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Posts posted by BuffaloDelorean

  1. On August 17, 2016 at 5:45 PM, elhonez said:

    @BuffaloD - you had to buy multiple of wave 60 to complete the team too. That's why I pivoted & suggested a "New Mutants Sentinel" army builder with M/F Hellions as the swap figs. You buy multiple, but at least you get army builders out of it, rather than e.g. multiple Pyros.

    What I meant was that you'd have to buy multiple one per case variant sets.

  2. 42 minutes ago, MisterPL said:

    Not bad but I'm seeing more than one flesh color on that team. We'll need multiple chest blocks, too.

    Yeah, the same chest block would work for the girls, but all three of the boys would need a different chest block. Although, Proudstar is bulky enough that he could use a chest cap to cover one of the other skin tones.

  3. 28 minutes ago, The Scarlet Spider said:

    Or instead of Karen. Much rather have everyone else in that 4 pack than Karen. 

    Eh, I'd say Karen is a main character, certainly more so than Stick or someone who shows up in the shadows and a fight scene. I'll be a bit disappointed if we don't get her. (Although I guess there's always S3.)

  4. 6 hours ago, DSTZach said:

    There will be a Daredevil Season 2 box set. I've seen art.

    And Punisher has his own series coming up, maybe we'll revisit him then.


    Oh, that's great!


    5 hours ago, Mysterious Stranger said:

    Season 2 box set? Battle damaged Daredevil, Karen, Elektra,

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    This sounds about right. The only other thing I can imagine would be Stick instead of your fourth character.

  5. I'd like to see a new Jewel minimate because of Jessica Jones' newfound popularity. Danny, Matt, and Luke have all been rereleased in Greatest Hits wave 2, so she's the only Netflix Defender who doesn't have a currently available comic counterpart.

  6. 1 hour ago, Chigarillo said:

    Nope, they've never put them on their website... Also fair warning to others; DO NOT look up Minimates on the Walgreens site... It brings up very, very, VERY bad results. namely products for ladies... enjoyment.


    Can we just pin that or something so people don't have to keep saying it?

  7. 8 hours ago, NerdyTrev said:

    That's weird. What does it look like then? If anyone has a picture. Is it a new sculpt or just something old that DST threw together.

    It's overall the same mold as the original bow, however, it has a hole in the place of the notch for the arrow. I think the notch is an additional part that is glued into the bow. I thought it was just mine, but it seems multiple copies of this pack lack the notch piece.

    EDIT: My mistake, it's still missing the arrow notch, but isn't the "Best Of" mold. It's the mold that was used by the first Hawkeye minimate.

  8. 5 hours ago, slipstream said:

    I agree. I loved the Purple/Yellow uniforms, gave the team an actual unified aesthetic. It hasn't really made it's mark on history, though, for sure. I doubt it would be very high on the list of minimates to be made.


    Especially since we already have two unfinished 90's X-Forces.

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