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Posts posted by BuffaloDelorean

  1. I hope this wave is released soon, it seems like we've gotten less Marvel comic 'mates this year. I'm counting 25, but I'm not sure if that's any lower than normal.

  2. 1 hour ago, Turtle said:

    I'm curious about what a definitive Thor would be for you.  The Stormbreaker version, Greatest Hits version, TRU 12/First Appearance version, and the Wave 44 beardless version all strike me as great, definitive classic versions. 

    Don't get me wrong, all of those are decent options, but (IMO) they all either fall short in some way or are based on too specific a design. All of the elements of a "perfect" Thor are there, they just need to be put together.

  3. I'd rather get some of Thor's non-Asgardian foes (classic Radioactive Man, Grey Gargoyle, Wrecking Crew...) than the Warriors Three, but we still need a definitive Thor, and Executioner and Ulik would be great.

    I think Throg would work better as a pack in, though.

  4. I thought it was that Disney-Marvel had the rights to the Skrulls , while Fox specifically had the rights to the Super-Skrull. It doesn't really make sense to me, but it's what I heard.

    If the villains in The Avengers really were originally supposed to be Skrulls, it would support that.

  5. There are bios in the press release, although I'm not sure how close they are to the comics.

    Screwball seems to be a comic character, based on the fact that I saw Humberto Ramos art when I googled the name.

    Wasp and Masque look like nice minimates, but they're too far (in terms of design, not style) from the comics for me.

  6. Another GotG wave would be nice. I'd like to see:

    Ravager Star-Lord & Rhomann Dey with Garthan Saal head

    Ravager Gamora & Collector with Cosmo

    Ravager Rocket & Kraglin with plant pot Groot

    Ravager Drax & Korath

    Nova Prime would be a good BaF, if we're still doing those.

  7. Those are great customs/modifications!

    I hadn't realised how well Predators Topher Grace's parts worked for Rick. It makes me wish I'd picked one up when the Predator blind bags were collecting dust at my LCS.

    Your kitbashed Vision looks good, but I wish DST would just release a new one.

    That Thor is pretty much exactly what I was picturing in the Definitive Minimates thread (although my personal preference is clean-shaven and yellow boots/belt).

    I've made a similar Gyrich, although mine is on a plain black suit body. The Waldorf base looks much better.

  8. Wave 68 Colossus is my preferred version too, although I did modify him to be a bit taller.

    I don't think Venom should be Hulk-sized, either. I got a really good deal on an incomplete Venom Unleashed, but that other Brock-Venom is closer to the size I think he should be.

    Wave 25 Iron Man is great. If that version had the flat red and yellow paint it'd be perfect, IMO.

    I like the colours of the Best Of Captain America and Hawkeye better, but the Heroes Return versions are good too.

    The original Magneto helmet is closer to the Cockrum/Byrne aesthetic I prefer, but the sculpt of it is too soft to look right to me.

  9. @Gillbob316

    Best Of Thor is one of the better versions of the character, but my "perfect" pieced together Thor would be the first appearance variant with the torso and head of the one from the Stormbreaker box set, and the helmet of Heroes Return Thor:


    I definitely agree with Best Of Wolverine over the messy-looking 90's Wolverine. I'm curious as to what your issue is with this brown Wolverine, though:


    The Deadpool Corps Deadpool is mostly good, but the lack of painted details on his legs looks off to me.

    I tried to stay away from the X-Men because with a lot of them it's mostly down to which costume you prefer. We absolutely need a new classic Beast, though.

    I really like the retro look of Best Of Iron Man, but he could really use some extra detail on his limbs. I've been thinking of tracking down the original Iron Man 'mate to try that.

    I prefer the MvC Doom to the Villains box set version. It's overly bulky and has restricted movement, but at least it doesn't use the awful original Doom cloak:


    The face of Dark Magneto is nice, but I don't really like the bulky bracers and metallic red, so IMO the best is the MvC version again:


    While a lot of them aren't perfect, the MvC and Best Of versions of characters are usually my favourites.

  10. I know there's a lot of support for the original Deadpool 'mate, but I've never particularly liked it. I find the straps clunky-looking and the red too dark. I don't think the slipcover mask works for Deadpool, either. My favourite individual Deadpool is the alternate look for Hulkpool, but even that one's missing sculpted straps and the black stripes on his feet:


    The Hulk from that set is pretty much perfect, too:


    My pick for the best Spidey would be the Classic Heroic Age version because it's bright blue with full wrist webs and a painted mask, but it isn't perfect:


    I think the Death of Jean DeWolff wave Daredevil has a really nice, comicbook-y look to it:


    I don't think we have a single definitive Thor minimate yet, but you could probably put one together from all the versions we've had.

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