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God Magnus

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Posts posted by God Magnus

  1. i went into k-mart and saw both 5-packs, they had like three of each, i have to say they are really awesome, i didnt buy them because i need my money for wizard world chicago. maybe i should go abck and put them on lay away! they didnt have single packs though...

    I also saw them at K-Mart. The one I went to had both five-packs and all of the single carded figures, including the Snake Eyes with black Timber. I grabbed them for a friend. I guess K-Mart is the place to go for these. Well, in southeast Michigan at least.

  2. Always loved Batman Beyond and recently bought the action figure that came out in a Batman/Superman Wave. It was the one exception to my "only minimates" rule. I would love if Batman Beyond was one of the 52 and we could get some figures. Great topic and I officially have my hopes up.

    Did you notice that they mention that he's Tim Drake in the bio on the back of the card?

  3. I got my Music Label Soundwave and Rumble & Frenzy earphones today! They are beautiful. I got the Spark Blue version but I haven't opened them yet. I think I might save that particular pleasure for my birthday in a couple weeks. Here is a comprehensive new gallery of the white version if anybody's interested in seeing more pictures of it. Seibertron said he should have a gallery of the Spark Blue version up by the end of the week.

  4. Batman Beyond has already appeared in the DCU proper. He was in an issue of Superman & Batman a couple of years back (during the Bizarro/Batzarro storyline). They were jumping around different timelines and Batman Beyond appeared. At this point, with all the multiple earths they've brought back BB is part of regular DCU continuity as far as I'm concerned. (If Superboy can punch a hole in reality and bring back Jason Todd, why not Terry McGinnis?)

    Well, I don't know if realities created by Mr. Mxyzptlk and the Joker can be considered part of the DCU propper. Besides, I think we might have to see what happens to Damian after Ra's Al Ghul returns.

    After the last Crisis, Batman Beyond hasn't been shown as one of the fifty two worlds or as a potential future. So I don't think it's part of continuity anymore.

    I haven't been following along, what are DC's 52 new worlds? Is this a temporary thing or is the Multiverse truly back?

    They haven't all been established yet but the Multiverse is definitely back. At least until Final Crisis, that is.

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