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Posts posted by O.B

  1. WAAAAARIO!!! thats pretty cool, but that crash test dummy dus take me back now. I remember I use to have loads of those toys. I remember my favourite was a character who was red and yellow and was built like superman with a large chin. Excellent work on slick, that is one cool minimate ( need a picture of him after a crash though :P )

  2. I however am sad about the HUGE gap between waves 3 and 4. That is over 2 months while the rest of the first three waves are coming out a month apart.

    You must be new to the minimate thing? gaps of 3-6 months are normal for marvel waves and more often than not lately it's been about a year between waves.

    2 months is nothing I tell ya ;)


    yeah and with all the other minimates this year such as BSG and Rocky, you'll be glad there are 2 month gaps, you'll need it to save all that money up......I know i do :biggrin:

  3. I've still not given up yet, Street Fighter is one of my favourite games ever! Hopefully with this new surge of minimates this year, they could capitalise an put SF back in the limelight. Maybe a rethinkin of series 2, dropping Felicia and talban (even though I like Dark Stalkers) and include maybe Sagat, Vega, Dhalslim or Balrog, who all can be made from re-used pieces. Whatever the case.....I need a Blanka minimate!

  4. I've been collecting minimates now for over 2 years, and thru out all that time my friend has mocked me for collecting what he calls little pieces of plastic, even though hes a huge marve buff.

    Hes also a BIG Battle Star Galactica fan. He couldn't even believe BSG would allow minimates to be made of them. Then I found out the other day he bought a modern centurion mate, just to put on top of his T.V of course. Then he came into today work and said, "DAMM YOU FOR MAKING ME COLLECT THOSE MINIMATES!!!"......he only gone and bought 2 more today (V.O.D and cannon) then started asking when the new ones were coming out, and if the vehicles are coming out too?

    Moral of the story.....Don't diss the mates till you've tried them!! :tongue:

  5. I'll be collecting them all. I personally can't wait for the D.C minimates, and also personally looking forward to the Kellogs and Rocky minimates. Am A big fan of the 2 inch minimate scale, (I never collected Lord of the Rings cept Sauron) and I love the variety of minimates potentialy have with licenses covering superheroes, sci-fi, video games and T.V. Even though I don't care for Speed Racer I still got the minimates. Also am a completist to a certain extent, i'll get the Ghost Rider series, and own every minimate so far, but owning promo/blank minimates doesn't interest me.

    If anything, I'll be putting my other collections on hold for a while (I collect sotas Street fighter figures, Binaltech Transformers, Necas Player Select and Masters of the Universe Staction figures) plus am selling my family guy figures off.

    All these licenses excite me, but nothing will cap Street Fighter minimates if they return.

  6. Hi, just like to say thanks for wave 16

    - Am a big Rocky fan, and I was just wondering if the first Rocky set was based on Rocky 1, and if any more sets are released will these be based on the other films, like set 2 would feature Apollo Creed, set 3 Clubber Lang, set 4 Ivan Drago etc... (I never got the 3 inch Mr.T, I much rather have a 2 inch version :P )

  7. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

    NOOOO! This totally sucks! I was hoping that they'd skip doin' Guy Gardner and Kilowog so I could get another chance to make second custom versions of them. They were about a week or 2 away from completion. Do I go on or wait for the real thing? To be honest, I'm very impressed with series 5 but (ego aside) Guy looks like he's got a beer gut and Kilowog head is shaped like a squash. Bummer. :(

    i think u should go on with ur customates, they might be better than the wave 5 ones. has any1 noticed that Red Tornado is bigger than Ma Hunkle. and does hawkman and hawkgirl have their Nth maces?

    :batmanblack: :superman::flash::bunny::batmanblue: :batmanblue: :batmanblue:

    I agree, I own kyle raynor, sinestro, Killowog and guy gardner minimates made by mini myte, and they look way better then the series 5 versions. Guy looks fat, and killowogs face looks weird. I dunno if to av mini mytes customs remain on me shelf, or make way for these new versions, as killowog is a bigger body and in scale. maybe i could swap guys head over wi my custom so it'll fit in more...

  8. I think the next wave will be based on Spiderman 3, but i would like a wave consisting of classic X Men characters

    -Jean Gray

    -Classic Beast





    I'd be happy if even half those characters were included, with some lesser known characters.

    Or an all bad guy wave :biggrin:

  9. D'oh, jus realised my mistake. What i mean't was that that the LOTR line normal human size was 2.5", where the hobbits were 2", thats why i didn't collect them. Think i got mixed up coz the only one i picked up was Sauron cuz the 3" body suited him next to my 2 inch characters.

  10. I'm a fan of the 2 inch body, but i don't mind the 2.5 body. I would rather see larger characters represented in 2.5 form. I just wish some marvel characters had the 2.5 body, like juggernaut and hulk (ho hum) I don't like the 3 inch body though, i'ts the only reason i didn't collect the lord of the rings line, they would have looked too out of place with my collection.

    As for luthor and omac, they look 2 inch to me, Luthor looks bigger because of the armor.

    By the way, is Bane 2.5 tall?

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