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Posts posted by MST3KFan

  1. x-force minimates?


    Wow. A Linkara reference. XD

    Seriously though, why do we need another Cable so soon? Anyone probably getting it already knows he's the leader of X-Force in the 90s enough to have gotten the one from the 2-packs... I want to see Shatterstar, Cannonball, Boom Boom, and other members whom haven't gotten minimated yet!

    I would have even loved to see a Stryfe...

    But if they're using a lot of recycled parts, I'd imagine Stryfe would require a number of new pieces. *sigh*

  2. Yeah - that's the one.

    Spider-Man & Lizard

    Professor X & X-Force Warpath

    Thing & Doombot

    variant: Thing (trenchcoat)

    I hope we see pics of this wave soon. I want see if Professor X comes with his hoverchair and how they do the Lizard.


    Domino...equally cool (though kinda wish it was her in her purple attire from the time).

    Deadpool...great for those who couldn't get the first one.

    Cable...uh, why? Seriously, did we need one so soon after the previous one?

    They could easily have replaced Cable with Shatterstar, Cannonball, Warpath, or if we needed another 'Cable'-like character...used villain Stryfe.

    On the Ghostbusters 4-pack...shouldn't their uniforms be gray? I assume it's a screw up that they're shown wearing the GB1 tan uniforms that they'll have fixed on the final product...

  4. Wow. Lockjaw. That's really surprising, but I guess thanks to them making the Terror Dogs for Ghostbusters they must have figured out they could do this.

    The inclusion of Psylocke rather then another Inhuman member is odd, but I'll take it as I like Psylocke.

    The Hulkbuster Iron Man is definite want as I love new Iron Man armors. And while an updated Gamma Hulk is surprising rather then maybe just another plain Hulk or a cool variant like the Maestro, it'll do I guess.

    I'm just thinking here...if TRU wave 7 is Iron Man/wave 36 themed. Maybe TRU wave 8 will, thanks to the wave 37 announcement, have the Jubilee many people want?

  5. Dude! 90s Professor X!? So that means hoverchair! XD Dang. I wonder if my question from a few months back on the DST Q&A asking about this possibility helped to get this...

    The reply had stated they hadn't thought about the hoverchair at the time and were gonna look into it, so this makes my day.

    Of course so does the Lizard, a new Thing (hopefully meaning new F4 all around), an X-Force Warpath (never got the TRU Warpath), and a Doombot.

    Sweet. Now if we can get a new Nightcrawler with Meggan for Excalibur, a new Colossus with mullet Bishop, and maybe a Forge with Jubilee, my main Minimate desires will be fullfilled.

  6. Hey...

    Here's a repaint of 90's Jean to look more like the promo picture. Made a decal for the pocket details. Luke, your site has been a great resource for someone like me who is just starting out on customs. Thanks!



    Now this is exactly what I wanted to see on Jean! If I had any skills, I would do it myself, but sadly I do not.

    ....Wanna do a commission? XD

  7. Went back to my local Borders today and they got a bunch more IM2 Minimates in from when I came by last. I picked up the Borders exclusive set since it was the only one that I didn't have. But they had all the other IM2 sets.

    Man, with Borders AND TRU basically having the entire wave 35 set of Minimates, what's the point of sending them to comic retailers now? Everyone will probably have the whole wave by the time they show up in comic stores and they'll sit.

  8. Finished up the Iron Man 2 mates with the TRU stuff today...not counting the few remaining exclusives to come out.

    Instead of having the mates on the rack where the price tag for them was, they stuck the Iron Man 2 stuff on a special end display where they were hanging the Ghostbusters minimates.

    I notice on Black Widow her chest tampo is hard to see unlike the prototype on the back of the package as well as her eyes are green instead of the blue-grey shown again on the prototype stuff.

    Rhodey in Mark II suit is inaccurate as it's just obviously the Mark IV suit not painted, but I think most of us getting the BW/Rhodey in Mark II weren't getting the set for him. ^_^

    The Mark I is so much better this time around I think with the ability to switch Tony into a tuxedo underneath. It's things like this that give the Minimates major playability.

