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Posts posted by battlecat

  1. If we didn't have variants, I don't think many of the cool variants we have gotten would have made it into any regular wave release -- okay Black Spidey would have, sure, but probably not Stealth Iron Man, Frosted Iceman, Diamond Emma Frost or Black Electra. I like those Mates because they're cool, not because they were a bitch to find. Even if DST released 8 per wave like DC, we likely wouldn't be getting a lot of the cool alternate versions we have, like Blondy Archangel... we'd get two completely different characters instead (which I'm sure would appeal to some, but I think we already get plenty of Mates these days, when you add in all the box sets and exclusives etc).

    Plus half the time the variant doesn't interest me (like, say, slapping a beard on Thor) and I get to save a few bucks. So I'm all for them. :)

  2. Looks like you're the lucky sonuva, Deadpool! :biggrin: I'm still waiting on my Animated order... looks like BBTS thought they got all 3 waves in on the Saturday, and so sent me notice the whole lot had arrived, but the waves 2 and 3 figures didn't switch to "in stock" on their website until later that week, and finally shipped last friday. No big deal, but I want to get my mitts on them already...

    Grimlock's underbite put me off a bit in the initial photos I saw, but it's grown on me a lot and now I think he's probably my favorite in the whole line.

    And I'm pretty sure that the Universe figures were at my comic shop (in Toronto) this week, but I was in a rush so I didn't pay much attention. (Don't know if this means they'll be widely available in Canada though, since they do import stuff.)

  3. I was expecting more of a cliffhanger, based on internet chatter, but I do have one question:

    Are we to assume that the entire planet looks like the area they were in? Earth is a big place, and I can think of areas on Earth today that look a bit like the location that they were standing in.

    Well when we've seen them approach new planets before, they do flybys or take satellite-style photos of the surface -- so I doubt they just happened to land in craptown. The implication seemed to be that either the whole Earth was a dump or that the area they landed in was the only sign of civilization and it was long gone... And only 8 months until we get to find out


    Just out of curiosity, what kind of cliffhanger were you expecting?

    Getting to Earth this early caught me way off guard -- kind of made up for this year's Lost finale being more straightforward than usual.

  4. i was just thinking about wolverine mates for the movie today. however, i was thinking of a comic boxed set like the spiderman one released last year

    -Some type of wolverine (1st appearance jim lee or a new civillian maybe)

    -Weapon X wolverine

    -Saberthooth (classic or jim lee)


    -X-23 or Jubilee or silver fox

    I forgot that the Spider-man one came out around the same time as SM3 -- between that and the Iron Man box they're putting out next month, it's looking good that they'll release a comic-based set to capitalize on the Wolvie movie, which I'd be much more interested in than the inevitable movie mates wave.

    Personally, I'd love to see Weapon X, Gambit, Deadpool and Jubilee, but any of them would be enough to make me buy a set.

  5. So it's looking like it plays out as earths future after we wipe ourselves from the face of the planet.

    Well all we saw were some ruins right? That just means the 13th colonists died out or left for somewhere else. Could be earth's future or past, or could be the "wrong" earth entirely or a trick of some kind -- especially since they found the place through Starbuck's weirdo ship and Cylon Radio, not by following "the dying leader" or whatever. Until they explain Starbuck, I guess I don't really buy it as earth.

    I also found it a bit strange that no one pressed Diana on who the final cylon is, although I guess they didn't want anything potentially screwing up the alliance. She did say the 5th cylon wasn't in the fleet though, which means it could be someone who was on the base ship at the time (Roslyn or Baltar, but both seem unlikely) or someone that's already died on the show. Or someone new. Or she was lying.


    The Donster -- last I heard it was still 2009 for the second half of the season.

  6. Wow, it's been quiet here. Has anyone gotten ahold of Animated stuff yet?

    I've seen them all over the place here, but been waiting on my BBTS preorders -- should finally ship out today. I wasn't expecting the wave 2 and 3 figures to show up at the same time as wave 1 though, so that'll be cool to get them all together.

