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Posts posted by hyejinx1984

  1. Thanks for the kind words!

    One thing I wanted to pull off was have a power-house chest WITH a cape, since you almost never see that... so I think that worked. I'm still not happy with the head... I was trying to find a blue face/head but I don't think there is one yet, so I just painted Deadman blue and gave him pupils. As for the mohawk, before you ask...



    yes, that's a foot on his head :P

  2. Since we have yet to get any mo-hawked characters (damn you Zangief for not being released!) how would you guys go about making a GOOD looking mo-hawk for a minimate custom? Post some pictures if you guys have done it. I wanna do a character that requires a mo-hawk...

  3. I was thinking about how there was that DC two pack of Ma Hunkel and the Red Tornado... two different characters with the same alias. How cool would it be to see a two pack with Melvin Potter in his classic Yellow and Gray with the helmet (ahem, battle scarred thing's helmet could be reused...) and saws on his hands, packaged with the Shi'ar Empire's own imperial guardsman Gladiator? Both would be really cool minimates on their own, and even cooler if packaged together!

    (In case anyone doesn't know who I'm talking about...)

    Gladiator (Melvin Potter)


    Gladiator (Shi'Ar)


  4. This is one of the worst variants this line has ever seen, and the fact that it comes in such a recent wave is even more depressing. The figure itself is absolutely nothing new, a standard minimate body with a rehash hair piece. Ok, I could live with that, even though an accessory jacket would have been nice (Luke Cages could have been painted brown and yellow, boom right there... lazy AA). But the paint job on it is atrociously embaressing. The entire figure, save the head/face of course, are all solid colors, and the ONLY design/drawing on it what so ever are the lines of the lapels on the "jacket"... they don't even look drawn or fabricy, they are straight lines that looked like they were made in Microsoft Paint. This figure just screams "Series 1"... which is depressing because when you look at the accessories and paintjobs recent waves have been getting, this was really a wasted opportunity. Anyway, I'm done complaining. Since I have like 3 Luke Cages now (no joke) maybe I'll convert one of his jackets into a DOFP jacket. Still, very depressing figure, shouldn't have been a chase that I spent extra money on.

  5. I guess my thing is that it would be cool if there was a charcater here or there that warranted it, but it seems like every wave now will have one of those... and it just seems kind of forced. Is Braniac even that big? Like I said, I don't know much about DC. much more of a Marvel guy.

  6. So I just started picking up DC Mates, a few of which are Braniac 13, Bane and Kilowog. I thought the idea of a few select mates being oversized would be cool, but now that I have them, I'm not so sure... granted, I don't know much about DC stuff, but is Bane really THAT big? to be depicted as the same size as Kilowog? And are they FUN? You can't really mix and match since there's really only like 3 or 4 mates the same size... and they don't even really look LIKE minimates, they're getting a little too Kubrick-esque, especially the Kilowog. I dunno, what do you guys think?

  7. I'm a Marvel purist no more... I buckled down and bought every DC pack they had at the storee today, 14 DC PACKS! I almost have the entire set, save for about 12 DC mates... and, of couse, the C3 stuff, but we won't even tough that right now...

  8. I was a pretty hardcore Marvel-Mate collector for a while, but now I'm starting to fall for the DC Mates as well. Specifically, I like all the cool minimates that came with the C3 sets, stuff that hasn't been released in the regular waves... such as Martion Manhunter, Jon Stuart, Man-Bat, etc... not to mention all those cool different versions of batman (love the "pilot batman). ANY-way... I really don't care about the playsets themselves, I graduated from Legos a while ago... is there anyway to pick up all of the Mini Mates that came with the playsets and flyers without having to buy the whole thing? Does AA have any plans for releasing these as some box set? I WANT I WANT I WANT!


    If anyone has a clear pic of the Man-Bat minimate could you post it for me pleeeeease?

  9. I love this pack also. Luke and Danny are one of my favorite duos out there... like Batman and Robin, Ken and Ryu, Ike and Tina... the only thing I would have changed was given Luke a "power-house" chest... not an extremely think one, just like a single layer thicker.

    *Le Sigh* Doesn't it make you wish he stil dressed up as a superhero in the comics? I'm so sick of the Sean John Crusader...

  10. If this was purely a street fighter line, would it have been more successful? Don't get me wrong, I love Darkstalkers, possibly even more than street fighter... but it's no where near as popular of a franchise, and if instead of Morrigan and Demetri there was, say a Guile and Cammy or something like that, would it have made the line stronger? Some people are also really sensitive about mixing franchises, especially geeks. A pure street fighter line or a pure dark stalkers ine may have been successful, but mixing them may have been too unkosher for fans... maybe they should have called it "Capcom Minimates"? That may have helped?

  11. I don't know why this didn't sell better. You'd think there are more geeky street fighter fans than there are for Rocky or whatever other ridiculous license AA is doing now. There was a canceled second wave that I believe had Felicia, Ken, etc... where there ever promo pictures made up for these? I'd love to see them if there were.

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