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Posts posted by undeadpool

  1. I agree that the concept of gay denial is an important one to explore as a lot of people suffer due to it, and I have no problem with a character having whatever sexual preferences they choose, what bothered me the most about this was jeans gross violation of personal thoughts and then to confront him on something he isn't ready to admit to himself is kinda awful of her. Then for them to blatantly push aside the thought of him being bisexual in favor of Jean saying he's "more full gay" seems like a step backward. Yes we need more representation of lbgtq characters but that means the entire spectrum, not just one facet, so for them to push the concept away so quickly and so bluntly felt a little backwards to me.

  2. I think the first trailer was cut better but this one definitely showed us more of the plot and thankfully, the team in action (which looks awesome!)

    favorite things about this reboot so far:

    1. The Thing looks incredible, intimating, BIG, and non-human yet still has blue eyes, firing on all cylinders for me


    2. Sue's powers look incredible this time around, offensive and defensive, she can fly! Im hoping shes as bad ass as she looks in the trailers


    3. Michael B Jordan is a ringer for Johnny Storms personality, and looks fantastic flamed on


    4. Reed looks good when stretching, looks clunky when not


    5. Cant wait to see Doom's origin in the film, if its anything like the rumors, I am very excited!


  3. In all seriousness, no writer is perfect, each have their strengths, some more than others. To me Remender is fantastic on his image books, Low, Deadly Class and Black Science are all incredibly fun.

    I do enjoy his All-New Cap and Uncanny Avengers but they may be entirely due to Daniel Acuna and Stuart Immonen

    I have been a huge fan of Slott's spidey since BigTime (thats when I began Amazing as an ongoing and havent missed an issue since)

    I think Spiderverse was fun for what it was and I love the current story of Parker Industries. Parker isnt perfect, hes still the same awkward, bad decision making, joke cracking science nerd i have always known him as so this just seems like natural progression to me

    and I really mean it, read Silk, that and Spidergwen are hands down my favorite spider-books

  4. okay so the remaining characters that i could see appear in minimate form are:

    Ironman mk 45

    Nick Fury (i know he was dropped from the blind bags, maybe this is his spot?)

    Klaue (yes thats the spelling in the MCU)

    Maria Hill

    Falcon (seems like he will actually get some real screen time as he was present for the cast line up at the premiere and has said you see his and Steve's relationship grow in this film)

    Doctor Cho

    Klaue, Ironman and Fury seem like no brainers but with War-Machine in the line up i wouldnt be surprised to see Falcon too

    I also wouldnt mind a new Maria Hill

  5. personally I dont need more TTA sets, simply because the popular characters will continue to get remade in other sets and i dont want to see their alternate looks wasted in a set with only them

    if a weapon X wolverine can sell a Maverick mate then thats what i'd prefer

    also I see the new DD costume as the final jab at the "Murdock has given up on a secret identity", so i see it as more a jab at himself than at Ellis's MK, hence why I like it

    also its stylish, while slightly impractical

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