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link 46

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Posts posted by link 46

  1. I really wish I could have been there this year.. and not just for the pen fight. :)

    Hehe. At SDCC, the pen is mightier than the Nerf styrofoam sword.

    Tthank you! I'd been waiting for that joke ever since i heard the story, but just imagine next years marvel panel, the spiderman reboot, Avengers, possibly iron man 3, more cap news... security better be top notch :lol:

  2. The panel sounded kinda like they were describing the booth from what i've heard. I got the feeling wave 38 will be daredevil though. The M.A.X mates getting villians is kinda scary( i hope they dont spark controversy). But i can't help but feel like they held back. Its kind of weird they hadn't planned past wave 37( what a weird number) but i guess we'll have to wait and see... Somthing im sure we're getting used to.

    On a separate note, did anyone check out the Rooster Teeth panel?

  3. So, does anyone that is at the con want to pick me up some of the promos?


    Also, ask the panel about the possibility of a M.A.X. motorcycle.

    My Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider wants to ride in style.

    And I'm still waiting for BHM to drive to my house.

    It would be greatly apprecaited :D

  4. So, the big question should be, would Blammoids have worked if they had done Watchmen? And how much would that have ticked off Alan Moore?

    He seems like the kinda guy does'nt enjoy his own work. Another artist like that has slipped my mind. But hopefully he'd prefer minimates to Blammiods. I certainly would.

    I know the chance for DC Mates to return a pretty slim, but if it falls though. I dont think mates will need the license. I mean they seem do be doing fine, if not better without it. However i would Also LOVE to see a Batman,"Hush", boxset. Maybe if DC mates return they'll be sold at target. I just hope its boxsets and not full waves. Then they'd almost centainly be easily found.

    Somewhere deep down, i can tell there wont really be DC Mates ever again. I look at lego Batman as an exqmple. They told pretty well, but outta nowhere they just dissapeared. But all we can do is hope... And boy will we hope.

  5. On a separate note: I predict Chuck will announce the return of Minimates to Target.

    i sure hope so, but i hope that they dont make another wave thats different from TRU or the LCS waves. however if they simply carried boxsets, i'd be okkay with that.

    this years con sounds amazing :( however i have no intention on missing next years, but that new deadpool looks fantastic. The new Wolvie mask is a little unappealing. I haven't read AoA yet, but the mates like pretty nice.

  6. thanks for the depression guys, i totally owe you one... hah kidding. all this stuff looks pretty cool although the halo mates are a tad bit clunky to me. heroic age iron man is ehhh. would have preferred the slip on mask. however those battle beast figures won me over. beautifully shiny. i would appreciate if someone could snag me the hand outs. :D

    - so whens the next photo contest? ;)

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