    I'm getting Bumblebee, Prowl, Blackarachnia and Grimlock, and might grab a Jazz later... the rest of the designs don't appeal to me as much (in the toys I mean, I think the overall character design on the show is great).

    In this weekend's episode (the one that aired in Canada anyway),

    anyone know if that was the same voice actor that did Waspinator from Beast Wars at the end? Sounded spot on. Also, is Sentinel Prime supposed to be a robot version of The Tick? Exact same chin and "ears" (and idiocy) -- seems like it has to be intentional.

  7. But the Young Avengers, even though I'm not that into the series, have some pretty cool costumes that would work great.

    We already got one of them, don't we?

    That's true, and also the other version they released looks exactly like Vision did when they found him as a ghost-hologram or whatever at the beginning of YA. The fact that DST made him in those 2 versions is probably the strongest indicator that they'll make YA mates at some point -- though they might wait until Marvel finally gets around to starting the series back up again.

  8. I'm trying to limit myself on these because of the size. I don't really like the style they use for ones with human faces, so that helps. But I had to pick up the awesome Spidey, and that meant grabbing Venom too. Plus I've got Chewie, Vader and C3P0 from the SW line.

    The price seems good to me, but probably just because they're basically a mass-produced take on designer toys, and real designer/vinyl toys tend to cost a whole lot. I like the Venom tongue much more here than on the Minimate -- the first Marvel toy I ever bought, back in the early '90s, and was a Venom whose tongue stuck out when you pressed a lever on his back, so both of them just remind me of that...

  9. I'm not even remotely a completist, and only buy the ones I really like, and apparently I really like 119 of them (so good job DST!). 120 if you include my cobbled together (don't want to throw around the word "custom" for what's basically a mix-and-match + black Sharpie) non-translucent Kitty Pryde. 121 if you include the Sentinel.

    At first counting them made me feel uncomfortably aware of how much money I've spent on all this, but then reading about BHM's Mate Barn made me feel better. :)

  10. I'm not personally familiar with "Runaways" (or anything that Marvel has done in the last 5-10 years or so, actually), but I did read about this non-topic related point earlier this morning:

    Well, that's potentially awesome. Runaways is probably the best thing Marvel has done in the last 5-10 years (well, up until Vaughan left the series - hope they get him to write the movie), so you should check it out...

    Don't know if they'd work as minimates though, since they're so civilian. And I don't know if they'd look right in the same scale as "adult" minimates, especially Molly who's like 12. But the Young Avengers, even though I'm not that into the series, have some pretty cool costumes that would work great.

  11. If anyone lives in Toronto, they have Animated Wave 1 at the Silver Snail... which would be great if I hadn't preordered them at BBTS where they're expected in June. :rolleyes: Didn't think they'd get them at the comic shop, and didn't want to hunt through pillaged Walmarts and Toys'R'Uses... but oh well, get them soon enough.

    Patience is the key to this game. Hasbro has already stated that wave 1 figures will be available through at least wave 4. I don't expect any problem with finding any of them since it seems none of them will be short-packed.

    Oh, I don't mind waiting, it was just a drag to see and not buy, and I thought any other potential Toronto board members might like a head's up.

    That's cool that they're going to be so available -- a big part of the reason I didn't want to get them at the big box stores was how ridiculous it was finding that '08 Bumblebee last summer (my first attempt to buy a Transformer) when I could barely find one of the older model versions on the ransacked shelves. And then of course, after all the trouble it took to get one, they released a bunch more 6 months later and they were all over the place :)

    As a novice TF collector, it goes against all my toy-buying instincts to wait for things to reappear instead of snapping everything up right away... I mean it's great that Hasbro does it that way, it's just so different from Minimates and everything else...

  12. How do you get rid of the bars?

    The spoiler bars? Click and drag your mouse/cursor thing across them, to highlight the text...

    If anyone lives in Toronto, they have Animated Wave 1 at the Silver Snail... which would be great if I hadn't preordered them at BBTS where they're expected in June. :rolleyes: Didn't think they'd get them at the comic shop, and didn't want to hunt through pillaged Walmarts and Toys'R'Uses... but oh well, get them soon enough.

