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Posts posted by Rad

  1. Mmmmm.... Appleworks is similar to the Microsoft works bundle that comes with pc's.

    It does have a drawing and a painting facility but they're pretty limited. Or maybe it's me who's pretty limited? :D

    There's not a great deal of free software out there for macs. Most stuff is Shareware which at least allows you to try before you buy.

  2. I can remember reading about minimates in Toyfare and thinking they looked rubbish. Then, I was on a city break in New York and browsing in Jim Hanleys Universe when I saw the ultimate x-men line. I had to have em they were superb little figures! LIke a fool I passed up on the visorless cyke cos I couldn't see the point in paying $7 when the others were only $3!!!! D'oh! I also picked up one of the Daredevil/Hulk 4 packs in TRU but that was a present for a friend.

    That was my mini collection for about six months, then I saw the Giant Size X-men set for sale on the web for £17 and had to have it. That's when the addiction started. Once I had them I had to get more. Toyz and Gamez got the Doc Ock wave and I had the lot. Was always disappointed that I'd missed out on Spidey and DD but then a mate in london emailed to say he'd found the DD/Elektra pack and had got it for me. A bit of ebaying got me the Cap/Punisher Wolvie/Mariko two packs and then I discovered Minimates Central... Through Dannys site I discovered the AA board (whatever happened to that?) and through the AA board I discovered the existance of C3 and a whole load of good mates to trade with.

    That's you lot. Cheers chaps *raises glass* :D

  3. I love that Johnny figure. Anybody ever read "No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs"? A good read by the Rotten man himself.

    Johnny's superb. Like Danny says they really got the stare down.

    I've read Lydon's book. It's great but you really need to read England's Dreaming by John Savage too. That way you get a more balanced idea of what went on. Much as I love Lydon's book he really didn't invent Punk Rock all by himself. :D

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