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Posts posted by rx78jj

  1. It's a Multiverse cus where else do you find Street Fgihter and Lord of the Rings in one place but not really intersecting with each other. We're like the Watchers, but we do meddle in the affairs of our little minimate population. And we do create new minis on occassion. But even the Watchers have someone else that's higher up on the ladder. :rolleyes:

  2. Well........The DC minis will be getting my full attention. The Rocky mates will get overlooked for the moment. Maybe if I find them on eBay real cheap, then I'll get them. BSG wont be getting my attention since I never really liked the series or TV show. Now the 24 mates did peak my interest, but of course only if they look good and have some cool looking characters. As for Marvel, the X3 line is a maybe as well as the Ghost Rider line. MAybe if I find them cheap enough and if they have some good accessories to them that I can use. As for the Avengers series...... that as well will get my full attention. To put it lightly, I wont be eating lunch anytime soon when these bad boys come out. Oh and no cereal mates.

  3. Damn talk about giving me a boost in minimates. I feel so good now. X3 and Ghost Rider minis are luke warm, but Avengers Minis are just sooooooooo good. I'm a little dissapointed about there not being a Ionic Wonderman, but thats ok. I can bite my tounge on that little issue. Just as long as the next wave contains Hawkeye, Antman, Wasp, and another Iron Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horray for THOR!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

  4. I actually bought two sets to really get the size I wanted. Took me a few hours to really get the layout I wanted. To top it off I even bought the Figure Factory Doom. That little guy comes with two flags from his country that I'm gonna put on his castle to really bring out the Latverian way. :D

  5. Well I went to Target today and went thru the isles with all the crap that's on special right now and found something interesting. I bought the sucker and started building a castle for my little minimate Dr. Doom. Well, I'll let you be the judge on how it turned out.


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