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Posts posted by elhonez

  1. 18 hours ago, NerdyTrev said:

    You hit the sweet spot for me here, elhonez!

    I'm a big fan of early SHIELD, so a lot of these characters I'm happy to see. Especially James Woo! He's one of my favorites!


    Great job, my friend. 

    Thanks Trev!

    Jimmy's one of my favorites too. His nemesis Yellow Claw might land on my list too, if I can I rev up my decal game. But this batch of customs, and the next, are all QC or paint-only. 

  2. Thanks Padrino!

    I have plans for a more action-oriented version of Val, but this one (and Nick) were based on this appearance in NFAOS:


    You can't really see it in the pic, but she has the black choker. I am also going to experiment with a tiny white rubber band for her headband, just ordered a batch from Amazon.

  3. Pics soon of what I might call a "potboiler" wave for its ludicrous simplicity. With the exception of some minor acrylic color. 

    After that, I need to get much better at painting. I'm looking into all sorts of stuff I swore I'd never do, like model paints, wet palettes, brush techniques... it's a sickness. Ah well.

    (this next-next wave is also "QC" in that it's decal-free, but it requires much more paint than I'm accustomed to)

    But for the potboiler, maybe it'll light a fire under me to get those pics done and edited if we play a game? I dunno. All my custom groupings have a code name. The Howlers were "Wah-Hoo." Let's play hangman:

    __ __ __ __ __ __ __      __ __ __


  4. Hmm maybe we need a hint -- in what specific year did the character appear in a MCU project? That could help narrow it down.

    Guessed so far:

    Shang-Chi, Attuma, Sersi, Clea, Hellcat, Shuma Gorath, Pip the Troll, Arishem (Celestial), Uatu, High Evolutionary, Starfox, Gilgamesh, Starhawk, Eternity, Zeus, Cosmo, Martinex

    Guessed without confirmation:

    Swordsman, Supreme Intelligence

    Oh wait wait wait... Fenris Wolf?

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