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Posts posted by CortherX

  1. LOL since we're nitpicking... how the heck does she mimic the voices? For example... in the opening scene from X-Men first class... she sees a picture of Charles's mom and mimics that but how in the world would she know what her voice sounds like? Hmmm mmm, let that sink in... hehe

    the way i saw is that Mystique had been hanging around the mansion for a while before Charles discovered her, so she'd heard his mother speak before.

  2. i think, though i'm not completely positive, that Disco Dazzler will be a main character in the upcoming A-Force series... so, there's that.

    I, too, would have liked some updated Uncanny looks, name Magneto and Magik, but i'm happy with a lot of the Marvel characters coming out... Dazzler, Howard, Spider-Gwen, and Captain Marvel are on the top of my list.

    That Old Man Logan clock would be great for a Mastermind custom. has it been used before?

  3. we have so many X-Men characters already... and i only want more! who do y'all think will be the next brand new X-Character to be made? and i'm not talking a redo, so if they already exist in some form or another (ie aoa Sunfire or swappable pieces Forge), you can't use them. I think a Marrow from Operation Zero tolerance would be sweet... Maybe an X-Factor (90s) Strong Guy, or X-Men Monet. don't get me wrong i'd love a Peter David modern X-Factor version of both of them, but only if we got a complete team. Maybe Mojo and Spiral? we're at that point where any new X-Character is going to be 2nd or 3rd string, which means we may not see them for a while...

  4. made me a Xorn.


    What did you use for the helmet?

    way to ruin my big reveal, NerdyTrev! yeah, it was a Dreadnought. i've been putting off buying Mandarin as he's not a character i've EVER read in a comic (and i've been reading comics for 28 years), but he was one i wanted to complete my Marvel Bad Guys display. i'd always planned on buying him individually, but one day i saw this set online for about the same price as it woulda cost me for just Mandarin, and I was looking at the Dreadnaught (never really heard of them, either) and it struck me... Xorn! they came yesterday and it took me about 20 minutes to get the back piece of the helmet filed down to a satisfactory level... but i think it worked out really well. but now i have an extra Dreadnought body for... something.


  5. these are the only mates i'm buying. nothing else that's been announced is anything i need or want. that on top of the awesomeness of the wave and getting my two favorite characters - Jubilee and Banshee - in it has just had me on the edge of my seat waiting for them to arrive!!

  6. i didn't make the custom Gen X mates, i stumbled across them on ebay. but Glantern, sadly, your arguments are valid. yeah, we've gotten versions of characters in the past that aren't very big or relevant now... but it really doesn't seem likely that we'd get them.

  7. Sooooooo excited for this wave. Minimates are really my X-men of choice. Though I love many eras of the team, for me, it is really all about the Jim Lee Blue and Gold teams (and the animated series team). Minimates is really the only place we can get a full line up (especially now with Banshee and Forge) where the characters are all the same style, scale, correct costumes etc. A few other toylines have come close (Marvel Universe and Marvel Legends) but there is always a dud in there somewhere or someone in the wrong costume, height, bad sculpt. Not so with the mini mates. smile.png Now we have some upgrade pieces coming for 90s Jubilee, a Banshee and a Forge, and more awesome X-villains! Not sure what my point is except that I'm excited. Really, really glad to see these guys coming soon, and I can't wait to see what is coming up in the future!


  8. i picked up an extra Vision/Quicksilver set, as well as AS6 and Mysterio. I'm going to keep Mysterio, but the rest are available for trade if you wanna holler at me.

  9. oh my gosh we're so close to getting them. i know those of us who ordered the two sets from Luke have to wait a bit long because of the stickers... but man, i'm jazzed for these.

  10. Uncanny Cyclops or Magneto, and Captain Marvel could all be the "obvious" choice as far as a high demand costume variant goes. and i would snatch all three of them up, but if i had to pick just one, it would be Magneto.

    the rest of them, i have no idea... NuThor, Thor with a missing arm, Old Man Rogers (all they'd need to do is make old man face and put it on Nick Fury Jr's body... "while three are more or less straight re-dos, one is a variation that is technically a brand-new character" seems like the obvious bet). maybe Eric O'Grady for Ant-Man, but i'd be surprised if they focused on anyone other than Pym or Lang.

  11. cripes i guess it just seems like it's been much longer because i'm so looking forward to this wave. best wave since 48, if you ask me.

    These were announced, not even solicited, in October. It hasn't even been five months. Pretty standard wait. Plus, the docks were more or less shut down for a while.

  12. Jean Grey does wear a blue and yellow costume in the issue where she meets up with Banshee and Forge (253ish), but it's not the same costume as the ones we're getting. similar, but not the same. they even mention that it's a bit over the top (ie too sexy) and were surprised that Moira had been the one to design them. i think the main difference is that the boots went halfway up the characters side.

    now, if you're putting characters in these costumes just for the sake of putting characters in the costume, then shoot have a ball. but the only other character that i think wears the actual costumes aside from the main ones to have been listed (Cecilia, Joseph, etc) would be good ol' Paulie. has he been mentioned? he didn't stick around long, but he does rock the look.

    also, i don't know how everything works, but it's crazy to me how long ago these were announced, and so many other things announced around the same time or even much more recently have been released. why couldn't this have happened to a wave i'm not so excited about? cuz i'm pretty excited about these.

  13. I'd love to get a Chamber figure, just because he is visually the most interesting member but I think any Generation X wave seems like a longshot when most all the characters are dead or irrelevant in the X-Books. I think M & Jubilee are the only ones that are even actively in any comic books right now.

    aside, from Emma, you're right. Husk was a C level character in Wolverine and the X-Men. i believe she's still at the Jean Grey school. Penance is maybe still at Avengers Academy? Synch and Skin both appeared in the Necrosha storyline, though very briefly and I assume they're dead again. Banshee was in Uncanny Avengers vol 1, but i'm not sure what happened to him after the Apocalypse twins storyline wrapped up. hopefully his character gets a reboot (along with Jubilee) when the Secret Wars dust settles.

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