same color browns on his minimate figure to remedy this? I don't know since I don't have him here.

    **Edit: Never mind, I see Daken and Wolverine do have different browns as well as Magneto's arm parts are indeed a widespread thing from the photos taken way back on Page 5 of this thread. Still, I may use a Daken still with an idea in mind... **

  21. It honestly surprises me still that this X-Force 4-pack isn't one to complete the previous team. I mean we have Wolverine, X-23, and Warpath in their outfits. We'd just need Domino, Archangel, Wolfsbane, and Elixir or Vanisher... Easy completeion of the team right there.

  22. Has anyone who has both been able to compare the Spideys from Wave 37 and TRU Wave 9?

    I think I remember reading somewhere on the forum that the eyes looked different on the 2 releases.

    Well, just got my order from Luke's today in which I got the classic Heroic Age set as well as this wave and can say that the head used for the 6-armed Spidey is supposed to be the one used on Classic Spidey and the Classic Spidey has the 6-armed Spidey's least according to the back packaging pics.

    I find it especially interesting how Classic HA Spidey gets full webbing detailing, but not 6-armed Spidey. Glad to see the new part to create the 6-arm look opens up a chance at Spiral and anyone else whom has multi-arms. Otherwise, it's another Spidey.

    On the other mates... Professor X is awesome having the hoverchair now, though some things obviously would have really blown him out of the park. Alternate arms for the safari jacket look, no hole in his head, and maybe a bit more secure hoverchair opening compartment (for how to store the Prof in the chair). I'm still trying to get the blanket to stay in place somehow. Otherwise, more 90s X-Men=awesome.

    X-Force Warpath is...well, Warpath. The knife belt is a nice and appreciated touch for sure. I'd like to maybe see this version of him redone as his regular costume version as well not only because it's better then the TRU one, but also because a lot of us never got that one. >_>

    Doombot/ bland for me as a troop builder. I dunno, something about him is just not that interesting. Maybe it's the hot pink color? Or Sentinel face? Dunno.

    Thing is descent, though really would have been better if they had been able to do the Ben Grimm underneath all the new parts. It really hurts because now when you see the figure between the add-on parts, there's no rock patterns and makes it look odd. The new parts all over him really do bulk him up though. Just...kinda hard to move him a lot too.

    Lizard... The lab coat/lizard tail parts are probably the best idea they could come up with to do his minimate, though would have been nice to have the ability to turn him into Doc Connors somehow. Hence also the head being a sad thing... A more 3-D lizard head that could cover a human Connors head would have been awesome...or at least just a more 3-D lizard head as the tampo on a regular minimate head thing is kinda meh...

    These are of course just my thoughts on these guys. Still great to have, and in no way am I bashing having these new mates. Just mentioning thoughts on what could make them even better.

  23. Actually, this wave wasn't rushed at all; this thread began May first, so DST had over half a year from when this wave was announced before it actually showed up to get it right. Heck, there were at least two waves of Marvel Minimates announced and shipped to TRU in that time, not to mention box sets, con exclusives, the MAX line, and probably several other things I'm forgetting. If anything, this wave was probably delayed as long as it was to cut costs in general and on the Thing figure in general. I suspect that the regular waves of Marvel Minimates for the specialty market aren't as big a priority any more, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them phased out entirely in favor of box sets, with the two packs being only sold at TRU.

    That seriously worries me if DST phases out the 2-packs aside from Toys R Us. As it becomes quite a pain in the butt sometimes to get the 2-packs at TRU stores. Sometimes they get in a descent amount...other times the waves don't show up at all in many TRU stores. So unless they start to carry every new wave online as well as in stores, I really don't want to see this fully happen.

    Exclusives hurt toylines to me a lot more than help. They become scalper bait. Just look on ebay for any TRU exclusive Marvel Minimates and that is plain as day to see. Any time they pop up, the seller wants outrageous amounts of money...or even expect you to pay insane amounts of shipping and handling costs.

    I find it especially annoying as of late that they release a 4-pack boxset and then to get anymore of whatever the boxset focuses on, it's become TRU exclusives.

    Again, if they offered these online as well as in stores, actually gave everyone whom wants to collect these a chance, including those people overseas whom enjoy this line, then I would be concerned and typing all this stuff out.

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