  13. Since when do allspark fragments mixed with random junk equal life and an Autobot? Starscream I can understand. he

    was alive, he has all the circuitry there, his datatracks are still intact. So bringing him bacl to life is easier than creating life.

    My impression was that there was a garbage truck on the boat that was infected by the fragment -- and assuming it was even a little bit robotic, that would mean it was reverse engineered from Megs, like everything else Sumdac built. They did previously show an Allspark fragment turn assembly line robots into a mini-army (although they weren't really brought to life I guess), and Sari's key has brought other Sumdac robots up to Autobot-level life, like the Dinobots and Soundwave, so it seemed plausible to me... And like Sari's key, the effect of a fragment seems to be pretty inconsistent, otherwise that train Starscream rigged would've made for one big robot.

    Anyway, I agree this was one of the best "random threat of the week" episodes so far, mostly thanks to the Weird Al stuff, and I also agree that Ratchet was way more annoying than usual. And geez, they didn't really do much of a search for Wreck-Gar at the end, considering they have no problem reaching the bottom of the lake. Ratchet gets one magnet-full of junk and assumes he's dead? Good job.

  14. Man, I LOVE these Decepticons! They are uber brutal. Megs freaking cut Sreamer in half! IN HALF! This show just wins my ever loving devotion.

    Best lines: "Little ol' Starscream is immortal!" and "STARSCREAM!" "Sorry! You must have me confused with some other Harrier jet!"

    That Harrier jet line was great too, the show seems to be getting a lot funnier lately. They even had Optimus laughing (pretty sure I've never seen that before) in the second Headmaster episode...

    I love these Decepticons too, especially how much they outclass the Autobots, and that both sides know it and the 'Cons barely acknowledge them as a threat. In the last episode Starscream didn't even really bother fighting them at the end, just swatted them off and walked away (which obviously didn't work in this case, but was still really cool in principle)...

  15. In case anyone's looking for the Revoltech Ultra Magnus variant, BBTS has put up a limited restock preorder thingy here:;mode=retail

    Wow, thanks, battlecat! I've been hoping to find one under $50 for months.

    Happy to help -- their main page is so busy I almost didn't notice it, so I thought it was worth a post!

    Anyone catch the last Animated episode? Now that I've gotten used to the character designs, and the Decepticon storyline's up and running, I'm really loving it.

    "Starscream, you couldn't lead a parade"

    -- awesome...

    edit: didn't think that counted as a spoiler, sorry (also didn't realize it was airing on YTV first, since they're usually behind on everything)

  16. Hadn't thought about the voting in that way, but yeah that'd work too... I know they've had some Cylon deaths in the show that were out of range of resurrection ships, I guess I always assumed that if a copy actually full-on died, it would be replaced with a completely fresh copy -- though your way makes more sense now that I think about the Sharon and Six living on Galactica, who must not have voted.

    I actually really like the way Cylon society has been shown in such an alien way on the show, especially when Baltar was living on the base ship and it was all just so "hazy"...

    Friday's was good -- I think they're pulling off

    Baltar's cult much better than I thought they would from the teaser last season, although the thing with his imaginary Six flopping him around like a puppet was a bit silly for me...

  17. Ah, thanks of the help, but I'm still confused. It doesn't stop me from liking the show, in fact it's in my top 5 of all time. But I do think the inconsistancies drive me banannas!

    I'm OK with the Aging thing. I still can't say I'm satisfied with the "You've Always been one" kind of statements, but that's doable.

    But the copies are killing me. I don't understand why there has to be so many models living at one time. It would seem more interesting if there was just 1 character and each time that 1 cylon died they would be downloaded and come again. I forgot all about that episode with all the Sharons, but that's a great point. Is there like 12 living Eights right now all waiting around. Then, if each of them were to die, do 12 more Sharons get awaked or are all 12 downloaded into 1 new body?!?!? And you're saying that the final 5 have no copies, they are the only 1's like them?!?! That just makes it worse! I'm not trying to be pickey, because again I love the show, I'm just trying to understand!! :) neo

    Well even if the Cylons killed off the human Tigh at some point and replaced him with Cylon Tigh, the Cylon Tigh would still have "always been one" -- but yeah, they've never said in the show how they inserted the sleeper Cylons into the fleet. I don't know if they've ever said how long Adama's known Tigh, but the Cylons didn't have human models until sometime after they disappeared after the first war, so if he was around that far back I'm guessing he was replaced.