    I actually like the Senate Hearing Tony Stark too with his "s***-eating grin" as someone put it on Fwoosh.

    But the best of the remaining I bought is obviously the Mark V/War Machine set. Both suits are well detailed and look great, though I wish War Machine's weapons could be pegged onto his back as well like the 616 War Machine armor for when he's not using them.

    Now to wait for the exclusive 4-pack and the 616 comic Iron Man wave (wave 36) which hopefully will come out the same time as the Iron Man 2 wave fully (aka wave 35)

  9. I am officially not a fan of the whole Borders thing. It's not the hunt that I mind. That's actually one of my favorite parts of collecting. It's the fact that, out of the four stores I've checked, not a single layout was even close to the same and I have no idea where the Mates would even be if they were out on the floor. Even the Marvel Select figures were in completely different sections at each store. It's rough, I tells ya!

    End of rant.

    Well, from what I've seen in terms of the Borders I went to, the toys they carry usually are either mixed in with the manga/comics section or on these little displays around the floor. That's where I saw the Iron Man 2 MS figures was on a little square display, so maybe minimates will be put there with them somehow. Not sure since I kinda bought almost all the ones my Borders had.

    They kinda try to keep stuff together of the same items I see.

    Honestly though I myself keep looking strictly in the comic section since it seemed like the most obvious choice. Those dang Blammoids DC Direct put out keep reminding of my hatred of them killing DC Minimates and felt those hideous things were a better idea.

  10. Nothing yet still at my nearest TRU, but I scored at my local Borders.

    I had to ask an employee as I saw the Marvel Select Iron Man and War Machine out about them. The number posted on this topic earlier came in handy as that was how she found out they had just gotten them in a day ago and were still in the back.

    She went to the back then and came out with a hand full of them saying how they were sitting in a cart as is, not in a box or anything.

    Anyway, I got...

    Mark IV Iron Man/Whiplash

    Hammer Drone/ Pepper Potts

    Hammer Drone/Happy Hogan

    They also had two of the Borders exclusive Mark IV Iron Man/Battle Damaged Whiplash, but I felt they were as needed given I got the regular versions of the two.

    No Mark V Iron Man/War Machine which was shown on the back of the packaging. I'm guessing someone beat me to it. Though surprising they'd only get that one alone. Still, I gots me new Iron Man minimates. XD

    So far I've had no QC issues with mine. The Mark IV Iron Man's arms kinda are loose attached to the torso, but nothing majorly bad there. Whiplash is pretty cool and I think it was probably a good idea they molded his whipe to seperate hands for him.

    Pepper is...well, Pepper, but Happy Hogan not only comes with the Mark V suit in suitcase form, but a pair of boxing gloves. XD LOL

    The Drone are nice too, though not much arm movement due to the shoulder pads of the torso part, though the same can be said for Iron Man as well.

    Still, they seem like really nice figures. Now if I can just find that War Machine...and of course the TRU guys.

  11. Went to my TRU today and they had the huge Iron Man 2 display set up, but no Iron Man 2 minimates. An employee asked if I needed help and I asked about the minimates and they replied how they hadn't gotten them in yet, but apparently they were expecting them.

    The fact that the employee was familiar with what I asked means hopefully something here in the next week or so.

  12. And Luke, what color yellow did you use or did you mix your own? That's much better on the eyes than the gold.

    Its a mix of about 80% Citadel Sunburst Yellow and 20% Citadel Skull White.

    If I had any painting skills I would so do that as it looks much more accurate color wise then the gold.

    Oddly though, I have no problem with the gold on the X-Factor Cyclops.

    Are you gonna maybe paint Jean's lower torso the way it should have been as well?

    Would be nice if there was a way to add the tampos they didn't add to the sides of her legs shown on the prototype as well.

  13. Went out today searching at my local TRU. No Iron Man 2 Mates yet, though the last Thor/Lady Loki was gone, so now the spot for mates is empty.

