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Posts posted by OvenproofBug6

  1. 31 minutes ago, MisterPL said:

    I just saw the first film ($7.50 at Target!) and now I’m really wondering why DST started with the second film. Still looking forward to this set but, dang, hopefully the first flick will get some love. 

    I mean you get John Wick who is in every movie and Winston who I believe is also in the 1st movie? If they continue with these, quite a few characters cross over from movie to movie, sometimes wearing the exact same or similar clothes

  2. 5 hours ago, Chigarillo said:

    Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants?

    Absolutely. If it is "modern" (at one point I considered Abnett/Lanning modern), I really hope they had enough time to make designs based off of Cates' run, but then again, I can't remember the last time Marvel minimates were released that were in an ongoing comic, especially one that is only 6 issues in...

  3. 9 hours ago, NerdyTrev said:

    I meant not classic Annihilation Wave like everyone seems to be pinning for. Bendis what was in my mind, though. F***ing Bendis. 

    The only redeeming thing about a Bendis wave would be Kitty Pryde w/ Star Lord costume, which could easily be a highly requested character that isn't the costume people have been asking for

  4. Darkhawk, Moondragon, and Quasar are my best guesses for the new characters. As for redos, it's some amalgam of a couple Guardians and maybe some cosmic villains we already have

  5. 17 minutes ago, NerdyTrev said:

    Ya, comic Guardians make the most sense to me. 

    ...but I wouldn't be surprised if it was modern comic Guardians.

    Modern as in Abnett/Lanning? Bendis? Cates? Cates seems unlikely since that series just started this year, though it has some very enticing unmade characters

  6. 40 minutes ago, hellpop said:

    Sounds like the Guardians of the Galaxy (maybe via an Annihilation theme) to me. That would be cool.

    I agree, seems likely, with the "lots of movie versions" hint

  7. 2 hours ago, montrossx said:

    Are new costumes considered a redo or new character? Vision, Goliath, Binary...

    Based on my understanding and previous wave threads, new costumes are still redos. But I could be wrong

  8. 50 minutes ago, fwoosheyman said:

    Almost every Marvel character has been requested by multiple people here so I’ve got no idea what the wave could be. I’d like a break from spidey/X-men for awhile.

    I mean...I never mind more X-Men, but I definitely see where you're coming from. If they announce the 3rd Spidey wave in the last 4 waves I'd be scratching my head. I agree, there have been so many Marvel comics characters/teams/storylines requested that it's hard to straighten out what it might be.

    53 minutes ago, fwoosheyman said:

    If 3 packs per wave means a move to more smaller waves per yr then that’s good in my opinion but if it’s still just 3-4 waves per yr, no comic box sets, etc I can’t see it as anything but bad. 

    I'm going to echo the sentiment that 3 packs per wave is better than no waves at all. Obviously, we're not sure why there are only 3 in this wave; it could be an attempt to cut costs on tight budget constraint, or it simply could have made sense with the character lineup, who knows? Only the brains behind the operation, but as long as we're still getting marvel comics 'mates, I'll be happy.

  9. 2 hours ago, youbastards said:

    4 members on the forum repeatedly saying they want more Inhumans mates?

    No ill intent here, I just don't see Inhumans as a high likelihood for a wave theme; they just don't have the brand identity to anchor a wave like the Avengers, Spider-Man or even the Guardians. And considering the struggles 'mates have had at retail as of late, and perhaps that struggle appearing in the form of having less packs in a wave, I see DST playing it safe with themes & characters focused around the above properties, along with the X-Men (even if I'd rather them explore more unmade characters and teams)

    Plus DST has already made 3 of the most important players in the royal family. I think best case for seeing more Inhumans at this point would be getting Crystal and maybe a comics Medusa as part of an Avengers wave.

  10. 1 hour ago, youbastards said:

    I want to say Inhumans, but the numbers don't add up.


    15 hours ago, DSTZach said:

    79 is a theme everyone has been asking for, including here.

    ...I'm thinking it's a bit more than just numbers that don't add up

  11. 1 hour ago, stack32 said:

    Anyone else notice DST's latest ship dates updates has these listed under Fall 2019?

    ...and 78 isn't even on the list; might've got pushed to winter.

  12. 31 minutes ago, BuffaloDelorean said:

    I know we all know it's never going to happen, but I'd love Star Wars minimates. Solo reminded me of why I love the property so much, and I've been much more excited about it since. DST is releasing Star Wars product now, but things don't seem like that could expand to minimates.

    Everytime Star Wars minimates are mentioned I have a brief heart palpitation which quickly  turns into sorrow after remembering it's near impossible.

  13. Some conversation on the End is Nigh thread got me thinking about potential future properties, which I have no idea if they've been discussed on this thread before. These are all properties that I believe fit with DST licensing trends, fit with the minimate design and style, and are all relatively untouched (at least at the moment) in terms of toy licensing. So here we go:

    1) Blade Runner & Blade Runner 2049 - A really dynamic and beautiful world of characters to pull from. Perhaps a bit niche, but considering some licenses DST had gone after previously I think this would be a great fit. I could also see the police spinner being a potential vehicle set.

    2) Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra - Some would say the time has passed, but in fact, I think it a great time to pursue this license with the Netflix series being produced. Deep character library full of color and variety rivaling that of our comic powerhouses, plus some extremely cool elemental effects and accessories! Maybe even a few creatures? Did someone say minimate-scale Appa? YES PLEASE

    3) Mad Max: Fury Road - Some really neat post-apocalyptic costumes, not a deep character library, but certainly could lend itself nicely to several box sets, perhaps even some vehicles??

    4) Tron: Legacy - Colorful, bright and streamlined costumes, another good opportunity for a few box sets and perhaps some light cycles. Also optimistic about this one because DST was able to get the the license for the oiriginal 1982 movie through the Kingdom Hearts line.

    5) Pacific Rim - Tiny jaegers! Need I say more? But in all seriousness DST already has the license, it seems the biggest thing holding them back would be the excessive amount of sculpting that would be required for all the different jaegers and kaiju.

  14. 1 hour ago, AFMcGill said:

    So, is it official, we're NOT getting alt arms for Madrox?

    (also as someone pointed out, it wouldn't work as Guido has the wrong type of arms, big sleeves iirc, for jacketless Madrox)

    No, we'll see, the only accessories that we've seen are Havok and Polaris' effect piece. Ah yes, he has that annoying puffy shoulder piece, I didn't notice that at first glance.

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