    The thing with all the copies, is that that's how they've built their society -- thousands of (potentially) individual versions of the 7 models, spread across a fleet of base ships. We know they're potentially individual because their experiences can change them, like the sleeper Sharon

    switching sides on the recent vote

    or Caprica Sharon joining Galactica, etc. When one of them is killed their consciousness is transmitted to a resurrection ship and inserted into a new body, so the number of each model out there always remains consistent, which is how they could stalemate on votes (at least with the Xena Cylon away in stasis).

    The final 5 don't have new bodies waiting around on a regular resurrection ship because their identities are supposed to be a secret from the other Cylons for some reason. But they could in theory have their own resurrection ship lurking around somewhere, or a ship full of final 5 copies -- but probably not. They seem to have been designed for a different purpose than the regular 7 Cylons (so aren't part of their 'society'), by whoever/whatever built and programmed the human Cylons in the first place.

    Anyway, that's my impression of how all the Cylon craziness works...

  18. It wasn't so much that Cally was killed than how/why it happened that made me angry. There seemed to be no real purpose other than "what does one of the new Cylons do when somebody finds out about them?" (which turned out to be way too obvious for the show's usual brand of ambiguity.)

    I don't think it showed how

    *all* the new Cylons would react, just the President's assistant (can't remember her name right now), and of all the new Cylons she's the one that's gone the most nuts and quickly given up trying to maintain her humanity. If Cally had talked to her husband instead of clocking him in the head, I don't think his first reaction would have been to brutally kill her (and if he finds out one of his Cylon pals did just that, I don't think he'll be okay with it).

    As for excitement over this season, I thought the first two episodes held over that level of excitement from the finale, because like God Magnus said it felt like we were getting somewhere. And we are (there's what, 17 shows left?), but this week's episode was a bit more muddled for sure (although

    it was a great way to make you feel sympathy for Starbuck since she wants Earth to be just around the corner too


    Maybe it's something to do with knowing it's ending "soon" -- I had the same lull in excitement with Lost this season, even though I felt like I should be more excited now that they're moving towards a deadline.

  19. Also

    blowing Cally out the airlock was a complete surprise

    ... the intensity is building fast.

    That made me so angry! :angry:

    It kind of made me laugh, but only because

    how unlucky do you have to be to get blown out of an airlock TWICE?! Then I was sad that Cally was a space-popsicle.

    Also, I can't even begin to guess how they're going to explain

    Starbuck's return in her shiny new ship. There's no way she's the last cylon, but if not then "huh?"

    Love this show!

  20. As for the sales of 24 mates.... since Season 3 got put on ice, I think the question answers itself.

    Ah, didn't know about that. I guess I wasn't the only one not buying them then... Hopefully the Heroes line will go better for DST since the show is clearly catered towards comic book fans, costumes or no, and until/unless TRU gets back on the Minimate bandwagon, comic shops are still their major marketplace.

  21. Are 24 Minimates doing well?

    I don't actually know... they do sell out faster than Marvel or DC at my comic shop but obviously that means nothing. The only "civvie" line I've been into was BTTF, so I'm right there with you that Minimate likenesses are much more appealing when attached to recognizable costumes like with Marvel Mates, but then like Avenger said, Heroes is ridiculously popular, so hopefully they'll do okay.

    On a completely different note, I think it's really cool how DST is making some of its recent Mates so "transformable" -- from Havok's "double chest" to the "interior armor" Stark in the Civil War set, and now three different heads for Pym, basically making him two Mates in one!

    Also I was happy to hear they at least went after the Star Wars liscense, although it's hard to see Lucas saying no to anything considering how many product lines those movies have produced...

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