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Posts posted by Dude

  1. From the Marvelous news quote on the front page "Also, the recently announced Secret Invasion box set is showcased, though it seems these characters will feature separate Skrull heads as opposed to the earlier announced reversible heads. " At least it's my understanding.

  2. I was ready to say there were too many Iron Men after this latest box set surprise announcement, but I've changed my mind. Bring on the Iron Men. It was a great movie and anything that gets sales for mates, I'm 100% behind. In case there was any doubt, I'll be getting them all.

  3. As always, I appreciate your responsiveness to us the fans and thank you for answering our questions.

    Are you considering, if sales hold, doing more Star Trek Next Generation minimates? You won't let Captain Picard and a Borg fight it out alone, will you? One wave with Ricker/Troy LaForge/Data Worf/Tasha Yar Dr. Crusher/Wesley with variants of either Lore or Romulian Tasha should meet most of fans needs. Not wants, mind you, needs.

    And remember when looking for a new property, Babylon V.

  4. Well, as I promised long ago, I'm done with DC Direct. Despite being a marvel zombie for the most part, I have spent alot of cash on DC Direct stuff. No longer. It's mates all the way. I liked the DC mates, but I can live without them. Oh well, more money in my pocket.

  5. It's a good wave, one of the best. My favorite is Red Sun Superman and Wonder Woman. I do like the female Question and it makes perfect sense seeing as she is with Batwoman, who I am also thrilled to get in mate form. The GL's were good additions to the corps and it's good to be fleshing out the Teen Titans.

    In my opinion, this is one of the best put together waves from a marketing standpoint. We have a superman and wonder woman, GL corps, teen titans and the batman franchises all represented. Sell your money makers. Throw in something obscure or rare in each wave and *poof* you have a success. It seems to be the way marvel sells their mates and they have lasted over twenty waves and sure we have a thousand spider-men and wolverines, but alot of other great characters. I could live with several cool superman variations in order to have the line survive. Just a thought.

    I hope DC reconsiders the "on hold" decision.

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