    Hopefully we won't get skipped over like we did the Angel/Warpath wave, but this TRU has been good since so...

    In the meantime, I did find the Luke Cage wave of Marvel Universe. Not a collector of the line really, but the modern Thor was too awesome looking to pass up.

    Also checked out my local Borders and nothing Iron Man 2 related at all yet there either. They had those awful Blammoids of DC Direct...*shudder*

  14. I still feel sour about the DC Minimates being cancelled as I was trying to be a completist with them, but I do still go for the Marvel stuff and hope they'll keep going long enough to complete a few more teams. But I guess I really can't say completist myself as some mates I just can't get myself to want. (Wolverine Through the Ages box set for example)

  15. Well, I got my Spidey set today along with the X-Factor box set. It's not as bad as I was thinking it would be. I'll live with it, though I do notice a bit difference in plastic between the Spidey set and my X-Factor set.

    Will have to work on the Doc's tentacles and I wasn't concerned about the Spider-Man with his web face. (Though really his flesh tempos are really bad)

    In any case, I'm more concerned with getting me an X-Factor Angel now somehow for my X-Factor team.

  16. Yeah, they are.

    Man, those drones REALLY suck. :/

    Why so?

    I got mine today and the entire set are fantastic, glad i have another case coming from lukes as well, they are movie accurate and are a break from the normal , they have more sculpted pieces and will be great for customisers like me.

    My guess would be the dull paint jobs on the drones? Metallic paint would have made them 'pop' more. Still, wouldn't mind some for my mates to fight.

  17. I just thought it was funny how they show Marvel Minimates on this silly article yet don't list them in the list. Toyfare and it's usual writing at work...

    Seriously, I get the magazine only to look at the pretty pictures nowadays. If I were to note all the errors in the writing that would give me a headache given I went through a lot of English related college courses and stuff. O_o

    *Doh* MINI_MYTE beat me to it on the Marvel mates shown but not mentioned...

  18. With Marvel Minimates still going strong and with all the new stuff to come Minimate-related, I'm curious. Are there any Marvel Minimates people are missing they'd like to get still and are still missing?

    For me...quite a few...


    Iron Fist

    Power Man

    Angel (X-Factor)


    Angel (1st Appearance)

    Colossus (GSX)

    Storm (GSX)

    Nightcrawler (GSX)

    Photon (Secret Wars)


    Molecule Man

    Spider-Woman (Julia w/ ponytail)


    Silver Sable

    Sandman (coca-cola version)




    When I first got into these guys I was only really focused on teams mainly but have now become a completist...or at least try to be.

  19. I pulled the trigger on buying this set off BBTS. I could care less about the Spider-Man, but easily fixable versions of the other mates is okay. I have like two Black Cats sitting around to help if need be (one has two left legs) and if Doc Ock only needs some tweaking for the holes that's do-able.

    Only thing I might have problems with is Vulture's wings as I'm not good at painting at ALL. We'll see though once they get here.

  20. Ugh. Why do the closest comic shops near me have to be so far away!?

    I'd like to get some of these drones I'm seeing awesome pics of to have for something to fight my minimate heroes, but no real close comic shops, let alone knowing if they got them.

    I see BBTS has them in stock, but it's a full case and I'm not really interested in the battle damaged drome or Mr. Hammer...

    I broke down and bought the Spider-Man set despite the lukewarm reception it's getting in that thread though.

    AT least I have a Borders near me to check on the 2-packs I'm reading on.

  21. These look like a disaster but I remember saying in the Secret Invasion thread that we seem to get brilliance followed by sheer if there were two completely factions at DST !

    Secret Invasion wasn't least for me aside from the Skrull Beast green peaking through the side of the hair obviously when you have the normal face turned out.

    This...this is just unacceptable stuff I see with the Spidey set as I really wanted a better Doc Ock and Black Cat as well as Vulture at last.

    I wonder on Black Cat if you tried switching out her head with the old Black Cat minimate head if that would maybe help...

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