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Posts posted by omendreamer

  1. I very stupidly forgot to mention the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett earlier. He's simply the greatest in my book. In a world full of dwarves, trolls, and vampires on the Black Ribbon program (like AA for vamps) he managed in Thud! to write one of the best treatise on what fuels racism while still being humorous and entertaining. I would not recommend starting with his early work though, he doesn't really hit his stride until Wyrd Sisters in my opinon. It's a wonderful satire on Macbeth, theatre, and the power of words. If I was forced to pick only one author's body of work to read over and over again for the rest of my life, it would be him.

    Example of his greatness:

    "Interestingly enough, the gods of the Disc have never bothered much about judging the souls of the dead, and so people only go to hell if that's where they truly believe, in their deepest heart, that they deserve to go. Which they won't go if they don't know about it. This explains why it is important to shoot missionaries on sight."

    -Terry Pratchett, Eric

  2. Siddhartha was a bum, an elitest bum no less. I hated that book with the fire of a thousand suns. Jurassic Park was wonderful-I'd looked forward to reading it ever since my Mom told me about it when I was five. Of course, she only told me since I wanted to know why I had to take out the trash now-she was scared the velociraptors would get her. I would point out I wasn't tall enough to actually put the bags in the trash barrels-I generally lifted the lid on tip toes and threw them in. I figured the book had to be wicked awesome if my neatfreak Mom was willing to risk me spilling garbage all over our driveway.

    The Song of Ice and Fire series by G. R. R. Martin is amazing-think English War of the Roses meets fantasy. Throw in dragons, incest, and a lot of realistic characters and it'll blow your mind. Warning: I am a total history nerd, so take that into account.

  3. Glad to see there's some Wildstorm love here, even if we've had nothing from the Wildcats series :) I've spent the last six years getting and reading everything Wildstorm I can (I have one of "those" personalities), so feel free to ask me anything about their titles.

    Omendreamer - as a Vertigo fan, what would you recommend?

    I also have one of "those" personalities-I like how you describe it. :D For Vertigo, my biggest recommendations would be Fables (Fairytale characters forced to flee their homelands for modern New York in the mundane world-second only to Sandman), Hellblazer in bits and pieces (I prefer the Carey, Ennis, and Ellis stuff) it can get a bit predictable in large doses, Transmetropolitan (cynical drug addict reporter of the future takes on the establishment), and Lucifer (the only series deeper than Sandman without being too philosophy major-it's the only comic I've ever had to read with a mythology encyclopedia and a dictionary to get all the nuances). That's all I can think of off the top of my head...catch you later.

  4. Thanks for the link dude, I tried searching eBay but the only listing that came up was one for $60 -- I guess this one didn't show up because it's only listed as shipping within the US (I'm in Canada)... but I'll try emailing him to see.

    If he won't mail to Canada, you can have it mailed to me and I'll mail it to you. PM me if this is the case.

  5. It is too bad about Iron man, the poor guy didn't write his comic books, its not his fault he's so lame now. I'll go on record th Iron Man isn't so bad, just misunderstood. hang on, i gotta go put on pinback.....

    First: yay for another Midnighter lover! I actually started reading 'cause he and Apollo are gay-I am a shallow girl who likes to see hot muscled men make-out. He's quickly become one of my favorites for many reasons though.

    I could never hate Iron Man, if only for the fact that his alcoholism makes his character really funny in all of the superhero parodies like Casstoons, Twisted Toyfare Theatre, and "I'm a Marvel. And I'm a DC." (Caveat: I have a lot of alcoholics in my family so please don't think I think it isn't a serious disease in real life.) The recent "Director of S.H.I.E.L.D." stuff where he thinks making someone with three PhDs rub sunscreen on his ears is a good allocation of our nation's resources stuff has just made me give up on him for now.

  6. With the movie coming out it would seem to be a logical choice. The Ghost Rider wave might have soured them on the accompanying waves though, and Spiderman 3 has proved that they are not very good at releasing waves in time with the actual arrival of a movie. Once the Iron Man trailer was so well received at ComicCon though, they should have gotten hopping on it.

  7. A new collectibles shop just opened up in my area (sadly, they don't sell Minimates), and they had a case of Die Hard Palz so I decided to get one blindbox, just in the hopes of maybe getting McClane or Gruber (sadly, didn'

    I do like the figure in general, has a nice face print and the figure in general is nicely put together, but I do agree with TBT.....the hands are horrid and the arms seem a bit flimsy.

    I figured for 5 bucks, I'd give one a shot. Wasn't terriblly dissatisfied, but minimates to me are so much better.

    Yeah, the blindbox thing kept me from buying any in the actual stores. I've heard that Palisades is dead-what happened? I certainly bought enough of their Muppet action figures to keep them in business.

  8. How about Coutdown, any loyal readers out there?

    I am following that solely on livejournal's scans_daily community, since I don' t want my money reinforcing Dan Didio's opinion that killing everyone is the best way to generate interest. Of course the man used to work on soap operas, so I shouldn't be surprised. Emo-boy Superman-Prime as a pastiche of the fans just really bothers/insults me. I only consistently follow some Vertigo comics right now-everything else I pick up an issue here and there on recommendation-lots of Authority, Elseworlds, and Blue Beetle. Damien (or however the hell you spell that) is scaring me away from Batman right now (except for Batgirl issues) and Ironman dickery has me leery of Marvel.

  9. I'm wary of starting a new topic but since I just splurged on some of the amazing X-Files line on ebay I wanted to chat. After producing 2 waves each with multiple exclusives in X-Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, PALz seemed to disappear. Lately I've seen ordering info for a Die Hard line-are PALz back or am I just posting at 5 am again? ;)

    PALz had the impressive degree of articulation and detail that minimates possess, with accompanying accessories galore. Personally I feel that part of the problem lay therein, since you had to pay extra for the vast amount of jackets, alternative arms, changes of pants, etc. while still only getting one figure. Also I find that one facial expression per head (one on each side) tends to be unusable since the paint (for the eyes especially) will get scratched off by the hair piece.

    Despite the flaws, I loved this figure type (although I'd rather simply have minimate versions-but until then...)

    So, discuss. PALz: Back in Black or Flash in the Pan?

  10. My Kitty is the only 'mate I've had where despite care, both legs broke off. I used two different solutions. On one leg I placed a very small amount of Staples super bonding glue and held the leg into place with a mini chip clip while it dried, since it kept wobbling when tried to do it "hands-on" so to speak. Since that leg now can't really be positioned, and I wanted to make sure she could stand up properly, I used a tiny bit of museum putty (also known as Quake Hold, blue-tac, etc.) to attach the other leg, so that I could shift her stance around. One permanent and one mutable solution. ;)

  11. Oh, Logan's manboobs hurt my eyes. For me, minimates always look more "natural" than Kubricks, a closer approximation of the human form. Probably because they are more in proportion (legs are longer than the torso) and because they are more similar to the Lego block figures of my childhood. Kubricks always look somehow wrong to me-irregular and "blocky" in a way more traditional block figures don't. The only thing Ilike better about Kubricks is that there are so many different varieties-I would love Muppet, Sesame Street, and Disney minimates for example.

    Thanks for inspiring this thread Jay, and thanks for starting it off with these great pictures buttheadsmate!

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