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Posts posted by undeadpool

  1. Right because a norse god, a genetically modified scientist, a billionaire playboy and super soldier frozen in ice from world War 2 made sense as a team up....

    Marvel doesn't need to apologize for hiring new writers who can bring us stories we haven't read before.

    There is literally nothing bad about this title being announced (at least based on the info we have). If you don't like it. Don't read it.

    It's as simple as that

  2. cant wait to see more of Michael B Jordan as Human Torch, dudes a great talent and totally fits the part :D

    The trailer has me more excited than the bits of info we had gotten prior. So far my only big gripe is the teaser obviously didnt have any store context or character interactions and that the "containment suits" seem a bit uninspired, its fine that they dont match the comics but i feel there were better design choices out there.

    Excited to see Doom now

  3. Supergirl will take place in the same universe as Flash and the Arrow according to the 3 series creator, though cameo's and crossovers are less likely due to the different networks

    they are also discussing an Atom spin off and announced an animated tie-in for Vixen airing on the CW's website

  4. Alright so I have just enough time before work to post some thoughts:

    Ironman: the standout in my opinion, the slimmer design translates very well here and the colors work better here than in most of the comics featuring the suit, hope we get his hair exposed helmet as well as his new glowing eyes

    Cap Falcon: truly superb figure as well, the new wing sculpt is great, new goggles look great, all around fantastic

    Kluh: ehhh...bad character from bad writing but the mate looks cool

    Carnage: honestly I have 3 of Luke's Carnage and they are still my favorite, though it's cool to see his robot legs included

    Hob goblin: I was lucky enough to own the original but this new one looks superior in every way, can't wait to see the alternate Kingsley look

    Red Onslaught: more excited for the alternate look and another cosmic cube

    Sabrerooth: I actually think dst hit the nail on the head with this design, I'm not even a fan of the character or him being the new wolverine, but this mate looks great!

    Apocalypse: this is the one I want the most, I sacrificed my original to a failed Avalanche custom and never got the aoa version so my xmen need a apocalypse and this one looks to be the new definite version!

    Another great wave Dst! Loving the new 8 figure system, will we still see army builders in the comics line or is this the new status quo?

  5. a reboot constitutes that they disregard past continuity, that is not the case, this seems more like a change in status quo.

    Its a relaunch not a reboot

    and superhero comics are like 95% stunts and gimmicks by nature, its part of the fun

  6. This is LITERALLY everything you need to know about Secret Wars, where Marvel is going and why Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers is truly Exemplary and well written work, and quite possibly the best Avengers run of the modern era



  7. Today at a press conference Marvel confirmed that Diamond Select is signed on to produce merch for the new event, they didnt specify what kind of merch but with them also name dropping Hasbro, Funko and Gentle Giant im gonna guess we can expect some Secret Wars minimates?

    here is the press conference, they confirm DST near the last 5 minutes

    Zach can you give us any info on what we might see? or is too early to say?

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