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Posts posted by minimatestopmotion

  1. Minimates are a great product: they're small, relatively cheap, and can come with a load of accessories. With proper outreach, I think a lot of retailers would definitely sell them. I just think DST has gotten a bit lazy and is focusing its energy on the statues and whatnot. We only got one wave of endgame and nothing for far from home. Even look at the John Wick box set, it comes with the same standard guns that we've seen a million times instead of any new ones. I don't know about the end of Minimates, but it sure doesn't look good.

  2. 1 hour ago, stack32 said:

    Interesting, mine certainly doesn't feel removable, there's no give anywhere. I'll have to carefully check again.

    Update: Upon further review I can confirm the gun on mine is going nowhere without the careful application of an X-acto knife, it's definitely glued to the chest piece.

    That's so odd, because when I took the chest piece off, I pushed it a little bit from the inside and it came right out. I can insert it back into the chest piece just as easily too.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Smashmaster12 said:

    I'm just now realizing that the team suits we got aren't even accurate to the ones in the movie. The Minimates have a dark, greyish-silver print while the movie has them wearing super bright almost white costumes.

    That’s why I’m hesitant to buy the box set. The figures kind of just look meh. Like nothing interesting just some grey figures that don’t even resemble the movie.

  4. 6 hours ago, luke314pi said:

    Ok after having seen the movie, I would love to make a sticker kit right now, but I am way too busy to do it. However, I can include a few designs with my next Luke Crate later this summer. If you would be interested in stickers, please take the following poll (and note that I only included characters that could be made using stickers, so for example Korg is not included):

    YES!!! That is awesome. Thanks Luke!

  5. 5 hours ago, ampirius said:
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    I also tried to use Blob's chestpiece, but the beard won't fit on that body. 

    So I customized this. With correct paint apps, storm breaker, and the Endgame Thor head, we could get something a little more accurate to what we saw in the movie. 

    Man, that is spot on! 


    You painted the beard, right?


  6. 10 hours ago, slipstream said:

    I agree - coming out of it, I was like where is this? Or that? I'm glad to be able to build all the different teammates in their quantum suits though. Things I wish we could get:

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    Scruffy Thor head for his quantum suit

    Final battle Thor and Cap suits

    An Iron Man infinity gauntlet - regular and Hulk/Thanos sized




    Fat Thor

    Valkyrie in her final suit


    Powered-Up Captain Marvel w/ short hair

    Pepper in the Iron Man Suit

    Some of Iron Man's suit attachments

    Maybe Cap's broken shield

    The Quantum Realm helmets

    and so, so much more.


    Also, Hawkeye's, Tony's, and Nebula's look are just way different in the movie than in Minimate form which is a little disappointing.



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